Slabbed joins | The Times Picayune in remembering the fall of Aaron Broussard plus five

I have so many nuggets that never went down into the memory hole like the following and boy howdy does the gang get themselves in trouble telling all sorts of whoppers! Threatened with a foreign defamation lawsuit in a noted area for libel tourism before the passage of the SPEECH Act the Times Picayune ran away from the libel terrorists at Trout Point Lodge like scared school girls. Five years ago plus one day an interview of Aaron Broussard was run on Fox 8 where he was challenged over what we now know to be criminal activity with certain Parish venders using his property at the Trout Point Lodge in Canada to conceal it. Five years ago today Broussard resigned in disgrace. Today he is in the Federal Pen with his buddies in Canada known as “ememies of the free press” and noted libel terrorists.

One media outlet stood tall in the face of this litigation terrorism and that would be Slabbed New Media. Enjoy.

Trout Point Lodge Times Pic

Slabbed updates the Trout Point Lodge / Randall Cajun lawsuit against Jones Walker

But first some lovely music from our friends in Spain:

The allegations of fraud are priceless folks. Business must be bad for the gang at the Lodge because the Civil District Cost Docket indicates the court fees were short paid. Of course, in Randall Cajun’s fantasy world Slabbed’s precedent setting SPEECH Act victory over these SLAPP Happy nuts occurred in New Orleans instead of Gulfport. They also conveniently ignore the fact their Nova Scotia lawsuits were so poorly plead the court concluded they could never win a default here in the US with such deficient, infantile pleadings. The judicial beatdown frankly could not have been worse for them but that is their own fault. As for Slabbed, we remain the champs. Click the pic to score 33 pages of typical Goatherder Jackassery: Continue reading “Slabbed updates the Trout Point Lodge / Randall Cajun lawsuit against Jones Walker”

Now enter the next lawyer that is almost certain to get stiffed and then sued…..

After all, Team Goatherder has now sued 6 lawyers by my count in their SLAPP happy quest to silence Slabbed and cover up their involvement in Aaron Broussard’s criminal activity. So Alex, who is the next the next contestant? Mary Judith of Jacktown come on down!

Handshoe v Broussard Barnett Appearance

It will be interesting to see if she can take the $100,000 ding Jones Walker just took.

Other Voices| Disgraced New Orleans politician begins prison term

Corrupt New Orleans politician Aaron Broussard enters federal prison in North Carolina Monday after being convicted of a rash of charges of fraud and bribery, some with connections to businesses and property he owned or managed in the Kempt Wilderness in Nova Scotia. He was sentenced to three years, ten months in a minimum security facility.

In a TV interview over the weekend, Broussard described how he entered politics forty years ago fighting the political machine and “good old boy” system, only to become the poster child for political corruption in a notably corrupt town. Broussard was president of Jefferson Parish, the largest in the state. “I’m leaving politics as a good old boy in disgrace,” Broussard told reporter Travers Mackel.

Broussard’s criminal case involved several charges, of which he insisted he was innocent and would fight to the end.

He finally admitted in court to scheming in 2003 to give his then-girlfriend — later his wife — a public job for which she was not qualified and at which she rarely appeared. He also confessed that he took bribe payments totaling $66,000 to help steer public contracts to a Kenner businessman. His ex-wife, his chief administrative officer, his parish attorney and the businessman also pleaded guilty to federal charges.

“If you’re involved in a scandal, then you wear the scarlet letter for the rest of your life, and beyond the grave,” Broussard told another reporter. “I regret every single act and thing that I did that leads me to walk into the prison gates on Monday.” Continue reading “Other Voices| Disgraced New Orleans politician begins prison term”

“A day in the life of Trout Point Lodgers Chuck and Vaughn”

Page 2, current edition of Frank Magazine after being copyright trolled by Trout Point Lodge’s Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret

Danny Abel collects court sanctions like Vito Corleone collected pocket politicians: Slabbed Investigates continued very bad times for the “Legal Department” at the Super 8 Motel on Clearview Part 3

Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

Daniel G. “Danny” Abel doing promo for the Trout Point Lodge Cookbook in Canada

Turns out folks William Shakespeare was a true prophet calling the crash and burn of the Legal Department at the Super 8 Motel on Clearview Parkway hundreds of years in advance as MacBeth posited an accurate description of the type of plaintiff’s work being done by the inhabitants of said Legal Department in the now disgraced/disbarred Aaron Broussard and Daniel G. “Danny” Abel. Let’s drill down a bit on the lawyer who’s cases Belo’s WWL TV Channel 4 relentlessly promotes:

Suffice it so say there are more such instances but in the interest of time I will not list them but we must update two cases, Magee et al v Abel et al which I introduced yesterday and Webb v Morella plus introduce a new one in Manton et al v Strain et al as Abel has a particular fetish for suing the NOPD and St Tammany Parish Sheriff Jack Strain. Manton v Strain is instructive so let’s begin there as it follows the Goatherder formula:

  1. File suit against absolutely everyone every tangentially connected to the wild conspiracy theory being posited that particular day. Of particular interest was the lead council in the 2009 rendition of this suit ended up intervening as a defendant later when Abel and company took over the point.
  2. Spectacularly lose the case, appeal the loss and lose that case as well since “Mantons had failed to raise an issue of material fact.”
  3. File another suit recycling the allegation from the first suit.
  4. Attempt a smear campaign using media outlets such as Belo’s Channel 4 TeeVee except in this case Abel used a conservative website called Human Events for PR dupes to publicize his baseless allegations. That’s OK though because the Human Events people are in good company.
  5. Less than one month after Abel’s promo of this suit appeared in Human Events he lost the suit.
  6. Defendants file to recover their attorney fees for having to defend against Abel’s frivolous lawsuits.

Wash, rinse, repeat for this is the way of a Goatherder. I hope it is lost on no one that once upon a time Abel was trying to put the gun manufacturers outta business in between collaborating on the literary flops which chronicled his misadventures. Only one words fits folks and that is jackassery and this brings me to latest developments in Webb v Morella (click the pic to nab the full pdf document).

Webb v Morella 5th Circuit Doc 00512011946 Capture 1

It’s textbook Goatherder abuse of process IMHO: Continue reading “Danny Abel collects court sanctions like Vito Corleone collected pocket politicians: Slabbed Investigates continued very bad times for the “Legal Department” at the Super 8 Motel on Clearview Part 3″

Slabbed examines the harassment of private citizens expressing their opinion on Jefferson Parish Corruption: Part 3

Part 2 of this series ended with the allegations contained in the Concrete Busters lawsuit that Fred Heebe, along with several co-conspirators has been waging a coordinated campaign to unmask and otherwise harass internet commenters sharing information on the political scandal in Jefferson Parish.  I’ve always pointed to the first post I did on Aaron Broussard’s curious connections to an Eco lodge in Nova Scotia Canada in January 2010 as the beginning of this saga but it really isn’t as the retaliation didn’t begin in earnest until May, 2010 as the following blast from the past should jog everyone’s memory:

Jefferson Parish president sues his online critics ~ Richard Rainey, The Times Picayune

Interim Jefferson Parish President Steve Theriot Citing defamation and “suffered embarrassment” allegedly caused by online comments posted at, Jefferson Parish interim President Steve Theriot has filed a lawsuit requesting the identities behind 11 user accounts on the website.

and this.

The suit was filed by attorneys Nan Alessandra and David Korn of the Phelps Dunbar law firm.

The lawsuit also references messages posted on a local web log called, but doesn’t specifically identify any comments, screen names or accounts used there.

“We haven’t actually been contacted by Jefferson Parish at all, as far as official channels,” said Doug Handshoe, who co-founded that site in Mississippi. After reading the lawsuit, he said: “I think it’s certainly designed to intimidate and silence online commenters.

“We don’t intend to alter what we’re doing at all,” he said.

Let’s leave aside for the moment that only the Parish Council has the legal authority to sue on behalf of the Parish or that the taxpayers of Jefferson Parish picked up the tab for TheRiot’s jackassery but it is what it is. Later the same day I would appear on Fox 8 in a Val Bracy report which aired on the 9PM news:

Vaughn Perret and Charles Leary of Trout Point Lodge

By May 2010 everyone that was anyone in the Landfill saga knew who I was including Aaron Broussard and his band of Goatherders. Slabbed continued undaunted and in my opinion February 2011 was our finest month to date as myself and my former blog partner were in rare form and we covered it all from the Rigsby Qui Tam suit to Ex Rel Branch, the Search and seizure fight involving River Birch and then on February 25 the indictment of Henry Mouton.

March, 2011 continued the pace with those and related topics but it was this post on March 31, 2011 that proved to be the last straw for the Goatherders. The bogus DMCA takedown notices began to flow right around the time I tried the first time to make the jump to the self hosted site  Also in April, 2011 I announced the formation of Slabbed New Media LLC as the new owner of the blog. April, 2011 is important to this story for another reason: Continue reading “Slabbed examines the harassment of private citizens expressing their opinion on Jefferson Parish Corruption: Part 3”

Slabbed examines the harassment of private citizens expressing their opinion on Jefferson Parish Corruption: Part 2

The post was insanely good except for one part but before we get to the post and part to which I refer, let’s visit with this New York Times story from 5 days ago:

The question is no longer who has been hacked. It’s who hasn’t?

The Washington Post can be added to the growing list of American news organizations whose computers have been penetrated by Chinese hackers.

After The New York Times reported on Wednesday that its computers as well as those of Bloomberg News had been attacked by Chinese hackers, The Wall Street Journal said on Thursday that it too had been a victim of Chinese cyberattacks.

The above illustrates the vulnerability of sophisticated corporate networks to hacking but we also learned that from News Corp in the UK in 2012.  I mention this because last month the Times Picayune’s Gordon Russell wrote a story on Fred Heebe’s witch hunt for a private citizen that used the guest computer at the International House Hotel to comment on about the scandal in Jefferson Parish, specifically Dutchie Connick’s role in the alleged conspiracy between the River Birch Landfill and the Broussard Administration to put in the fix in favor of River Birch and close the Parish’s own landfill.

And that brings me to that insanely good post I mentioned at the beginning as I have previously linked it twice on Slabbed, Jason Berry’s A corner piece of the commenter puzzle.  I featured that post in part 1 of this series and I need to feature it again to set up the balance of this post, which will be both long and thorough. Jason set up 4 possibilities which would explain how Fred Heebe ended up knowing the mystery commenters opined on Dutchie Connick from the International House computer along with the email address that he used to register with and I summarize:

1.  The IP information of this commenter was obtained from a second party marketer or vendor?……..
2.  Someone within the NOLA Media Group or Advanced Publications shared the IP and identifying information with Heebe’s defense team that allowed them to track the commenter back to the hotel………
3.  Advanced Publications/ servers were hacked………
4.  Heebe’s team somehow knew that the commenter was using the hotel’s computer already and they put a keystroke recorder on it in order to track down the exact time and date the commenter was using it……….

He then opines that the application of Occam’s Razor results in bullet point #2 being the most likely scenario. I disagree and will add a 5th possibility. None of the above. Continue reading “Slabbed examines the harassment of private citizens expressing their opinion on Jefferson Parish Corruption: Part 2”

If I may be so bold as to suggest those wanting perspective on Heebe’s internet commenter witch hunt….

You should click here because the harassment first became manifest when former NOLA City Attorney Bob Ellis threatened Jason Berry at American Zombie with a SLAPP suit.

Less than one year later Interim parish Prez Steve TheRiot sued the blogosphere conducting a witch hunt for certain online critics. Slabbed was mentioned in TheRiot’s suit in a clear shot across our bow.

And then there are the SLAPP suits from Canada, well covered here on Slabbed.

The dots are all out there folks, they just need connecting.

So here I am, sitting at a major crossroads in Slabbed’s coverage of the scandal in Jefferson Parish…..

Vaughn Perret, Daniel G. “Danny” Abel and Charles Leary posing for the business media in Nova Scotia at Trout Point Lodge

And guys I’m agonizing because I’ve had a comprehensive post in drafts since August detailing the retaliation against anyone who has covered or spoken out on the massive political corruption scandal in Jefferson Parish by Aaron Broussard and his band of Goatherders.  The original plan, based upon the advice of my lawyer Bobby Truitt was to roll it out after I won my SPEECH Act case against Broussard’s business agents/co-conspirators in Canada, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret.  For reasons I can’t go into at this time (and frankly I may never be able to go into) I’m still holding said post, which documents the events in detail.  It will roll folks, that I promise.

But there is more because of Mark Moseley’s recent Lens column on internet commenter Jack, whom most everyone that is paying attention has deduced is Sal Perricone myself included.  It is no secret I want to visit with Sal and to the extent he honors his ethical obligations as an attorney, he has the same rights as everyone else to express his opinions as he sees fit.  But alas there is an investigation ongoing into the commenting scandal at the US Attorney’s office thus this Manuel Torres story for NOLA yesterday puts the stakes for everyone involved in that fight in perspective as the defamation suit Heebe v Perricone has been stayed by mutual request of the litigants.

Speaking of that investigation I can confirm the Department of Justice is crawling every square inch of Slabbed looking for evidence of grand jury leaks with particular emphasis on my composite source, the Legendary Wino of Lafayette Square.  I think this diligence is a good thing because DoJ DC is taking the investigation very seriously and they should.  I’d like to add that I do not expect to be subpoenaed by Team Horn. I absolutely love the fact officialdom thinks enough of Slabbed’s comprehensive post archives on the corruption scandal in Metro New Orleans to read it in detail.

But Jack is still on my mind because Jack, post employment of course, had other handles that he used on Slabbed and what the guy had to say, I thought was highly enlightening.  So I have a conundrum, do I out Jack’s other alias to make a very important, albeit self serving point or do I leave it be and file it under the sanctity of commenting on Slabbed.  I mean Perricone was way on the inside of the investigation back in the day Continue reading “So here I am, sitting at a major crossroads in Slabbed’s coverage of the scandal in Jefferson Parish…..”