The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and

Criminal Malfeasance, as defined by the Legislature and understood here in Jefferson Parish, has a dual definition:

FIRST THE LAW… apparently enacted to stay in a book and not be applied:


§134. Malfeasance in office

NOTE: §134 eff. until Aug. 15, 2011. See Acts 2010, No. 811, §1.

Malfeasance in office is committed when any public officer or public employee shall:

(1) Intentionally refuse or fail to perform any duty lawfully required of him, as such officer or employee; or

(2) Intentionally perform any such duty in an unlawful manner; or

(3) Knowingly permit any other public officer or public employee, under his authority, to intentionally refuse or fail to perform any duty lawfully required of him, or to perform any such duty in an unlawful manner.

Any duty lawfully required of a public officer or public employee when delegated by him to a public officer or public employee shall be deemed to be a lawful duty of such public officer or employee. The delegation of such lawful duty shall not relieve the public officer or employee of his lawful duty. Continue reading “The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and”

The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and

The ‘Little Man’ Uncle Carlos (as in Marcello) must be all a glee in his grave to think that the political elite of Jefferson Parish have chosen as their persona, wannabe wise guys, just like his ‘family’ of the past.

And what about this thing, this MAFIOSO thing, that attracts our Parish politicians: from Judge to Parish President, from Council member to Clerk of Court, from a Chief of Police to School Board member, from Mayor to State legislator? Jefferson Parish’s Political establishment’s shocking and disturbing characterization of themselves, both in public projection and by emulating the “Thug Mentality” associated with a mafia family does in fact identify these individuals with what the adopted analogy implies, ORGANIZED CRIME!

Simply stated another way, we have a entrenched, incestuous, arrogant, self-entitlement, retirement junkie Politico Class that do what they ‘wanna do…whatz youz going to do about it?’

Here are some examples of such abominable public exhibition: Continue reading “The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and”

“Black Hat” West Bank Soprano Chris Roberts now wants to pretend he is not in the mob….

I tell you folks this last bit of Wiley Beevers inspired homecooking in Judge McCabe’s courtroom is the gift that keeps on giving. For instance we only need to take the Wayback Machine to May 16, 2009 to find this Mini-me Roberts inspired Allen Powell jewel that also causes some collateral damage IMHO to others with political aspirations in 2011:

So a buncha Sopranos stormed the Governor’s Mansion on Thursday. Funny thing was, though, they weren’t from Jersey. Try Jefferson Parish.

These guys are a bunch of politicians, long fans of the HBO television show, who got together every Sunday to watch it and stuff their faces with authentic Italian fare. “We all gained a little weight during that time,” Parish Councilman Chris Roberts said.

After years of faithfully following the show, they took to wearing black fedoras when they got together, especially when the fun spilled into a local bar or restaurant afterward. Soon they started calling themselves the Black Hats. Continue reading ““Black Hat” West Bank Soprano Chris Roberts now wants to pretend he is not in the mob….”

Jefferson Parish News Miscellany: Where were they and where are they now?

From the “Where were they and what were they doing?” file, James Gill chipped in last week on Jon and Chereen Gegenheimer’s world travels where he distilled the issues nicely and as only Sir James can.

From the “Where are they now?” files Jeremy Alford over at the Jefferson Report updates Steve Theriot’s travails as he and his daughter Wanda attempt to hop back on the taxpayer teat over at AG Buddy Caldwell’s office for a cool $275 an hour, which happens to be exactly $100 more per hour than Tom Capella and Dale Atkins bill the LSED. Jeremy makes a point regarding Theriot that bears repeating here:

Conspiracy theorists and astute political observers alike have wondered whether state work was Theriot’s original aim in his so-called retirement years. If so, that would make his stint as interim parish president a detour of sorts.

For now we’ll put a circle on the fact that TheRiot, a career politician and his political hack daughter Wanda are trying to hop on the oil spill trough Continue reading “Jefferson Parish News Miscellany: Where were they and where are they now?”

Ethics and morality? Shakespeare knew not of sociopathy: A quick Slabbed update.

My desktop is cluttered with links and that does not count the ones I present today for the consideration of the Slabbed Nation.  If the spirit moves me I’ll try to string some of the saved links together around the Saints game today and put a couple of posts in the can for next week.

We must begin here in Mississippi where the judges are not mere pigs at the trough a la Judge pOrteous but instead are completely drunk with power.  Oxford lawyer Tom Freeland has been telling the story of Judge Tommy Talmadge Littlejohnson and his asinine behavior jailing a lawyer for contempt because he wouldn’t recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Those wanting additional background can read Patsy Brumfield’s original story on the topic here.

Speaking of north Mississippi, escapee Jarvis DeBerry chips in with today’s column on the latest NOPD guilty plea in the Danziger Bridge shootings.  Unfortunately for Shakespeare the term sociopath did not exist in his days but I think it is the word Jarvis is looking for.  I’ll add this is a subject we’ve been interested in since we first identified similar personality traits in some of the insurance folks we’ve run across since beginning Slabbed.

We’ve spoken a lot about legal ethics and ethicists here on Slabbed through time.  Loyola law professor Dane Ciolino, for example, is a favorite of the Slabbed Nation and we’ll be circling back to Dane but first Continue reading “Ethics and morality? Shakespeare knew not of sociopathy: A quick Slabbed update.”

You know Dale, maybe if you didn’t spend so much time doing a private law practice with Tom Capella someone would have taken a backup…..

Folks I’ve been following the Dale Atkins’ disaster from afar, duly noting the irate emails I’ve been receiving about the Clerk of Orleans Parish Civil District Court and the incompetent handling of her office, that experienced a computer crash last month and evidently did not maintain any useful backups.  There is a story behind the story that I will not be telling today beyond highlighting some interesting connections Ms Atkins’ maintains.

Over a decade ago I had the misfortune of taking  on the Single Audit of a so-called institution of higher learning the State Auditor’s office suddenly had lost interest in. The reason was the institution had suffered a catastrophic computer crash which they were still recovering from when I showed up on site to begin fieldwork.

Evaluating internal controls over the various computer systems is part and parcel of any audit and I quickly learned the director of the MIS department was evidently a bang-up band director before snagging the high level administrative position overseeing the institution’s computing systems, no doubt helped by the fact that his wife, a beautician by trade who was then the institution’s bookstore manager, reportedly was shagging a senior member of the administration. Continue reading “You know Dale, maybe if you didn’t spend so much time doing a private law practice with Tom Capella someone would have taken a backup…..”

Friday Music: Dedicated to Jon and Chereen. XOXO ~ SupaSleuth

Folks it is the comments to our posts which make us a daily cyber stop for people across this region and indeed across the world.  Nowdy and I remain humbled so many people place their trust in us posting comments and sending us information, especially those that have put themselves at personal risk in doing so.

So going back on an old post and seeing this comment made me smile big this morning, especially in light of the great work Mike Hoss is doing on the travel habits of the elected officials in Jefferson Parish so today’s music is courtesy of the Sleuth, who has left several high quality comments with us. Salut:



And this little Gegenheimer went to San Francisco, this little Gegenheimer went to France and this little Gegenheimer went wee wee wee all the way home….

Folks after watching part 2 of Mike Hoss 4 Investigates on Jon and Chereen Gegenheimer’s official travel habits I have come to the conclusion that not only is Jon Gegenheimer a lying sack of shit but he is also quite the little bitch!

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.974806&w=425&h=350&fv=]

Dane what has gotten into ya buddy? Good on you.


Slabbed Jefferson Parish News Miscellany: Work for the Parish and travel the world plus the Parish Council weakens the disclosure law.

Channel 4 has a pair of reports that we must highlight.  First up is the travel habits Cherreen Gegenheimer, Aaron Broussard’s Chief Administrative Assistant.  We have mentioned the Gegenheimer name here on Slabbed a time or two as Cherreen’s hubby, Clerk of Court Jon Gegenheimer was recently caught in a lie regarding his office’s affiliations with soon to be indicted former Lagniappe Insurance guy Tim Whitmer. Jon evidently likes to travel too with his wife on the taxpayer dime including two trips to the French Riviera accompanying the Missus as this Mike Hoss 4 Investigates report illustrates:

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.974665&w=425&h=350&fv=]

Was John Young on the Parish Council when these travel expenditures were approved? I thought so. Continue reading “Slabbed Jefferson Parish News Miscellany: Work for the Parish and travel the world plus the Parish Council weakens the disclosure law.”