BREAKING: We have a press release from Team Vandenweghe.

PRESS RELEASE For immediate publication Yesterday, newly-elected Jefferson Parish President John Young terminated longtime Assistant Parish Attorney Anne Marie Vandenweghe. Despite being out on temporary leave for medical reasons, Ms. Vandenweghe was not afforded the opportunity of any hearing by Mr. Young or the Parish Attorney, Peggy Barton. Ms. Vandenweghe had been the subject of … Continue reading “BREAKING: We have a press release from Team Vandenweghe.”

Slabbed News Miscellany: A week’s worth of Jefferson Parish news we broke on Slabbed plus the continued fight against conflicts of interest.

There have been several area news stories which touched upon topics we cover, including 2 stories we broke this past week in the request for resignations from unclassified Parish employees and Anne Marie Vandenweghe’s disappointing day in court. In going back through the week in news I thought WWL TV (Channel 4) was “there with the most” on these … Continue reading “Slabbed News Miscellany: A week’s worth of Jefferson Parish news we broke on Slabbed plus the continued fight against conflicts of interest.”

Highly qualified Parish Attorney provides opportunity for John Young to “walk the talk” of good government

Maybe, just maybe, Phelps-Dunbar thought the firm could make another trip to the well in Jefferson Parish unnoticed.  After all, “times are hard all over” – and, in Jefferson Parish, they’re needlessly hard for want of a highly qualified Parish Attorney independent of any interest other than the best interest of Parish taxpayers. Hopefully, the … Continue reading “Highly qualified Parish Attorney provides opportunity for John Young to “walk the talk” of good government”

Of opinions and wet kisses: Everyone has one and everyone gets ’em. The Times Picayune calls for an expanded looksie at the River Birch landfill. A Jefferson Parish Corruption Scandal Update.

Over the past couple of days I’ve saved links to several stories pieces from the Times Picayune, two from the opinion page and one from the news department. Our readers will recall last week we had a bit of fun with T-P columnist Stephanie Grace, who evidently has never met a politician, crooked or otherwise she … Continue reading “Of opinions and wet kisses: Everyone has one and everyone gets ’em. The Times Picayune calls for an expanded looksie at the River Birch landfill. A Jefferson Parish Corruption Scandal Update.”

Waste Management drops the nuke, makes explosive allegations against unnamed Parish employees in suit involving Jefferson Parish and River Birch

Time is short for me this morning but on the general topic of the Parish v Waste Management, we previously chronicled certain events here with a couple of background posts here and here. Yesterday, Paul Rioux at the Times Picayune broke a story on a recent legal pleading filed in the NOLA federal courts on the suit which IMHO also represents the … Continue reading “Waste Management drops the nuke, makes explosive allegations against unnamed Parish employees in suit involving Jefferson Parish and River Birch”

Peggy Barton: Tom Wilkinson’s Continuing Legacy of Arrogance and Incompetence to Further Facilitate Corruption Part I. A guest post by Whitmergate

When Steve Theriot was unlawfully appointed by the Jefferson Parish Council to be Parish President as a result of Broussard’s resignation, he chose, in concert with the six Council members who ushered him upon us, to appoint Peggy Barton acting interim Parish Attorney. And what an act it’s been… It was Deja Vu …and live … Continue reading “Peggy Barton: Tom Wilkinson’s Continuing Legacy of Arrogance and Incompetence to Further Facilitate Corruption Part I. A guest post by Whitmergate”

And now a word from our sponsors…..

Only cops talk that way. If they’d been wiseguys, I wouldn’t have heard a thing. I would’ve been dead. Didn’t matter. It didn’t mean anything. When I was broke, I’d go out and rob some more. We ran everything. We paid off cops. We paid off lawyers. We paid off judges. Everybody had their hands … Continue reading “And now a word from our sponsors…..”

Now dats what I’m talking about. Ken Feinberg curbs ESIS and turns instead to the well oiled machine at Crawford and Company for spill claims.

I have a lot going on right now but this post must go up.  I’ve had one eye peeled on BP claims since we began covering problems in the BP claims process back in late June. (A short follow up to the first post can be found here.) So here is the deal and the story … Continue reading “Now dats what I’m talking about. Ken Feinberg curbs ESIS and turns instead to the well oiled machine at Crawford and Company for spill claims.”

What I like about livin’ way down south are the occasional Cat Fights. An Ana Maria of the Slabbed nation in the news again.

In today’s installment of right wing nuts gone wild I offer Grace “Bea” Harrison, owner of The Encore Group, a dissolved Mississippi Corporation and host of the Sunday morning show That’s What I Like About the South, where her wingnuttery goes on full display each Sunday morning.  I discovered the show by pure chance and figured … Continue reading “What I like about livin’ way down south are the occasional Cat Fights. An Ana Maria of the Slabbed nation in the news again.”

Defending the indefensible: A Parish of shame. New revelations in the "NAZI" case Simon v Jefferson Parish and Armand Kerlec. A Guest post by Whitmergate.

Asked by McGovern (Simon’s attorney) if he thought a Jewish person would be offended by a supervisor giving the Nazi salute, Kerlec said, “I don’t know whether they would be or not. I mean … I never even thought about whether anybody would be offended by it. There were so many people (co-workers) egging me … Continue reading “Defending the indefensible: A Parish of shame. New revelations in the "NAZI" case Simon v Jefferson Parish and Armand Kerlec. A Guest post by Whitmergate.”