BREAKING TOXIC WASTE ALERT: Aaron Broussard reportedly craps his pants after St Pierre verdict

We’re also getting similar reports from St Charles Avenue and Plaquemines Parish. Please proceed with caution.


Matt at Fix the Pumps finds woody debris in the new levees and a Fred Heebe in the woodpile.

Folks there are few more dedicated niche bloggers in Metro NOLA than Matt McBride over at Fix the Pumps.  Matt is a tireless advocate for properly constructed flood protection for New Orleans metro and in a 3 part series details the problems the Army Corps of Engineers is having with contractors delivering dirt for levee construction that is filled with woody debris, which is unsuitable levee material. Naturally my interest was piqued when the name Fred Heebe was mentioned in part 1 of Matt’s series Debris.  Here is a snippet:

And yes, the “River Birch” mentioned here is the same River Birch landfill that is the center of a wide-ranging federal investigation into corruption within Jefferson Parish politics. That investigation has already led to the resignation of three top officials within Jefferson Parish, including the parish president, Aaron Broussard. The Corps is approved to get borrow material from four River Continue reading “Matt at Fix the Pumps finds woody debris in the new levees and a Fred Heebe in the woodpile.”

Lets connect a few dots as we feature James Gill’s last column on Fred Heebe.

I have a small confession to make.  After I wrote yesterday’s posts Continue reading “Lets connect a few dots as we feature James Gill’s last column on Fred Heebe.”

Boys amongst men: I promise Mommy I’ll be a good boy from now on. A Jefferson Parish Council federal grand jury corruption subpoena and Waste Management lawsuit update.

Folks I’ve been dutifully collecting links and today I’ll solve the small mystery of why I tagged Gambit man Clancy Dubos with my Sunday music dedication and hopefully provide additional fodder for the grist mill. Let’s start with this story from Paul Rioux from last Friday where Chris Roberts, likely shaken from his second appearance before the federal grand jury that is exploring the corruption scandal which erupted under his watch on the parish Council proclaims the River Birch contract will finally be cancelled. From the sound of the comments to the story, the public isn’t buying Robert’s bullshit or his sudden deathbed conversion to a twisted sort of good government activist, not after he spent the last 2 years trying his best to line Fred Heebe’s pockets with taxpayer loot.

Next up is Rich Rainey, who let us know Sunday what we mostly already knew that the federal investigation is casting a very wide net into the multiple scams run by Jefferson Parish politicos and certain parish venders. Rich was kind enough to acknowledge the rampant rumor mill though not specifically my bad prediction of indictments by last Friday, which we all know did not happen.

I’ll add indictment rumors are notoriously unreliable though Vinny Mosca posited his estimate of the accuracy rate of the rumor mill at around 50%. The biggest piece of news that was missed by everyone in Rich’s article is that Broussard has a new lawyer, Robert Jenkins, who evidently has replaced the ailing Mike Ellis.  Have the folks at Chehardy Sherman abandoned AB? There is a back story on this developement that is worth knowing.

As for AB’s new lawyer Robert Jenkins, he was described this way by a member of the Slabbed legal team: Continue reading “Boys amongst men: I promise Mommy I’ll be a good boy from now on. A Jefferson Parish Council federal grand jury corruption subpoena and Waste Management lawsuit update.”

“Black Hat” West Bank Soprano Chris Roberts now wants to pretend he is not in the mob….

I tell you folks this last bit of Wiley Beevers inspired homecooking in Judge McCabe’s courtroom is the gift that keeps on giving. For instance we only need to take the Wayback Machine to May 16, 2009 to find this Mini-me Roberts inspired Allen Powell jewel that also causes some collateral damage IMHO to others with political aspirations in 2011:

So a buncha Sopranos stormed the Governor’s Mansion on Thursday. Funny thing was, though, they weren’t from Jersey. Try Jefferson Parish.

These guys are a bunch of politicians, long fans of the HBO television show, who got together every Sunday to watch it and stuff their faces with authentic Italian fare. “We all gained a little weight during that time,” Parish Councilman Chris Roberts said.

After years of faithfully following the show, they took to wearing black fedoras when they got together, especially when the fun spilled into a local bar or restaurant afterward. Soon they started calling themselves the Black Hats. Continue reading ““Black Hat” West Bank Soprano Chris Roberts now wants to pretend he is not in the mob….”

The Chris Roberts postcard story ripples across the media.

West Bank Soprano in Training Chris Roberts

But first we must check out Patricia’s parody of this latest election dustup between Teams Baudier and Roberts. Great stuff Patricia!

I knew the story would be getting a comprehensive looksie from the local media and indeed our pic of the flier ended up on the Channel 4 story, which is the shortest of the bunch.

Fox8 finally got their report online which includes a video report on the matter.

Finally we have WDSU, usually MIA from the Jefferson Parish beat with a story from the courthouse.  I suspect Roberts was their primary source given the real-time nature of the reporting.

Stay tuned as we’re told Team Baudier will be holding a press conference on this matter today, most likely to accentuate Robert’s many nefarious political connections including the ownership of River Birch Landfill.


Team River Birch beclowns their clowns: A putting in the fix on the inside for River Birch update.

Paul Rioux at the Times Picayune checks in today with a report that is masterful in its nuance as Team River Birch has the full court PR press on and one again they manage to put egg on their own face as well as the Parish, specifically Public Records.  There is lots of fodder for discussion in Paul’s lengthy story but since I am time strapped I’m going to focus in on 2 items the first being that thanks to Steve Theriot and John Young it appears Jefferson Parish no longer has a cohesive, functioning public records department. Taken a step further I’ll add Paul conveys the obvious without saying it as it certainly appears the Parish Attorney’s office is simply an adjunct legal department for Freddie Heebe, Jim Ward and the River Birch Landfill. This snippet illustrates that point:

River Birch obtained the notes and other parish documents about the draft study Monday through a public records request and in turn provided them to The Times-Picayune. Parish attorneys denied a similar request by the newspaper for the preliminary study in December, citing an exemption in the state’s disclosure law for documents prepared “in anticipation of litigation or in preparation for trial.”

I will point out that normally newspapers are big on access to public records so the silence on the major problems with public records in Jefferson Parish, well reported here, means the T-P sucked on it in silence for at least the past 3 months.  I’ll add that while Jefferson Parish was stonewalling the Times Picayune while giving it all up for Freddie Heebie they also continue to retaliate against the whistleblowers and John Young is ass deep in it right along with his political blowbuddy Tom Capella and their puppets Peggy Barton and Louis Gruntz.  As long as the Parish Attorney’s office, at the behest of elected officials work for the River Birch Landfill instead of the taxpayers expect to see more such clusterfucks as the many Paul Rioux details today. Continue reading “Team River Birch beclowns their clowns: A putting in the fix on the inside for River Birch update.”

Been there and done that: Michael Lewis explores the connection between Freddie Heebe’s Monroe Mansion and the subprime bust.

This link was posted in comments here too long ago to remember but financial writer extraordinaire Michael Lewis rented the Monroe Mansion pre-Freddie Heebe and thought enough of the experience to write a lengthy article on the experience of living there. Since I feel as though I practically know the Heebes on a first name basis I’ll add they most certainly should have stayed with that “shinyViking range” instead of that nasty ol’ Electrolux they replaced it with during renovations. (H/T Mr CLS for the memory jog).


James Gill visits Fred and Jennifer Heebe’s secret garden and finds an economist in the woodpile…

What can I say folks except I think no one takes River Birch’s Loren Scott seriously. They take us seriously by golly and as proof I offer today’s column by James Gill at the Times Picayune. Now if they had only managed to snag a picture of Jennifer Sneed-Heebe in her million dollar Mardi Gras ball gown…..


Must Read Landfill Story….

Michelle Krupa and Gordon Russell at the Times Picayune out did themselves folks.
