Debbie does Newhouse: A Correction

A few days back I left a comment which implicated Jefferson Parish Councilman Chris Roberts as the source of the press leak regarding the amount of the Parish’s settlement with Anne Marie Vandenweghe, the terms of which I understand were confidential. My assertion regarding Roberts being the source of the leak was incorrect. In any … Continue reading “Debbie does Newhouse: A Correction”

Friday Miscellany: Mack gets knifed, the second coming of Jesus, Louisiana Republican hypocrisy plus Levees and the NFIP

Whew that was a mouthful. Let’s start with BIll Mack, who cut a deal to testify against the former Goatherder in Chief. Judge Brown gave Mack 20 months, higher than what was requested by the Federal prosecutors for bribing Aaron Broussard.  If my preliminary calculations are in the ballpark, Mack will spend somewhere close to … Continue reading “Friday Miscellany: Mack gets knifed, the second coming of Jesus, Louisiana Republican hypocrisy plus Levees and the NFIP”

Oh yeah boys and girls, it’s on alright

Let’s just say that the hearing week ago Wednesday did not go well for Danny Abel and his boys Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret aka Randall Cajun. And this Coyle guy the gang at Team Goatherder keeps yammering on about…..well, lets just say a former Federal prosecutor once told me in reference to doing criminal … Continue reading “Oh yeah boys and girls, it’s on alright”

“I could be wrong” Twofer Tuesday……..

I could be wrong but I do not think the former Goatherder in Chief is getting out much these days or even interacting with the outside world for that matter. Aaron Broussard listed among defense witnesses in Katrina flooding lawsuit against Jefferson Parish ~ Drew Broach Maybe they can sneak a camera into FCI Butner … Continue reading ““I could be wrong” Twofer Tuesday……..”

I understand the Vandenweghe settlement has been signed, sealed and delivered

And history will note the saga of the workplace retaliation taken against whistleblower Anne Marie Vandenweghe is Slabbed’s second real time account of such events lest we forget Cori and Kerri Rigsby.  I know it certainly would not appear this way to Team Vandenweghe, but against State Farm the thugs in Jefferson Parish Government are … Continue reading “I understand the Vandenweghe settlement has been signed, sealed and delivered”

This is too rich……

I’ve had some interesting days in my 5 plus years doing this blog and today ranks right up there. A few weeks ago I promised to publish the entire document dump from Slabbed’s Jefferson Parish Public Records Request project of 2012. Here is the first installment of docs obtained August 10, 2012, a day and … Continue reading “This is too rich……”

Saturday Omnibus: We’re beginning to mark some important anniversaries in the DMR Scandal

By this time last year the unraveling of the Mississippi DMR had begun as we rapidly approach the one year anniversary of several important events. I’m not gonna rehash them today but I need to hook up with one contributor in order to finalize a comprehensive post on the topic that will appear soon. Moving … Continue reading “Saturday Omnibus: We’re beginning to mark some important anniversaries in the DMR Scandal”