11 thoughts on “Chris “Mini-me” Roberts, Elton “Large Ass” Lagasse and Barry “da Bagman” Bordelon come on down!”

  1. I've been a bit out of the loop lately but haven't seen Jim Letten's name mentioned in any of the current happenings. I figured getting him out of the investigation is what incited ACTION….Finally. Am I missing something?

  2. As soon as I sober up (Whitmer celebration of course) I'm going to burn up this post with comments concerning mini-me and LargeASSE and da bagman …

    Like the Feds … I'm focused on these three scum bags …

    LargeASSE and da bagman … think Jefferson Parish Performing Arts Center … a corrupt construction scam … along with their co-conspirators Calderera and Gendusa … their money pit of taxpayers' monies …

    mini-me ? … the illegal spending of monies from his campaign fund for his personal use … Mardi Gras float … tractor to pull the float … antique fire engine … vintage sign panel truck … hot dog cart … snow ball stand … 'Bad Ass' golf cart … $70,000 plus of electronic and lighting systems … Tens of Thousands of beads and favors bought from China … dues for parade organizations … and on and on … paid for by the quid pro quo
    compaign contributor contractors …

    And all of that above is just the beginning …

  3. To ZFB: That's because the case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Brian M. Klebba and Matthew S. Chester, who are licensed to practice law in New York and Texas, respectively. And to remind "Whitmergate", Councilman "LargeASSE" is the miscreant who ram-rodded and facilitated the criminal trespass(es) on my Family's batture property since KATRINA, and since the institution of my litigation. In other words, LargeASSE pissed on the O'Dwyer Family. So now we'll all see who gets a "golden shower". Ashton O'Dwyer.

  4. Whitmergate
    Let's not forget the three stooges right hand man Deano Bonano. He seems to be front and center wherever the "scandal de jour" in Jefferson Parish is happening. Wheather the scandal is waste contracts, performance center permits, trashing the firemen, poisoning the dogs or tossing Anne Marie he's the go to guy. No wonder Roberts could not pass the chance to re-employ this gem.

  5. And this dribble from the oafs, LargeASSe, who did not receive one vote for the office he was sworn into:

    "There were sure times when you questioned yourself, when you tried to do what's right and you can't satisfy everybody," said Elton Lagasse, who served two terms as a 2nd District councilman before being elected in October to an at-large seat….” Yada, yada, yada

    (Well obviously you’ve wrongly satisfied yourself and your companions in corruption … trying to do what’s right for you and Bordelon and Gendusa is not the standard we deserve; doing the right thing is !)

    "I think you're going to see this parish move forward faster than it ever has in the past," Lagasse said…” Blah, blah, blah

    (Does that mean your corruption scam with the contractor Calderera of the JPPAC is almost over … that this has become to public for you and your Barry Borderlon and Gendusa to rip off more of the public’s money … by the way have you noticed how fast the Feds are moving through the Parish now that Whitmer is giving them directions … I’ll bet there’s some bones buried under the JPPAC )

    Jefferson Parish Council, President John Young take oath of office
    Published: Wednesday, Jan 11, 2012, 12:49 PM Updated: Wednesday, January 11, 2012, 1:04 PM
    By Richard Rainey, The Times-Picayune http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2012/01/je

    Spears, who survived a brutal race against School Board member Cedric Floyd and civic activist George Peterson, said he wanted to make sure "District 3 is fully represented and that we get our fair share of the pie."

  6. LargeASSe … you’re really going to get fucked … and the Feds won't let Whitmer use any vaseline either …

    “In June 2009, contractors working on the Jefferson Performing Arts Center wanted to add $6.2 million for "concrete revisions" to the structure's already burgeoning $36.8 million budget. So Tim Whitmer, the top aide to Parish President Aaron Broussard, told Capital Projects Director Reda Youssef to sign off on it.”

    “Youssef refused, saying parish engineers estimated the increase shouldn't be more than $2.8 million.”

    “… the state legislative auditor describes how Finance Director Gwen Bolotte, without ever checking an invoice, cut a check for $5.6 million — doubling Youssef's figure — at Whitmer's request on June 24, 2009. That was the same day the Parish Council unanimously approved the change order, the fifth since breaking ground in 2007.”

    “Whitmer told legislative auditors that he had Bolotte cut the $5.6 million check for concrete revisions because Councilman Elton Lagasse asked for it. Lagasse told auditors he didn't recall but that if Whitmer said it, it likely was true, according to the audit.”

    Jefferson Performing Arts Center job riddled with errors, legislative auditor says
    Published: Friday, October 14, 2011, 7:28 PM Updated: Friday, October 21, 2011, 4:06 PM
    By Richard Rainey, The Times-Picayune http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2011/10/je

  7. These are some of the timeless posts that I have filed, not written, over the last 3 years…


    nolakat60 January 03, 2010 at 10:02AM

    You hit the nail on the head! Chris Roberts is but a puppet of the Wards and the Heebees. He is their "Boy" on the inside. He, along with many others within Parish government, including that Parish Attorney, lead the charge on illegally ousting Waste Management from the landfill contract. The Feds need to look closly at his involvement as well as Mr. Whitmer's connection through Lagniappe Insurance. On a related note, there was an article that appeared in the Times-Picayune around the time that Jefferson Parish was awarding its garbage collection contract back in late 2008 or early 2009. In the article, it listed a host of councilmen and administrative staff that received gifts in the form of boar hunting expeditions in the Honey Island Swamp, paid for by the new garbage company, IESI/Coastal Waste. Chris Roberts was one of the councilmen who benefited from such a trip. Coastal Waste/IESI was bidding on the garbage collection contract at the time. I only wish I had saved the article because this is probably the tip of the ice berg. Something stinks here and it's not the garbage! Chris Roberts will parade behind a facade of controlling blight and fighting crime in his district. This is just a farce and distraction to make the public think that he is looking out for them. He is only looking out for himself; wake up. His district has gotten worse, not better. It is loosing it's economic base and people are moving out in droves. Younger people with good jobs are not moving in! This is poor leadership driving by a self serving political hack, nothing more.

    bucktownjoe December 18, 2009 at 2:38PM

    The deal that needs to be looked into is the IESI/COASTAL WASTE contract to pick up garbage in Jefferson Parish. IESI's G.M. orchestrated the deal by hiring Tim Coulan's son as a consultant to work with Time Whitmer. Elton Lagasse's aide , Barry Bordeon, is on IESI's payrolll. Ramelli Janitorial was given $168,000 a month as part of the deal to satisfy Tom Cappella, who is Bob D'Hemecort's cousin, Bob is partners with Ramelli. Ramelli also employees Louis Congemi's relative, Nicalosi.

    Rich Rainey http://www.nola.com/news/index.ssf/2008/08/coasta

    Several of the companies had connections to council members or their aides. Councilman Elton Lagasse's top aide, Barry Bordelon, for instance, has been on IESI's payroll as a consultant in northern Louisiana. And Gus Bordelon, who is not related to Lagasse's aide, hosted boar hunts in the spring for Roberts and Lagasse in the Honey Island Swamp in St. Tammany Parish.

    Rich Rainey http://www.nola.com/news/index.ssf/2008/04/new_qu

    Councilman Chris Roberts took umbrage at the suggestion that he was curtailing competition. He said well-established haulers provide a better guarantee that collection would not be interrupted by a hurricane, as happened after Katrina. Councilmen Elton Lagasse, Byron Lee and Tom Capella agreed.

    "The concern that I have, Mr. Young, is based on some of the comments that may be perceived that some members of this council are not in favor of competitive price competition," Roberts said. "That's not necessarily the case."

    Personally, I think the IESI contract is River Birch all over again … and mini-me is again at the center of this garbage … and Roberts, LargeASSe nd his shakedown buddy, Barry Bordelon stink like RICO !!!


  8. Tomorrow mini-me and LargeASSe will vote, most probably favorable, to continue playing the ‘quid pro’ game with two of the usual suspect campaign contributor contractors who are guaranteed their piece of the Parish $$$ Pie…

    Just look at these $$$numbers for the last few years:

    HARTMAN (now B.K.Sneed = Heebe = River Birch)… Lagasse $13,000 …Roberts $11,800

    PERRIN & CARTER (Calderera = Gendusa = Jefferson Parish Performing Arts Center) … Legasse $7500 … Roberts $10,700

    There’s transparency for you !!!

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