Zombie we feel your pain. At least James Gill has come to the Cedric Richmond Party.

A crook is a crook is a crook regardless of party affiliation folks and we live that mantra here at Slabbed.  The congressman of the slabbed, New Orleans native Gene Taylor, well understands this too which is why he was one of the few early innovators in the House of Representatives over that corrupt sack … Continue reading “Zombie we feel your pain. At least James Gill has come to the Cedric Richmond Party.”

Because each and every one of them sold us out and voted for it: An NFIP Disaster Update

Lets take a trip down memory lane folks to those less pleasant days after Hurricane Katrina when everyone was busting a$$ trying to get shelter. Those like me that were slabbed out had rebuilding choices to make. Those that were flooded out had a seemingly more straightforward choice to make in fixing or selling the … Continue reading “Because each and every one of them sold us out and voted for it: An NFIP Disaster Update”

Southern Politics in Black and White: The fight at the Louisiana Supreme Court continues to make the news

I only bring it up since Slabbed broke this story back on June 14th well ahead of the mainstream media reporting. I’ll add I wrote that post color blind for I had no clue as to the ethnicity of any of the combatants. By now the politics of race has entered into the equation as Bernette … Continue reading “Southern Politics in Black and White: The fight at the Louisiana Supreme Court continues to make the news”

American Zombie: Great Balls of Fire!!

I had a second to take a look around the local congroovancy (Editilla speak) and I found things have been very lively over at Jason’s place as the community discussion is taking this whole Bajoie con-profit thing to new heights. Start here and just read down to meet the filthy hogger Mayor Half Moon planted … Continue reading “American Zombie: Great Balls of Fire!!”

Some people say we’re in the dog days of summer as the Times Picayune wanders off Half Moon’s reservation around 2 weeks too late

Folks it didn’t take long for my email in box to start buzzing with this Michelle Krupa story on Diana Bajoie, a Dollar Bill Jefferson political hack with an extensive background in conprofit earmarking. The buzz of course relates entirely to the fact that none of what Krupa reported save comments from Team Bajoie is … Continue reading “Some people say we’re in the dog days of summer as the Times Picayune wanders off Half Moon’s reservation around 2 weeks too late”

Must read: What planet am I on? American Zombie

I watched 75 minutes of Fox 8’s late news last night and am in lockstep with Jason on how he is calling this. Simply put dredging up Cedric Richmond to talk about anyone’s integrity or lack thereof, is about as bad as Tommy Tucker at Payola radio lowering the boom on Perricone. Maybe instead of  yammering about suing Perricone on … Continue reading “Must read: What planet am I on? American Zombie”

We have a Slabb-o-gram for Lee Zurich

Girod Jackson? Oh yeah we know him well.  IMHO he is cut from the same cloth as Byron Lee, Derrick Sheperd, Cedric Richmond and that clique of corrupt politicians. Fertile ground for certain Lee though following Girod and the money will probably lead you back to Team Ward/Heebe. How funny that a guy who can’t seem to … Continue reading “We have a Slabb-o-gram for Lee Zurich”


As Dambala at American Zombie puts it, New Orleans area politicians looting charities is the “art of the con profit”.  The scheme is now a time-honored one in the Dollar Bill Jefferson crime family: Steer government earmarks to a charity under the effective control of the politician doing the steering and then loot the money out on … Continue reading “It”

Oops, did Silly Wabbit Bryon Lee get caught with hand in cookie jar – WDSU reports “Check records missing in Jefferson Parish”

From: LToups Sent: Tuesday, October 19/ 2010 1:22 PM Cc: Antoinette Scott; KSchrieffer; KGriffin; Maxcine Charles; LStockstiH; GBolotte Subject: Missing Check Copies This morning, l looked for check # 961200 made payable to Thompson Thibodeaux Community Development Organization for a $100,000 CEA and it is missing. This check copy was not missing when our summer workers … Continue reading “Oops, did Silly Wabbit Bryon Lee get caught with hand in cookie jar – WDSU reports “Check records missing in Jefferson Parish””

Are they catching on? James Gill explains the behind the scenes on the Times Picayune’s crooks and liars endorsement.

I saw the T-P endorsement OpEd yesterday and frankly was not surprised by what I saw though I was a bit disappointed.  We held our fire though because we don’t have to live with the potential toxic after effects of plugging dishonest sacks of crap like Cedric Richmond and David Vitter. I think newspaper reporters should comment on their … Continue reading “Are they catching on? James Gill explains the behind the scenes on the Times Picayune’s crooks and liars endorsement.”