The Wino sends the following word from the gutter

“I hear there are at least 6 more businesses that had similar arrangements with Aaron Broussard as Mack that are in the cross hairs.”

Meantime Mack is doing the legal gyrations to cop a plea and nail the Goatherder in Chief.

I’ll add we’ve yet to see how the Broussard curatorship arrangement with the D’Aquila law firm plays in. :mrgreen:


These documents from the TheRiot Era are well worth examining….

Fed investigation and PRR Fed investigation and PRR

But this doc has the most potential IMHO as Dutchy Connick gets around. Continue reading “These documents from the TheRiot Era are well worth examining….”

Louisiana briar patch: Changes at the Times Picayune adversely impacts coverage of Louisiana’s second most populous Parish

First was this stinker laid down yesterday by Rich Rainey sourced mainly by JP Council pay-to-play king Chris “Mini-me” Roberts.

Then John Young chipped in his two cents worth yesterday afternoon via this Bob Ross T-P story.

Then the reaction began pouring in from the citizenry after the second story ran from people that actually attend or watch the Parish Council meetings.  People that have pretty much been ignored by the T-P and even occasionally attacked by the T-P Yenni beat team in days of yore.  It is good the gang took a second shot at the apple but the second article missed too according to the JP peeps that speak with Slabbed.  The new JP political beat team is still a work in progress folks and it is showing.  Like Pres said yesterday in comments Rainey is already on the NOLA City beat and it appears Ross is filling in best he can but he has no institutional knowledge of the subject matter.

The good news is Ross contacted CFGG as they are folks that are urging all the procurement reforms recommended by BGR be enacted.  IMHO more talking needs to happen.  And maybe instead of genuflecting before area politicians perhaps Ricky Mathews should meet with the good government crowd in Louisiana’s second most populous Parish, the largest of the 7 Parish metro area.

Finally one way to force this issue on the Parish Council is via the Charter Change committee, which has been meeting for several months now.  I understand there is a meeting of that body this evening at 7 over at the Yenni Building.


OK folks, for all you freaks looking for Tarpon Rodeo porn

1936 Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo / Courtesy of a reader

I had to laugh last week when Fox 8’s Bob Breck pumped the Grand Isle Tarpon rodeo admonishing locals to bring the kids because it is clear Breck is ignorant of the happenings on Grand Isle during the drunken bacchanal known as the Tarpon Rodeo as it is light years from being kid friendly.  I only mention this because Slabbed is getting some elevated site traffic of late from those wishing to see “grand isle tarpon rodeo naked pics”.  We’ve written lots on these pages about this particular fishin’ rodeo through time but my view from the inside of Slabbed via the google searches is that people have the event associated with hot tuna but not necessarily the fishin’ variety.

If you had been paying close attention yesterday to Youtube for instance, there was this video from the 2012 rodeo that showed a sex worker doing amazing things with a coke bottle.  Forget Sodom and Gomorrah because today state public health officials are more worried about the potential bad consequences of the sodomy and gonorrhea that appear to be running rampant on the Isle this time of year.

In order to contain the outbreak here on Slabbed, I’ll try to confine any nasty videos, pictures and/or news reporting on same from the 2012 Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo to this post.  As the picture above illustrates this isn’t your grandma’s Tarpon rodeo folks.


And the legend of “Spike” was born: The Tarpon Rodeo, hot tuna and old school politics

Since the Times Picayune editorial board whipped out an old term we picked up from TheRiot in “deadhead” in pointing out the 7th floor of the Yenni Building was packed with political cronies of Tim Coulon and Aaron Broussard, it is only fair I point out the 10th Floor was where the Courtesans were assigned.

Since we’re renaissance people here at Slabbed, I find this topic wholly appropriate if not X-Rated and kinky. By now I’ve heard stories about oversized libetos in the upper management ranks at the Yenni going back literally decades but no one Courtesan fills the bill for examination better than “Spike”, an employee with talents that sound akin to “Red Snapper” of Hancock County infamy save for the fact Ms. Snapper did not occupy an official position in any political subdivision.

Slabbed has spoken to one of Spike’s former fans and I was told tales of politicos literally flipping coins to see who would gain Spike’s services for the evening and that was the tame stuff.  Spike was far from alone but these women were not “deadheads” on the payroll folks as quite the opposite is true. That said John Young must not have been impressed with the talent pool he inherited as all have since left the employ of the Parish.  In ways how that could happen all those years and never see the light of day is a worse story than what happened on the 7th floor IMHO.

Stay tuned for more tales from the 10th floor here on the Slabb.  😉


Meantime over on the Saints beat at Wang’s place…..

CPAs like the concept of materiality thus it is only natural I’d be drawn to Grand Master Wang at Moosedenied for a comprehensive Saints update titled Material Issues. His take on whether Sean Payton will violate the terms of his suspension is priceless. Here is a snippet:

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls… dying time’s here.

Welcome back to ass-kicking season, bitches. I don’t know about you, but it seems to me Drew’s looking a little nervous there. And why shouldn’t he be? After all, THE WHOLE DAMN TEAM IS IN TURMOIL! Or something. The Saints are entering the 2012 season amidst UNPRECEDENTED CIRCUMSTANCES! And what in the hell would Drew Brees know about unprecedented? Clearly we’re screwed. The Saints will be lucky not to have completely imploded by Halloween. Dozens of national Legitimate Media™ types can’t possibly be wrong on this.Fortunately for us, there will be plenty of time over the next six months or so for us to troll them and focus on how they suck, as the wins continue to mount and they become increasingly baffled and belligerent. Oh, it’s gonna be big fun. Wait for it… wait for it…

Continue Reading at Moosedenied

Remember that buzz I spoke of a few weeks ago? A superseding Indictment was unsealed today against Aaron Broussard and Tom Wilkinson

Here and here are a couple of places I alluded to what was coming in fact aside from the comment I left about the buzz.

Aaron Broussard took $66,000 in bribes from a Kenner communication company, feds say

I love the news media personalities that are involved with the company that allegedly paid Broussard those bribes.  Y’all can elaborate in comments on that part and I need help from my commenters to fill in those blanks as I am multi-tasking mightily today.

I’m personally following the money folks as specified in Karen Parker Broussard’s factual basis so that everyone involved in both the crimes and subsequent attempted coverup should be brought to justice. Let’s review: Continue reading “Remember that buzz I spoke of a few weeks ago? A superseding Indictment was unsealed today against Aaron Broussard and Tom Wilkinson”

“I love a parade”: While Rome was burning down Chris Roberts was angling to ride in the Saints Superbowl Victory parade

Today’s installment of documents laid on me by my gabby cousin Slabb O’Leak deals with a parade but this was no ordinary parade folks, no sir. This was a special parade indeed so to refresh everyone’s memories we need to hit the way back machine and head back to February 2010. Our own AROD was cooling his heels in the St Bernard Parish prison, arrest on charges trumped-up by US Attorney Jim Letten, who evidently had the manpower to burn (as also illustrated by Sal Perricone spending large parts of the day playing on the internet) despite the rampant political corruption. Less than a month before, Parish President Aaron Broussard had resigned in disgrace due his own corruption scandal, portions of which are coming to trial in just a few months.  Interim Parish President Steve Theriot had already been installed via the bums rush by the Parish Council and had been on the job for around 3 weeks.

It was a crazy time for the political classes in Jefferson Parish and  indeed our readers may recall that Theriot was a very busy man at that time and had actually pushed back his coronation and genuflection ceremony with Ashton Phelps and the gang at the Times Picayune because he was so busy and rightfully so as “Rome” was literally burning down .  But what was TheRiot and his band of 6 dwarfs on the Parish Council actually doing then?  Easy folks, they were negotiating with Ray Ray the Chocolate guy to ride in the Saints Superbowl victory parade and it consumed lots of time. Continue reading ““I love a parade”: While Rome was burning down Chris Roberts was angling to ride in the Saints Superbowl Victory parade”