I could be wrong folks but it looks like the Goatherders are attempting to retry their resounding SPEECH Act loss to me in Federal Court in the New Orleans CDC. This suit is ill advised on so many levels to the point where I am giddy with anticipation. Alan Jacobus of San Francisco California and Danny Abel of the Super 8 Motel Legal Department for Team Goatherder:
And it carries pretty much the standard definition in the world of financial message board communications as it does in the Navy. Wanna know a bit more about your fellow “anonymous” message boarders. Get a fix via sonar and then:
After the explosion information always bubbles up and that was certainly the case with the saga of Judge Susie Morgan’s former law clerk turned accused pedophile Thomas “Haller” Jackson. I could not have been more personally delighted with the results of my last depth charge thus we begin with David Lat over at Above the Law, who was kind enough to link Slabbed’s coverage of the Jackson arrest. Here is Lat’s last update to his post on same:
In response to a number of the comments, I would observe that (1) the allegations describe truly reprehensible and disgusting conduct (even though there was no actual boy involved); (2) if the allegations are true, then Haller Jackson should be punished to the full extent of the law; and (3) the sexual abuse of children is a deadly serious problem. I would have thought that (1) this all went without saying and (2) an audience composed mainly of lawyers and law students would understand the presumption of innocence. But based on some of the comments, it seems that I was wrong. Hence this update.
I think the lawyers and nonlawyers all understood Mr. Lat’s post but it would be a reader comment such as this one that prompted the post update:
“At least he was carrying condoms. You don’t need a Ph.D. in epidemiology to know the wisdom of using protection in random sexual encounters. . . . It sounds like Haller Jackson is in a relatively good position, under the circumstances. . . . The younger Haller Jackson and I have been friendly for a number of years — we know each other through his former boss, Chief Judge Kozinski (who has had his own racy misadventures online) — and I was shocked by these allegations. Nothing I know of Haller Jackson would lead me to believe he could engage in such conduct — and I suspect that the four federal judges for whom he clerked feel the same way. He did, after all, have to pass background checks in order to obtain his multiple clerkships.” Jesus Fucking Christ, Lat. Innocent until proven unpreftigious is not even a joke anymore. He is in a “good position” after trying to fuck a ten year old. He actively solicited sex with a ten year old, but since the ten year old did not exist and he is a Koz alum, it’s all good? I thought the FREE KEVIN RING was bad, but by comparison, that article might as well be In Cold Blood. This might be my tipping point with your website. It was fun while it lasted.
“The Nova Scotia Court’s oral decision does not contain specific findings of fact with respect to the falsity of Handshoe’s statements,” the opinion said. “Trout Point could not identify a single specific allegation in the statement of claim that the Nova Scotia Court found was actually false.”
Jack E. Truitt, who represented Handshoe, told Law360 Friday that the appeals court decision makes it “almost impossible to get a defamation lawsuit judgment in Canada and come here and enforce it.”
“[The SPEECH Act] has been on the books since 2010, but this is the first widely reported decision on it,” Truitt said. “From the perspective of journalists, it should help you guys sleep a little easier.”
An attorney for Trout Point did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
I know I’ve slept better ever since Bobby signed up to defend Slabbed. Quality lawyers get quality decisions and I can’t say enough good things about the job he did. I was surprised to see the otherwise loquacious Henry Laird declining comment as he frequently comments on his cases locally.
Now folks my litigation experience is still what I would term very limited, but it seems to me the first thing one should expect from their lawyer is a solid determination whether the case has a chance including a solid assessment whether the litigants are prepared to do what it takes to successfully assert their claims. Given the following it is clear such was missing from the equation:
The hearing was scheduled for Tuesday, but the residents filed a motion Monday to drop the lawsuit, and the case was dismissed, their attorney Henry Laird said.
“The amount of energy and resources to fight would have taken at least another two years, and it’s something my clients just could not do,” Laird said.
The prior jurisprudence, especially in the litigation involving the I-110 loop, indicated to me the Bay property owners had no chance at prevailing here. Filing and then losing lawsuits with little chance of victory carries consequences but I imagine the County was gracious in victory. After all, these property owners are fine people, some of whom I greatly respect. They simply did not think this whole deal through with clarity. Continue reading “Crash and Burn: Comfort station lawsuit dropped”
We’re going for his license to practice in federal courts as Danny Abel has a history, habit and pattern of disobeying the Louisiana and Federal Courts. Judge Morgan’s order is 4 pages long – following are all 4 pages:
One day folks the entire story of the litigation with the Goatherders will be told but over the last two months Danny Abel has begun a letter writing campaign including an ex parte letter to Judge Louis Guirola which I will term very ill advised. The bottom line is it appears the new Goatherder legal strategy is to engage in the very behavior that have been the subject of so many of their lawsuits through time. Sigmund Freud termed this phenomenon of the insane projection. I call it manna from heaven. First up is a letter straight from Goatherder legal at Jones Walker:
For my part forcing Danny Abel on the very Judges that sanctioned him days before made me a happy man for several reasons beyond the obvious. Henry Laird and Jones Walker never had the law on their side so this always a smear job instead of a lawsuit. First Laird printed and produced for the court every uncomplimentary thing I ever wrote about Magistrate Walker and his poor performance in the Katrina wind water cases. When I heard of this I wondered if he included his client Anita Lee’s (via her employer the Sun Herald) criticisms of Walker for the same stuff but somehow I think not. Like NAAS said long ago, people that can’t pound the table with facts use their fists instead.
Next up is the Goatheder motion where Leary and Perret claim, via their lawyer Henry Laird:
Mr. Abel says there had been a fraud perpetuated (sic) upon the district court. A copy of the letter is attached as Exhibit “A”. Trout Point, Perret, and Leary cannot and do not vouch for the accuracy or inaccuracy of Mr. Abel’s fraud charge, however since the charge is so serious, they believe the record on this appeal should be expanded to include Mr. Abel’s letter.
Weren’t the Goatherders blaming Hurricane Katrina in the ACOA litigation in Canada saying Danny Abel’s law office was in “New Orleans”?
In that affidavit, filed by Plaintiff Sampson on 12/26/09 in this proceeding, Chris Yount swears that he served Mr. Whetstone through the City Attorney on April 14th, 2004. However, then Plaintiff Sampson’s Supplemental Memorandum admits on 12/31/2009, that this mistaken or false affidavit was a “mistake” attributable to Hurricane Katrina. No mention of the undisputed fact that Mr.Whetstone was not employed by the City at the time of the attempted service is made. The newly scanned Record Document Numbers 2 and 8 in 04-1052 show that Mr. Yount did not go to the City Attorney’s office on April 14th, 2004 as he swore on 12/26/2009 under penalty of perjury, but Mr. Abel went to the City Attorney’s Office instead, as he acknowledges in his 12/31/09 supplemental memorandum.
Yes it is true Chris Yount is a Goatherder troll from way far back but what attracted me to Sampson v Whetstone was the fact it exhibits another of Danny Abel’s crash and burn civil rights lawsuits against NOPD as I continue with document 59-4:
(F). The Motion filed by attorney Daniel Abel in support of the Confirmation of Default on December 19th, 2006, ( Doc. # 36, Exhibit “1-C”), erroneously states that “the summons and citation were duly served on defendant MICHAELWHETSTONE on 11 February 2005″. This statement is not true, and it also conflicts with the date of service purportedly upon the City Attorney of April 14th, 2004, given by the other Affidavit filed by attorney Daniel Abel in support of the Preliminary Default on July 22, 2005 (Doc. # 18, Exhibit “1-B”). Thus, the two motions and affidavits filed in support of the confirmation of default are inconsistent with, and conflict with, each other.
(G). The Affidavit filed by attorney Daniel Abel in support of the Confirmation of Default on December 19th, 2006, ( Doc. # 36, Exhibit “1-C”), erroneously states in Paragraph 2 that “Whetstone was an officer of the NOPD at all pertinent times hereto”.
(H). The Affidavit filed by attorney Daniel Abel in support of the Confirmation of Default on December 19th, 2006, ( Doc. # 36, Exhibit “1-C”), erroneously states in Paragraph 4 that “service was made on Whetstone, returned, and entered in the docket.”
(I). On the original Complaint filed in 04-1052 (Doc. #1), an incorrect service address is listed for Mr. Whetstone.
It appears Danny Abel’s letter writing campaign is over as the media department at Jones Walker strikes out on “expanding the record” with fantasy evidence.
Meantime in other news by my count there are at least 5 complaints filed against Danny Abel with the Louisiana ODC including the one filed by Louisiana 22nd JDC Chief Judge William J Knight.
Meantime from the cause and effect files I’ve been notified the Mississippi wing of the Goatherder Nation has sent in more Kamikaze Goats as I’ve received this dispatch from the fabled Slabbed Legal Team on the latest activity at the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.