Welp, I just got a bat signal that explained all the recent Phil Bass site searches here on Slabbed

At this point I really do not want to believe what I just read but I have no reason to doubt its veracity.  I’m looking for confirmation in comments or via email. Thanks.

Comment bump: AROD is back!

Let me share some “new” (for most of you) information with you. Preliminarily, let me reiterate that “I will not join a Club that will have ME as a Member”, and particularly a “Jefferson Parish Mardi Gras krewe” that parades on Veterans Highway. Having said that, I am the son of a Jefferson Parish gambler, and I will NEVER receive an invitation to join a “main line” Mardi Gras krewe. My wife’s GrandFather was a King of Proteus (whose identity is supposed to be “secret”). Her Great GrandFather was REX in 1883. Now for the “new” information: The first “Court” of Comus, which is the “Gold Standard” for all other Carnival organizations, was in 1884. The Comus organization did not parade that year (Where are you, Dorothy Mae Taylor?), but the ladies of the Court were: Varina Anne “Winnie” Davis, the youngest daughter of Jefferson Davis, the former President of the Confederacy. Winnie Davis was known as “The Daughter of the Confederacy”, having been born in June 1864, during the “dark days” of the Civil War. The next was a daughter of Robert E. Lee (either Mildred or Mary), who so many Southern Men worship as a role model, even to this day. And the daughter of General (some accounts say “A.P.”, others say “D.H.”) Hill, Nannie. and lastly “Julia” who was the daughter of General Stonewall Jackson. There also are incomplete accounts that REX honored “Daughters of the Confederacy” in 1885. Winnie Davis returned to Comus to serve as OUEEN of the organization in 1892. Reportedly, Confederate veterans living in New Orleans WENT NUTS! So, in addition to imparting this information, I have an idea: Comus and Rex have to invite Obama and Michelle to attend their Balls, and a “toast” to the ZULU organization has to be added to whatever happens at Gallier Hall (does anyone really understand THAT?).

“A day in the life of Trout Point Lodgers Chuck and Vaughn”

Page 2, current edition of Frank Magazine after being copyright trolled by Trout Point Lodge’s Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret

Like a lead balloon: “Bill filed to allow lease of Jefferson Parish hospitals without vote of the people”

And with 6 co-sponsors no less.  Here comes another backroom deal for which Jefferson Parish is famous.

Bill filed to allow lease of Jefferson Parish hospitals without vote of the people ~ Drew Broach

I’m fairly certain the CFGG will have some response to this turn of events. Stay tuned.

Even the seeing eye dog could see it was wind damage to the McIntosh residence…….

I’m not certain brainwashed is a good term as much eveyone certainly knowing that leaving Lecky King’s reservation was bad for career longevity.

Engineer in trial over Biloxi home calls insurance adjusters ‘brainwashed’ ~ Anita Lee

And under the new NFIP rules once the insurance company gives the storm damaged homeowner (and the taxpayers) the shaft, they stick ’em with the bill for it. Multiply the above many times over and you get the picture of what the insurance companies did down here after Hurricane Katrina.

OK folks time to tackle this DMR Executive Director thing part 1: Three Candidates went to Gov Phil…..

Allow me to share a bit of a Slabbed back story to kick off this post and that would involve the Goatherderian fleecing of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency as outlined in these two excellent rural delivery articles found here and here. Part of that saga, well chronicled on these pages, involved the untimely deaths of 3 ACOA employees involved in the loan.  It was a twist I did not emphasize because I could never find a direct salience between the events but it exists as part of that story’s lore.  I’m very hesitant to trample the deceased in order to report a story.

Along those lines I was drug kicking and screaming to the suicide of Michaela Hill even though it occurred, according to local lore, there at the Bolton Building last Summer.  I am in fact reticent to this topic but then the emails started coming after the unfortunate events surrounding State Rep Jessica Upshaw’s untimely demise last weekend at the home of a former colleague in Mendenhall bubbled up.  Here is a sampling of those reader emails:

Three finalist of the DMR director fiasco included Jessica Upshaw, who supposedly committed suicide Sunday in the garage of her boyfriend in Mendenhall……….

That brings the death total to three folks who have died, two by suicide and one by drowning, who have a history with the DMR.

Mrs. Hill being the first, then attorney and marine expert, Ricky Hembre, and now Upshaw…..attorney and oil spill legislator assigned to oversee the disaster and relief; also on the Conservation Committee of the House…..

After knowing the qualifications of the other two applicants, both successful women…

Let’s call that data point number 1. Here is data point number 2 from a source unconnected to data point 1 source: Continue reading “OK folks time to tackle this DMR Executive Director thing part 1: Three Candidates went to Gov Phil…..”

Law Enforcement on the move: A four pack of previous Slabbed topics.

As FBI moves in, Janus voted out as D’Iberville city manager ~ Mary Perez

Criminal investigation examining Jefferson Parish Housing Authority, sources say ~ Manuel Torres

Somethings tells me Slabbed will end up giving some of the Housing Authority types an “Alfortish Special”. 😉

Louisiana attorney general passes on sanctions against Orleans judges for suspect spending ~ John Simerman

Slabbed played a very small role in the above when Judge Calvin Johnson used these pages to get in a word on the subject. Meantime disgraced former NOLA pol Sherman Copeland is back in the news:

Bond set at $10,000 for former New Orleans state Rep. Sherman Copelin Jr. ~ Michele Hunter

Because they just do things a bit different in Hancock County

This post has a little something for everyone from the Goatherders to Good Government peeps plus we get to do a  bit of compare and contrast:

The first story is still in its original form while the second was updated. It is unclear who the 22 residents are who filed suit against the Hancock County Board of Supervisors using the services of Goatherder lawyer Henry Laird as neither story mentions them and it may well be none ultimately have any standing to sue but Harris updated her story with comments from the property owner, American Legion Post 139, which is the exact context I heard about this budding controversy originally. Specifically:

The county has leased the property from American Legion Post 139 for 25 years, but the lease expired in November, post Commander Clayton Thompson said. Board attorney Ronnie Artigues said supervisors have been in negotiations to buy the property.

The board will meet Monday to discuss renewing the lease monthly until the property can be purchased, he said.

So the county constructs bathrooms on property it did not have any legal rights to and for some inexplicable reason did not bother to renew the lease on the property, which expired last November electing to break ground instead.  Ignorant does not quite do the actions of the Board of Supervisors justice in this circumstance but earlier this month Bay Waveland School Board President Sherry Ponder attempted to swear in a school board member that had not yet been been appointed to the school board by the City. Sources indicate to Slabbed Ponder lashed out at the Alliance for Good Government member that pointed this out in the school board meeting which makes one wonder exactly which local government is more clueless, the School Board or the Board of Supervisors.

OTOH not much good law gets practiced when a Goatherder is involved so this one has FUBAR potential written all over it so it is worth keeping an eye on.  This is about more than just building flood mitigated bathrooms IMHO.