If you were sold a stake in either La Ferme D’Acadie or Cerro Coyote Slabbed wants to hear from you!

My archival post regarding the Cerro Coyote hotel in Costa Rica has generated more leads folks as more local investors in the project that had no clue Abel, Leary and Perret sold the hotel and whom received not a penny back on their investment have sent me bat signals and that does not count the inquiries from those who are still coming to grips with the fact their “friends” Danny Abel and Aaron Broussard fleeced them. So while the news is settling in please meet the new owners of the former Inn at Coyote Mountain:

Bill Duron: Bill is chairman of the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation, agency of the Government of Ontario and serves on the boards of the Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation, Canadian National Sportsmen’s Shows and the Advisory Board of Ryerson University’s School of Retail Management.

Melody Duron – high-end interior decorator

William Thorsell, former publisher of the Globe and Mail and director of the Royal Ontario Museum.

Those so interested in sharing can email me here.


8 thoughts on “If you were sold a stake in either La Ferme D’Acadie or Cerro Coyote Slabbed wants to hear from you!”

  1. Wait. Wait. They sold the Costa Rica property to those three without telling their investors?
    Do those three know that? Oh my sop!

    1. Like I said in the comment I left yesterday I had been contacted by someone claiming to be an investor (months ago) that did not want to believe what he read inquiring about the veracity of the links left in comments indicating the Inn was sold. The Trout Point investors are also shit out of luck as the Lodge is listed as a Nova Scotia "Ltd" and "LP" whose owners are Perret and Leary. Louisiana is the only state or province in North Amwerica outisd of Quebec that allows the use of counter letters (like the Cerro Coyote stock purchase agreement) to evidence ownership in a business. Based on their history what chance does anyone here have of ever seeing a dime from what is now called Trout Point Lodge? Ed Muniz was quoted by Rich Rainey as saying he has never seen a penny on his investment.

      I have more coming Shark.


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  3. How about the Feds sending a subpoena to Ed Muniz and have him answer some questions about his owning a per percentage of the resort and what he knows about the resort.

    And how about sending a federal subpoena via Dudley Do-Right to the girls for them to appear and answer some questions in regard to exactly who owns what at Trout Point and their communications and business relationships with Lil' Napoleon.

    1. I hear that Ed Muniz is not the kind of guy to cover for someone elses BS. The Feds don't need him, they have Karen Parker talking with them now. Remember Public Works LLC and her other NS entanglements? If I were with the Ethics Board I think I'd visit with her.


  4. I'd rather think the Feds must be looking to triangulate now and will be pressing Baby and Papa Butler to close the noose…they could get Heebe, Coulon, Ward et al with that length of rope…

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