Slabbed explores former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard’s business activities in Nova Scotia Part 1: In the deep south ‘reality’ is often a simple illusion.

And so it is in Canada too folks.

These past 2 weeks on Slabbed have been nothing short of extraordinary as the allegations of wrongdoing on part of former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard, who resigned in disgrace the day after he was interviewed by then Fox 8 reporter Val Bracy have snowballed with Karen Parker and Tim Whitmer’s plea deals. Those deals happened to mention Broussard’s business interests in Nova Scotia and Slabbed has explored those in great detail. Readers of Slabbed know we got to this point via St John the Baptist Parish President turned convict Bill Hubbard and a dime drop to Raphael way back in July 2009. The intertwining of the media into the scandal and its aftermath itself began just a few months after.

By now several of you know why this topic needs a full and public fleshing out and now I’ll share it with the entire Slabbed Nation. In May of last year, the constitutional and due process rights of 2 Slabbed commenters, Unslabbed and Telemachus, were trampled in a Nova Scotia courtroom via a court order that was obtained under specious circumstances. Slabbed New Media, despite being well-known and publicly disclosed since May of 2010 was not notified of any of these events, which took place in the suit filed by Trout Point Lodge against Fox 8. My web host here on WordPress, Automattic did not release any confidential information in response to the odorous court order issued by Judge Pierre Muise of the Nova Scotia Supreme Court.  For now lets circle that Muise surname.

Rather than re-write our exhaustive independent investigation into Broussard’s business dealings at the Trout Point Developement near East Kempt Nova Scotia I think it is better to rearrange our coverage into chronological order.  And this series will illustrate that despite the protestations of Trout Point Lodge proprietors Danny Abel, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret to the contrary, they are inherently involved in Broussard’s alleged use of a Canadian company to launder the proceeds of his illegal activities in Jefferson Parish and in fact they benefited from it. Leary and Perret in particular have repeatedly used archaic Canadian defemation laws coupled with judges possessive of questionable backgrounds to silence journalism in the public interest on their shithouse business dealings and therein lies the appeal of hiding ill-gotten gains in a defamation judicial hellhole for corrupt Louisiana politicians.

The story behind the story simply amazing but today we set it up by hopping into the wayback machine to the days that Abel, Leary and Perret first arrived in Canada and scammed the local economic development agency the ACOA from my 3 part series La ferme pue pire que la route putes un vagin: “The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion”, which I have brought up from the archives today here on Slabbed. For those that follow later the links to those posts are : (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)

So lets raise the curtain folks as Slabbed, in the coming days, will fully tell the entire tale, straight from the cesspool where the events unfolded. ~ sop

13 thoughts on “Slabbed explores former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard’s business activities in Nova Scotia Part 1: In the deep south ‘reality’ is often a simple illusion.”

  1. Like they used to say in the French Quarter at the world famous Showbar, "Its SHOWTIME"

    Just like the song says it's going to be '….. Vaseline …..and guillotine".

    Turn off all cell phones, no talking or eating during the opening act at SLABBED 'S JOURNALISM ARTS CENTER (SJAC) which didn't cost no 42 MILLION folks like some other well known arts centers we know.

    Reviews by the Feds are always welcomed at the SJAC.

  2. Pingback: - New Orleans News
  3. Sop… you not only deserve Kudos, but a Journalistic Award for your catch at “TROUT POINT”…

    All of which begs the QUESTION: Is the Times-Picayune going to file pleadings to set aside the settlement entered into with “Trout Point” based upon Trout Point’s fraudulent representations that they had no relationship with Aaron Broussard ? A relationship that we now know to be a fact, and would negate any of their nefarious claims for damages.

    It would appear that the law firm representing the Times-Picayune failed to perform due diligence. And it is this lack of due diligence by a number of LAW FIRMS associated with the “Jefferson Parish Scandals” (Phelps, Dunbar and Gaudry, Ranson) that is becoming increasingly suspect !!!

    1. The Broussards have owned or co-owned several properties in the Kempt/Tusket River area and rented them through two firms, one a firm called Public Works Investments. The registered office address for PWI (which is noted in Registry of Joint Stocks records as having been incorporated in 1999 but revoked in 2010) at Trout Point Lodge, a business founded in 1998 by former New Orleans-area lawyers Vaughn Perret and Danny Abel and Charles Leary. Abel is a former aide to Aaron Broussard. Leary and Perret had operated an organic farm near New Orleans and, in 1997, they established a goat cheese-making operation near Yarmouth. Karen Parker-Boussard is also listed as co-owner of a Lousiana-registered firm called Public Investments, Inc. The Broussards have owned or co-owned several properties in the Kempt/Tusket River area and rented them through two firms, one a firm called Public Works Investments. The registered office address for PWI (which is noted in Registry of Joint Stocks records as having been incorporated in 1999 but revoked in 2010) at Trout Point Lodge, a business founded in 1998 by former New Orleans-area lawyers Vaughn Perret and Danny Abel and Charles Leary. Abel is a former aide to Aaron Broussard. Leary and Perret had operated an organic farm near New Orleans and, in 1997, they established a goat cheese-making operation near Yarmouth. Karen Parker-Boussard is also listed as co-owner of a Lousiana-registered firm called Public Investments, Inc.

      The properties owned by the Broussards and others have been rented at times through a Nova Scotia firm called Kempt Wilderness Lodge Services, whose registered office is listed at a caretaker's cabin for Trout Point Lodge nearby. The firm advertises that it provides security, caretaking, business machines and access services for wilderness rental properties. The firm's current partners are listed as two New Orleans-area lawyers.

      A check of real estate ownership and business partnership records in Nova Scotia show a "whose who?" of of New Orleans-area politicians and wheeler-dealers. In addition to Aaaron and Karen Broussard, the New Orleans and Jefferson Parish area land and business owners or former owners in the Kempt Wilderness area include Pravi Desai, Ralph Fontcuberta, Roy D'Aqaille, James E. Smith, Jr., Praka-Nova LLC, Calvin and Cynthia Fayard and Marie and Bryan Krantz.

      I personally don't know what Leary's beef is with my coverage, or that of the Times Picayune for that matter. And while it is true Broussard never has had any documented involvement with Trout Point LP that point is also meaningless.

      So now the US Department of Justice has a Bill of Information saying Broussard deposited his ill gotten shakedown booty in Nova Scotia. IMHO Mssrs Leary, Abel and Perret have some 'splaining to do when the federal grand jury reconvenes.


  4. I think it would be prudent for the FBI to check out the Orange Beach, Fla. scam that Coulon, Broussard, et al had/have going, named Caribe Resorts Properties LLC…

    This was another Broussard hustle to invest … that included friends and contractors with the Parish for his and Coulon’s benefit …


    (Source: La Secretary of State, Corporations database)

    Also what I found noteworthy is the recent entry, CS Biloxi Properties, LLC (August 2011) … Coulon and HENRY SHANE, are joined at the hips; Shane has been one of Broussard’s biggest contributors over the years; and now Shane is the benefactor to Chris Roberts at Broussard’s beckoning.

    I am beginning to believe that there may be many other types of "investment opportunities" that campaign contrator/consultant contributors have invested in … I wonder where all these people buy cars from ???

  5. Usually a non-fiction book precedes a movie, play or reality series.Not with Slabbed's
    Journalism Arts Center (SLAC).

    Act 1 at SJAC, Broussard's Business Activities in Nova Scotia, has it all from the very time the curtain rises – international financing,french intrigue and ironic comedy.

    Most outstanding is the underlying ominous, twist of ironic fate which seems to be lurking about like transient, misty fog among the fast driving,(w)reckless characters compelling audience suspense anticipating the next act as to when the catastrophic pileup will occur.

    Enough of my thoughts though as I'm anxious to hear future Department of Justice reviews concerning accuracy of details, theories of conspiracy and naturally their much anticipated, Federal Academy recommendations for The Fickle Finger of Fate Trophy.

  6. The ultimate irony Lockie is that the people Broussard and his Nova Scotia based attack dogs thought were giving me most of my info were in fact trying to misdirect me on the entire Trout Point deal. Danny Abel's friends in particular had no desire to give him up to me or anyone else.

    I kid you not when I say every one of my sources on this save one were forced into spilling their guts not by me but by the ham handed way Leary and Perret responded.

    When Slabbed the book hits the bookshelves I'll likely air most everything but for now the girls can't say I didn't tell 'em.

    "Fickle Finger of Fate" sums it up very well.


  7. Sop, to be nominated by the Federal Academy one must first exemplify unusual scheming assholery,oppressive obstructionalism in an aggressive performance or role, or in a supporting role of another slippery asshole.

    The most distinguishing factor though in determining the winner is ironic stupidity or buffoonery resulting in a tragic twist of fate in a role, a fatal flaw in the art of slezzy assholery.


    As you can see this is not the well known Flying Fickle Finger of Fate Trophy of the Rowan and Martin's Laugh In days which had wings attached, but the true finger signaling one to get f$*cked.

  8. Assholery is also a good word. Now remember what Leary told Rich Rainey about Broussard just before Leary made the Times Picayune eat its own big toe?

    Broussard, “does not and has never had any ownership or management involvement with Trout Point Lodge, Limited.” The message went on to say Broussard owns a “vacation home on the same road.”

    And then the retraction itself:

    The Times-Picayune has referenced Trout Point Lodge in some of the stories published in print and online since Jan. 6 regarding an ethics complaint against former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard claiming that he owns a Nova Scotia vacation lodge that he rented to parish contractors.

    The newspaper retracts publication identifying Aaron Broussard as having an ownership interest in Trout Point Lodge; asserting Trout Point Lodge was rented to Jefferson Parish contractors; indicating that Roy D’Aquila has any part in Trout Point Lodge ownership or management; indicating that Kempt Wilderness Lodge Services has any ownership or management relationship with Trout Point Lodge; and identifying a photo of the lodge online as “Broussard-lodge.jpg.” The Times-Picayune apologizes for publishing this material.

    The Southcoast Today figured it all out in just a day:

    The Broussards have owned or co-owned several properties in the Kempt/Tusket River area and rented them through two firms, one a firm called Public Works Investments. The registered office address for PWI (which is noted in Registry of Joint Stocks records as having been incorporated in 1999 but revoked in 2010) at Trout Point Lodge, a business founded in 1998 by former New Orleans-area lawyers Vaughn Perret and Danny Abel and Charles Leary. Abel is a former aide to Aaron Broussard. Leary and Perret had operated an organic farm near New Orleans and, in 1997, they established a goat cheese-making operation near Yarmouth. Karen Parker-Boussard is also listed as co-owner of a Lousiana-registered firm called Public Investments, Inc.

    The properties owned by the Broussards and others have been rented at times through a Nova Scotia firm called Kempt Wilderness Lodge Services, whose registered office is listed at a caretaker’s cabin for Trout Point Lodge nearby. The firm advertises that it provides security, caretaking, business machines and access services for wilderness rental properties. The firm’s current partners are listed as two New Orleans-area lawyers.

    A check of real estate ownership and business partnership records in Nova Scotia show a “whose who?” of of New Orleans-area politicians and wheeler-dealers. In addition to Aaaron and Karen Broussard, the New Orleans and Jefferson Parish area land and business owners or former owners in the Kempt Wilderness area include Pravi Desai, Ralph Fontcuberta, Roy D’Aqaille, James E. Smith, Jr., Praka-Nova LLC, Calvin and Cynthia Fayard and Marie and Bryan Krantz.

    And with his hand forced by the truth even Leary had to somewhat come clean revising a post on the Trout Point Lodge Blog to explain all of it.

    From 2000 until 2010, a prominent Louisiana politician named Aaron Broussard, who is of Acadian French descent, owned a vacation home on a lot on the Trout Point Road, in East Kemptville, NS, near Trout Point Lodge. Perret & Leary had known Broussard for many years and Abel once worked for him, so when Broussard visited their new project in the Acadian homeland, he fell in love and decided to build a vacation home there, near the dining and recreational facilities offered by Trout Point.

    Broussard loved Nova Scotia, vacationed and brought friends there. Never, however, did Mr. Broussard own any part, or have any management role in Trout Point Lodge–he was simply a neighbour and someone who visited once or twice a year. The Lodge also managed rentals of his property, and has never denied this fact. That Aaron Broussard owned a cottage near Trout Point was no secret or mystery–the Times-Picayune newspaper published just this fact in a July, 2001 travel article. Broussard also had friends in the local community. When a privately-owned postage-stamp lot next to his became available sometime around 2007, Broussard bought that also and built a 2nd, smaller cottage there. He called the two cottages “Black Bear” and “Cub.”

    What Leary did not say originally is they were managing Broussard's property which is a very significant omission given the nature of the allegations, which are now part of a Bill of Information in US District Court.

    I do not want to get too far ahead of myself though.


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