Slabbed Turns Ten: You ask Slabbed, we’ll eventually answer…..

Way back almost one year ago, Slabbed received a reader comment from ‘m constatintin” on the post Hizzoner appears on WLOX This Week, Waxes Nonsensical:

m constatintin says:
January 9, 2017 at 5:33 pm

My god, tide is turning, just heard you got hammered in Miss. State court, the Canadians won and are really coming for you, guess they plan on collecting and holding you accountable ?

Judge Schmidt says you defended? Did you?
Hadn’t yet thought about all implications but at first glance the res judicata implications are great !
What about judicial interest for three years on 180,000 at 6% and cost yet to be levied for the ongoing violations of Canadian copyright at Slabbed? This is a kind of intentional tort that can’t be done away with in a bankruptcy, no?

Help us out here please, hard and complex story and facts to digest.

First I’d like to say thank you for stopping in with us M, even from a proxied IP address. I am not really commenting on this topic in favor of litigating the issues in the courtroom but since you asked I will disclose a few things.

Before I do that I need to share something from my experience as publisher of Slabbed, namely there being are three general kinds of people behind the keyboard bloviating in the media, social or otherwise:

  • Blowhards that talk a big game but couldn’t name one of the five freedoms guaranteed by the 1st Amendment. They have an opinion about everything and know jack shit about most things.
  • Those that are smart enough to understand what they do not know, understand they can learn from others and act appropriately with that knowledge. I think we have a high concentration of that kind of commenter here at Slabbed compared to other types of media, social or otherwise.  (Community sourcing rocks and so does the community.)
  • A few people that have the sack to defend those five freedoms guaranteed by our constitution, be it military against a foreign adversary or in a courtroom against domestic threats to those five freedoms, which sadly now include our current President.

With that set up M, this brawl has been going on a very long time, since 2011 in fact. I won a case of First Impressions involving the 1st Amendment. So Aaron Broussard’s business associates decided to sue me again and again and again and again so forth and so on, several of those times joining my Counsel in order to conflict them out.  Every case they filed but one has since petered out and the lawyer / mastermind behind such a litigation strategy has been put on the shelf but not before he helped his SLAPP happy buddies sue their first Mississippi Attorney, Henry Laird, for Malpractice – in New Orleans.

The gang did manage to get a copyright judgment against me personally in Canada but let’s circle that for now because Charles Leary, Vaughn Perret and Trout Point Lodge, Limited are known in legal parlance as judgment debtors and they owe me some money, bigly in fact, something they left out of the fictionalized news accounts about this fight up in Canada. And when you’re an American Citizen M, (not Canadian as you suggested) and don’t pay up on judgments and don’t cooperate with Federal court orders to appear, you get cited for contempt and of course they now owe me more money, are correctly described as contemnors and the meter is running evergreen: Continue reading “Slabbed Turns Ten: You ask Slabbed, we’ll eventually answer…..”

Trout Point Lodge loses big again in the US Courts, lawsuit against former attorney dismissed with prejudice

By my tally the litigious trio owners of Trout Point Lodge still owe their former lawyer Henry Laird at Jones Walker $97,000 or so.  Since the gang voluntarily availed themselves of the New Orleans CDC to sue Jones Walker, I would posit the firm has its choice of legal venue should they institute legal action to collect their unpaid fees.

I attended the hearing back on July 29th and saw the spectacle first hand.  Danny Abel for Trout Point Lodge, as is his habit and custom, was distributing legal briefs that were due 7 days before. He also, as is his history, habit and custom accused Jones Walker’s lawyer Dan Lund of perpetrating “a fraud upon the court”.  Lund is a seasoned litigator and he expertly dismantled Trout Point Lodge’s attempt to scapegoat their former lawyer for Slabbed’s historic precedent setting victory for the First Amendment and Journalism in the Public Interest over the SLAPP happy Aaron Broussard stooges from Nova Scotia Canada.

The Leary, Perret and the Lodge’s petitions are so infantile and self contradictory only hayseeds 2000 miles away in Nova Scotia take them seriously.

Click the pic to nab the judicial beatdown:

Trout Point Lodge v Laird Judgment Trout Point Lodge v Laird Judgment

Yup (Part 22): An abbreviated history of Trout Point Lodge’s litigation/libel terrorism

Win or lose it won’t be because I didn’t fight for my constitutional rights. Click to obtain the 154 page pdf:

Perret v Handshoe Doc 20

Additional vital background can be found here.

Slabbed registers yet another legal victory…..

And you know what is screwed up folks is I still can’t fill my readers in on the details because Attorney Daniel Abel, on an ex parte basis with Judge Glenn Ansardi, had the case sealed when Abel filed it. This is something I am very committed to seeing remedied. 24th JDC Judge Scott Schlegel, now presiding over the case granted Slabbed’s Special Motion to Strike the Complaint under Louisiana’s Anti SLAPP statute and awarded reasonable Attorney Fees. Slabbed New Media LLC was very capably represented by Connie Montgomery in the matter.

Due to the abuses that were perpetrated by Attorney Abel in this matter, in April of this year on behalf of Slabbed New Media I filed suit in United States District Court against Abel for willful violations of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act related to the DMCA takedown notices he sent to Slabbed’s current web host, Host Gator LLC related to publicly available court documents that he claimed infringed on a copyright. Slabbed New Media will show that Abel’s DMCA takedown notice, which he swore under perjury was true, was confected from whole cloth. United States District Court Judge Keith Starrett is presiding over this case.

Finally, Slabbed New Media will be asserting similar DMCA abuse torts against Trout Point Lodge, Vaughn Perret and Charles Leary related to their multi-year campaign of abuses of the United States Digital Millenium Copyright Act including their assertion of ownership of parodies created and owned by third parties such as Patrica Fournet and Frank Magazine. Under the DMCA, a party issuing a takedown request swears under penalty of perjury they own the creative works in question. I look forward to having my day in court in defense of the First Amendment and Journalism in the Public Interest.

Freedom is not free folks. If you value your first amendment rights and forums like Slabbed where the free exchange of ideas and opinions are encouraged, please take a few minutes and donate to the cause. While I am certainly appreciative of larger donations, there are several people like Cindy, Beverly, Debra and Patricia that donate as little as $10.00 a month. If 10% of my daily readers aka the unique visitor did this, funding things like lawyers or the hardware that I purchased to self host Slabbed here in Mississippi would not be an issue. Thank you.

Slabbed updates the Trout Point Lodge / Randall Cajun lawsuit against Jones Walker

But first some lovely music from our friends in Spain:

The allegations of fraud are priceless folks. Business must be bad for the gang at the Lodge because the Civil District Cost Docket indicates the court fees were short paid. Of course, in Randall Cajun’s fantasy world Slabbed’s precedent setting SPEECH Act victory over these SLAPP Happy nuts occurred in New Orleans instead of Gulfport. They also conveniently ignore the fact their Nova Scotia lawsuits were so poorly plead the court concluded they could never win a default here in the US with such deficient, infantile pleadings. The judicial beatdown frankly could not have been worse for them but that is their own fault. As for Slabbed, we remain the champs. Click the pic to score 33 pages of typical Goatherder Jackassery: Continue reading “Slabbed updates the Trout Point Lodge / Randall Cajun lawsuit against Jones Walker”

Today’s Five Dollar Words: Peremption as in Trout Point Lodge is Perempted

Peremption is the time fixed by statute for the existence of a right. ~ CCP Art. 927

Oh what a tangled web we weave. When first we practice to deceive. – Sir Walter Scott

Goats on a rope
Goats on a rope

But it gets worse, far worse: Continue reading “Today’s Five Dollar Words: Peremption as in Trout Point Lodge is Perempted”

Meantime this Jacobus guy from San Fran will evidently put his name on anything…….

Looks like to me that on PDF page 16 Mssrs Abel and Jacobus, counsel for Trout Point Lodge, have breached a seal that Abel obtained on an ex parte basis from Judge Glenn Ansardi.   How quickly people forget Copeland v Copeland and Operation Wrinkled Robe.

Goatherder Motion on Truitt Intervention Goatherder Motion on Truitt Intervention

Slabbed legal update: Pfffft you were gone…..

But first some lovely music:

Canadian court orders? Here at Slabbed New Media we wipe our asses with ’em. Down here where the courts are meaningful however I do believe every lawyer with a Mississippi license has now exited the building:

Handshoe v. Randall Cajun Motion to Withdraw

Continue reading “Slabbed legal update: Pfffft you were gone…..”

Randall Cajun of Trout Point Lodge gets nuttier and nuttier, files suit against Jones Walker and coast attorney Henry Laird

I could be wrong folks but it looks like the Goatherders are attempting to retry their resounding SPEECH Act loss to me in Federal Court in the New Orleans CDC.  This suit is ill advised on so many levels to the point where I am giddy with anticipation. Alan Jacobus of San Francisco California and Danny Abel of the Super 8 Motel Legal Department for Team Goatherder:

TPL v Jones Walker and Laird TPL v Jones Walker and Laird