Gidget’s guys: Goober nails the Vitty endorsement of Nunny

Everyone is still scratching their heads over Diaper David Vitter’s endorsement of Billy Nungesser aka Bubba aka Nunny for the La Lite Gov against an incumbent from his own party. Nungesser is the subject of a federal investigation into how the Parish spent Katrina recovery funding, is the idiot that helped Bobby Jindal shake down BP for those useless sand berms and is otherwise a useless fat piece of crap.  Folks I do not recommend visualizing what it looked like when he crawled on top of one of Gidget’s girls running up a 5 figure tab with the Canal Street Madam that his daddy ended up making good per Jeanette Maier aka Gidget aka the Canal Street Madam who personally told me this in a telephonic interview.  Now she made it clear that she took anyone’s money including Norman Robinson at WDSU, who reportedly like his women very blonde but she also made it clear she had no use for Nunny on a personal level.  I know I trust Gidget far more than I’d ever trust a typical Louisiana politician.

In any event Goober over at the Plaquemine’s Parish forums at NOLA did a good job making the Gidget connection linking us, Oyster aka Mark Moseley and Scott McKay over at The Hayride, which has rapidly become the GOP blog of choice in Louisiana.  Oyster’s work on Diaper David Vitter and his proclivities with prostitutes over at Your Right Hand Thief is the literal magnum opus on the subject.  All of Goober’s links and research are well worth the read.


In this episode of Magnum JD: Wanna quick check? Check with James….

What we have here folks is a garden variety legal malpractice suit with some very salacious allegatiopns of fraud.  I checked lawyer David Greenberg out and got a very good report on the man so this suit and its salacious allegations certainly bears watching. ~ sop