The SouthCoast Today picks up more coverage of the unfolding Money Laundering Scandal involving the Trout Point development.

Two Nova Scotia firms are being named in news stories about the new fraud allegations which surfaced Tuesday regarding former Jefferson Parish (Louisiana) president Aaron Broussard’s growing problems with investigations and indictments for his actions while in office.

The allegation that parish contractors were paying Broussard retainers, consulting fees or finder’s fees is the first direct public mention of such conduct in the multifaceted, multi-year federal investigation of Jefferson’s government under Broussard’s tenure. Head Assistant U.S. Attorney Brian Klebba told reporters that it was a “distinct possibility” that there could be additional defendants in the case and that a decision could be made as soon as mid-February.

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2 thoughts on “The SouthCoast Today picks up more coverage of the unfolding Money Laundering Scandal involving the Trout Point development.”

  1. For SouthCoast Today news department:

    *******NEWS BULLETIN********** NEWS BULLETIN ******* NEWS BULLETIN******

    Acapulco news is reporting that a bald man from a suburb of New Orleans died while cliff diving into a 6" pool of water :

    His last dying words were, " crying… I have to take the stand and tell my side of The Story".

  2. Pingback: - New Orleans News

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