The Nova Scotia SouthCoast Today picks up the latest developments

Folks in the internet age word sure does travel fast as the SouthCoast Today is all over the latest developments in the Aaron Broussard-Trout Point development money laundering scheme.


In this special episode of Magnum JD the girls at Trout Point reach out to Magnum

Folks I have a comprehensive post coming on Trout Point Lodge’s Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret’s latest foray into the blogging world but meantime I laughed hysterically at their reaching out to poor Magnum, who was last seen dressed hideously at the ESU Tea last month.


BREAKING: Aaron Broussard Laundered his money through Nova Scotia!!!!! A Trout Point Update

Folks, the walls must really be closing in on the girls methinks given the nasty grams and such they have been sending me of late. Well folks, Rich Rainey of all people has the skinny on Karen Parker’s plea and “factual basis”, which contained the following tidbit:

Additionally, from approximately 2004 through 2010, Broussard received monies, totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars, that were characterized as, among other things, “retainers,” “consulting fees” or “finder’s fees” with various contractors and vendors, all of whom were doing business with Jefferson Parish during the period of time Broussard was the President of Jefferson Parish. Moreover, Broussard was a majority owner in a holding company which owned an investment property in Canada. Broussard received income from this Canadian property. This property was partially funded by individuals and/or entities who were contractors and/or vendors doing business with Jefferson Parish during the period of time Broussard was the Jefferson Parish President.

Folks all I can say is Leary and his wife Vaughn Perret, owners of the Trout Point Lodge in Nova Scotia and fiscal agents for Broussard’s real estate holdings at the Trout Point development have actually threatened to do what I told them they had to do originally; namely if they wanted to sue me they had better come to the US. So girls, you’ve been living on Slabbed lately and talking lots of trash so this is my official answer to you and rest assured I have a compete series of posts coming that will explore both Karen Parker’s latest revelations and soooo much more. ~ sop


WWL Tee Vee’s Mike Perlstein had this on this twitter timeline.

Fox 8 and WWL TeeVee is reporting Karen Parker will be in court to plead guilty to Misprison of Felony.

Aaron Broussard’s ex-wife is due in court this morning folks to change her plea in the payroll fraud portion of what we call the Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal. Worth noting is Miss Parker was cut in by her then hubby Aaron Broussard on his portion of the development at Trout Point in Nova Scotia, another tentacle of the ongoing investigation into the most significant political corruption investigation in Metro New Orleans in a generation.  I’ll update this post today as the story on Parker’s change of plea and agreement to cooperate with the FBI and state authorities in the ongoing investigation develop.  Sources indicate Miss Parker can avoid jail time completely under the terms of her plea.


Do you folks remember me saying I thought Alabama fans were “some of the most obnoxious fans in all of collegiate athletics”?

And I did while taking the opportunity to talk a bit of trash before the title game little over a week ago. This is not sour grapes either as the Slabbed Nation fully acknowledges Les Miles is Nick Saban’s bottom bitch as LSU was woefully unprepared for the game and Miles not only refused to adjust as he acknowledged after the game, he has gone into hiding which is not a good sign for a guy pulling down $3MM/year.

So enter some poor slob wearing LSU attire passed out at the Krystal’s near the dome and the French Quarter.  Some jubilant Alabama fan evidently teabagged him and actually took cyber credit,  meaning he is also a complete dumbass along the lines of Harvey Upkyke, the dumbass Alabama fan that poisoned some beautiful Oak Trees near the University of Auburn campus last year. More ominous for those that took part in the teabagging of the passed out LSU fan is that Brendan McCarthy wrote the local version of the story for the Picayune. I don’t think we’ve heard the last of it.

File this one under country boys gone to town.
