So Bobby Jindal is holding this fundraiser for Billy Nungesser on Tuesday…..

And folks I hear there is gonna be lots of fun and games over at Blaine Kern’s place  but before we get to that let’s visit with our good friends over at Plaquemines Citizen, who has the invite and letters from Piyush and Nunny on the soiree as we highlight the following comment Plaquemines left here on Slabbed:

I believe this little shin-dig has something to do with a piece of property in Belle Chasse Louisiana that is is the subject of a rather heated opposition to a large development headed to Belle Chasse that includes a Super WalMart. Nungesser is doing what he can to push the development, even though the majority of residents in Upper Plaquemines are against it. The Parish has spent loads of money fighting it, and you wouldn’t even believe the shenanigans involved. The real story is no one is saying is Jindal’s father-in-law is a principal in the company that owns the property. The Court even sealed the documents that reflects the current owners of the property, and the options to purchase the property.

A court in Plaquemines sealing public real estate ownership information? This sounds like Grenta mentality to me folks as Jindy sure has cuddled up extra close to Nunny of late.

Now back to the entertainment. Folks Kern and the other organizers have been somewhat coy on exactly what kind of entertainment will be on tap to regale Nunny and the attendees. But we can make a reasonable guess based on some of what we know in the public record about Nunny and his preferences. Let’s start with Jeremy Alford at Gambit to get a flavor for what Nunny likes:

In 1997, Nungesser was sued for damages by a man named Ryck H. Soto, who had previously worked for Nungesser’s General Marine Leasing. According to the suit, which was filed in Orleans Civil District Court, Soto alleged that he was “wrongly terminated” after Nungesser allegedly made “sexual advances.” Nungesser denied all the allegations, which included requests for oral sex and “exposing his genitals.”

Nungesser’s consultant, Gates, said the suit was withdrawn by Soto. “The allegations alleged are completely false and (the plaintiff) will corroborate that,” Gates said.

(Download the court filing)

Soto did, in fact, confirm to Gambit he “had a kind of humbug that was personal with Billy, and I was honestly trying to embarrass him. ” Soto added, “I don’t remember all the particulars, but we’ve made up. I’m campaigning for him now.”

This of course is not the first time Nunny’s proclivities have surfaced. In fact our own Patricia was kind enough to share with us some speculation about someone who might be related to Nunny not too long after the election.  Here is a snippet:

Several weeks ago, I interviewed four ladies and was hesitant on posting their information on NOLA forum. However, since a certain person attacked Lieutenant Governor Dardenne’s personal life after the election, I feel a need in posting the following:

There are several persons involved and will be identified as Mr. A., Ms. B, Ms. C., Ms. D., Ms., E. and Mr. F. You will have to place names to some of the Mr(s). and Ms(s). I don’t think you will have any difficulty.

Ms. B. placed me in contact with persons Ms. C. and Ms. D. on a phone conversation about Mr. A. Mr. A. may hold a high political office in Plaquemines Parish. Ms. C. met Mr. A. for the first time just over 10 years ago. She met with him for the first time and was paid for her services. He did not desire a man or woman’s natural services. He wanted a woman who liked other women. When the services began, She strapped on a sexual device and began servicing him. When she was finished, she withdrew the strapped on device and he expelled an undesirable body product all over the bed. She told him that he would have to clean up the mess, and that she was not paid for that duty. She told me that he was the most disgusting person she had ever met……

But folks there is no need for speculation since blogger turned OpEd columnist Mark Moseley aka Oyster has been all over Nunny and his connections to the Canal Street Madam since this blog was knee-high to a grasshopper. He wrote a couple of columns last fall that are worth visiting. Here is a snippet from the first:

Now, some may remember the time Vitter appeared on Jeff Crouere’s WGSO radio show and famously denied extra-marital relations with prostitutes. Later, after Vitter’s phone number implicated him in the D.C. Madam scandal, Jeanette Maier– New Orleans’ own Canal Street Madam — told the press that Vitter was also one of her clients. Jim Letten made the unusual move of telling the press that Vitter’s name “never surfaced” on Maier’s list (which doesn’t preclude the possibility that Vitter was a client before she began compiling a list to protect herself). Vitter never came back on Crouere’s conservative talk after the scandal broke.

There’s an interesting parallel here because Nungesser, like Vitter, was confronted about prostitutes on Crouere’s radio show, denied any association, and never again appeared on the program. Talk radio enthusiast David C. Bellinger heard the exchange, and recounted it last year in his characteristically restrained manner:

Astonishingly, on the Jeff Crouere program, on AM 990 WGSO on 3/18/2008, Billy Nungesser claimed that he never heard of the Canal Street brothel! And Nungesser has been a stranger from the Jeff Crouere talk program ever since -– quite a feat considering I know of no “bigger” publicity hound than Nungesser!

Furthermore, Nungesser has not accepted a challenge to undergo a lie detector examination when challenged to such by the Canal Street Madam – Jeanette Maier – and if the James Gill column is in any way or manner whatsoever a “slanderous” falsehood” — then why has Billy Nungesser not filed a libel suit against James Gill, The Times Picayune, and Jeanette Maier, hummmmm!!!!!!!

Bellinger then refers to another radio show where the Nungesser topic was broached, and a caller named “Shirley from Kenner” asked, “Where did Jeanette Maier ever find a woman willing to have sex with a ‘whale’?”

Ouch. As parting shots go, that one must be judged offensive on several levels. First, it’s juvenile to make fun of a fat man’s weight. Second, it’s sexist to assume that all prostitutes are women.

Maier has told me and others, in more than one conversation, that Billy Nungesser Jr. was on her list because he was a client of hers. In fact, she said this on Crouere’s show, which prompted him to call Nungesser, to get his reaction. Nungesser said that he’d never been to the Canal Street brothel (which might be true, since Maier occasionally took her act on the road to events like fishing rodeos).

Fishing Rodeos indeed as the Grand Isle fishing bacchanal has been brought up a time or two on these pages. That said Oyster tackled the topic again focusing the Soto suit referenced in the Gambit piece I linked above and this time he honed on the persistent reports that Nunny was in fact a sodomizing pervert:

Meanwhile, political pundit Jeff Crouere took a victory lap last week, reminding everyone that Jeanette Maier, the Canal Street Madam, declared on Crouere’s radio show that Nungesser had been client……..

Now, I don’t automatically believe everything Maier says. But I can confirm Crouere’s statement that Maier “privately mentioned many times” that Nungesser was a client, and that he had “off-menu” tastes that ran to $2,000 a pop. But if Maier is merely out to stir publicity, it’s difficult to understand why she would consistently tell the same story for years in private before finally divulging the name of the Plaquemines Parish president, way back in 2008.

Sunday’s Times-Picayune op-ed page featured a double whammy on Nungesser, courtesy of the “Gill and Grace” show. (In that show, by the way, I aspire to the role of their silly neighbor, Jack.)

Columnist James Gill, who got the ball rolling on this back in 2003, reminded us:

U.S. Sen. David Vitter is a big supporter [of Nungesser’s] too. One theory attributes this to Vitter’s displeasure last year when he was thought vulnerable on the hooker issue and Dardenne flirted with the possibility of running against him in the Republican primary.

But Nungesser is no stranger to prostitutes either, having been fingered in court as a customer of the celebrated Canal Street brothel, so Vitter may have felt an affinity with him regardless. Still, it must be admitted that Vitter is not exactly happy-go-lucky and a grudge against Dardenne cannot be ruled out.

And despite the fact Nunny had the near 100% support from whore mongering hypocrites like Senator David Vitter he lost the Lite Gov election, thus the fundraiser to retire his campaign debts which is the topic of this post. This brings us back to tomorrow night’s entertainment and it was Lockie that found the Youtube Video that highlights a game the perverted pachyderms in the GOP certainly must enjoy playing so here it is for those not attending who wish to get a flavor for the action on tap for tomorrow night.


15 thoughts on “So Bobby Jindal is holding this fundraiser for Billy Nungesser on Tuesday…..”

  1. Does the St. Bernard judge know that the FBI is alive and well in Da Parish again? Post-Katrina levels have ratcheted up considerably. DA JUDGE may want to sweep the office for bugs. Ya never know anymore. LMAOROTF @ these dumbasses.
    Or is it numb asses ?

  2. This sealing shit by the courts is what it is…fucking bullshit … How can a judge seal property records that were already filed into the public record … obstensibly the Plaquemine Parish Conveyance Office ! Obviously this Judge attended the Jefferson Parish School of Law and was taught well by Proffessor Gruntz … 'the law is what we Public Officials say it is. Case closed.'

    'Jingle Jangle' Pyush is a piss ant amoral clown, and you can red dot that quote.

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  4. Let me clarify… the records on file with the Plaquemines Parish Clerk of Court's office only reveal the corporate owners (corporate names) of the property. It is in the case entitled "Moretco, et al v. Plaquemines Parish Government, et al" that was the subject of a hearing in early January 2012, which the names of the "true" owners of the corporation that owns the property were sealed. Anything that revealed the Option to Purchase and other documents between Moretco and Crescent Technology were sealed.

    Jindal's father-in-law is not named as a member of Crescent Technology with the Secretary of State's records either. However, he is 3rd on the food chain of Crescent Technology, he is a principal in the corporation, Executive Vice-President. Google his name and you'll see the connection.

    The Judge is Judge Frank Foil out of the the Baton Rouge area. Both Plaquemines Parish judges had to be recused because of conflicts.

  5. Thanks for the clarification Plaquemines. As a matter of editorilal policy here at Slabbed we do not support the use of seals in public litigation.


  6. Well, it wouldn't be beyond the realm of possiblity for our Clerk of Court to seal documents of her own choosing either!!

    Thanks for the blog…

    Can't wait to see who shows up at his little party tomorrow night!!

  7. – This sealing shit by the courts is what it is…fucking bullshit

    WG…exactly! I am not a lawyer nor do I pretend to have much knowledge of how our legals system works but I don't understand how so much evidence is sealed and kept from public scrutiny when many of these cases specifically affect the public's welfare. I would really like to hear someone with extensive legal experience in the LA justice system make a tangible argument as to why so much evidence is sealed in public corruption cases…even civil cases like the Camsoft case. I just don't get it but I would like to hear the justification for it.

  8. To my knowledge, there is NO PROVISION in the Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure for "sealing" records, which should be "public record" in a "Court of record". Historically, the Papal and Civil Inquisitors performed their duties in "secret" in order to shield them and their nefarious acts from the gaze of the Public, who would have put THEM on the rack, and secured THEM to the stake for BURNING. The same thing goes on today, not only in this case, but by Plattsmier and his co-conspirators on the Louisiana Supreme Court, the Louisiana Attorney Disciplinary Board, the Louisiana Office of Disciplinary Counsel, etc., etc. THERE IS NO STATUTORY LEGAL AUTHORITY IN LOUISIANA FOR SEALING RECORDS, other than "power-mad" Judges (SHAME on you, Frank Foil). Ashton O'Dwyer.

  9. Yeah, I'm not so shocked about the Billy boy revelations. I spoke with Jeanette on the phone for about 30 minutes a couple of years ago and she ranted about Nungesser for half that time. She said he developed an affinity for young, AA males…more than one at a time. But, admittedly, she had a huge axe to grind with BN so I don't know how much of it you can take to the bank.

    Now I have also heard stories from another source of Billy going down on a guy under the table at Morton's Steakhouse….that is pretty outrageous but it came from a much more credible source. I've never been in Morton's…can't afford it….but I'm curious how he pulled that off without getting kicked out of the restaurant. Maybe it was private room. Or maybe the story is bullshit. Who knows with this guy…he's a piece o' work, fo' true.

    1. I too interviewed Jeanette Maier around the time that Jay Vice payola radio story ran and yes, Nungesser was prominent in the conversation. But what she was telling me and Vice was Johnny come lately to the conversation as James Gill at the Picayune was all over that aspect dating back to 2003.

      People makes mistakes and I know guys that frequent whores, but that is not what makes Nunny special, especially given his campaign rhetoric. Throw in the fact he is likely more crooked than his daddy ever was and it becomes a topic that certainly attracts my attention.


  10. reason #1 that the morton's story is not believable, how would billy be able to get under a table. hell he has trouble walking.

  11. Well….the way he's shaped….once he gets into the seat he could probably just roll right under the table.

    One thing I've learned doing this…the more outrageous the story is the more likely it turns out to be true.

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