I see my old acquaintances at the FBI are back

Its a poorly kept secret that the gang are voracious consumers of news of all kinds. I don’t keep an especially close eye on the back end as I haven’t the time but I just took a peek and decided to say hi.

One other thing I will say is I have been working behind the scenes for about 6 weeks now on this:

Senate Judiciary Committee opens inquiry into Harry Morel case, suspension of local FBI agent ~ Jim Mustian

I do not know Special Agent Zummer but I know the story like the back of my hand. The same bad actors from Jim Letten’s office surface time and again, kinda like the turds that float on top of the bowl. One thing about Mustian’s story I wouldn’t put much stock in would be the opinions of local rent-an-ethicist / gasbag Dane Ciolino.

Stay tuned and welcome back guys. ~ Doug

Old friends, new friends and legal ethics back in the news…..

I have a busy day on tap so I’ll simply direct everyone to the following and hope the lifers will fill in the gaps for everyone on some of the players because the following is too rich!

Slidell man files bar complaints against Tammany sheriff’s lawyer, top deputy ~ Sara Pagones

Having competing newspapers in New Orleans rocks!

Jefferson Parish Corruption Miscellany: Payola and the Broussard/Wilkinson Superseding Indictment

Jimmy aka one of the goat herders inquired in comments about the lack of a Nova Scotia connection in the superseding indictment released last week against Aaron Broussard and Tom Wilkinson. The 28 page court filing can be found via the Times Picayune here and is well worth the read. Rich Rainey’s accompanying story is also very good.  Here is a snippet:

Whitmer’s attorney, Pat Fanning, said he wasn’t privy to prosecutors’ strategy. But he speculated that his client’s mention in the superseding indictment suggests Whitmer’s continued cooperation could have something to do with the new charges.

The indictment doesn’t identify the school or Broussard’s relative. But Wilkinson used to be chairman of Christian Brothers School in New Orleans. He resigned the post in March, about the time prosecutors shared draft indictments with Broussard, Wilkinson and Parker.

This is also the answer to the Goat Herder’s question. I’ll add that I’ve heard rumors about a superseding indictment since early January and those intensified after Slabbed broke Tim Whitmer was cooperating with Team Fed.  Karen Parker is a relative Johnny-come-lately to the squealathon at DoJ.  As I recall Team Letten announced Parker’s info would be going before the reconvened grand jury.  After all there is no telling which of the people involved in the alleged pay to play at the Trout Point development scooted down to Mr. Letten’s office as suggested by T-P columnist Stephanie Grace. These allegations have to be investigated and the money trail traced before anything goes to the grand jury.  I’m purely guessing here but I bet Slabbed is no longer the only people besides Fox 8 that is interested in that case record up Yarmouth way. Continue reading “Jefferson Parish Corruption Miscellany: Payola and the Broussard/Wilkinson Superseding Indictment”

We have several items of interest floating about….

I’m literally going to be from one end of South Mississippi to the other today so I have little to no time for blogging but here is a post for everyone so moved to comment. Here are a couple of items I know are floating about:

Dominick Fazzio’s lawyer has a serious conflict of interest and all the BS about River Birch not paying for Fazzio’s legal team has been exposed as just that, bullshit.

Garlandfill Robinette being a payola fueled whore on Entercom Communications remains in the news as we receive word he gave Fred Heebe the lot he claims secured the nonexistent $250,000 loan he got from Heebe in exchange for shilling for River Birch after Katrina.  We know from the wiretap transcripts Fazzio never issued a 1099 to tax report the payments to Henry Mouton and I bet Garlandfill was both written off as an expense on the River Birch side and also not tax reported.  Predictably when it smells extra bad and there is publicity to be had, legal apologist Dane Ciolino will be about like a fly on shit pretending to be an ethics expert. The self serving rationalization he posits on Robinette’s role in the River Birch saga are stunningly dishonest folks as I’ll note Ciolino was one of Tim Whitmer’s early legal shills.  I think Dane and Garland must certainly get on well.

Jason over at American Zombie has rolled out an excellent post on the Camsoft suit in Baton Rouge.  Sometimes you have to travel to another state to find out what is going on in your own but Chip Reno over at the Jackson Mississippi based Talon Group has come up a time or two dating back to Mark St Pierre’s trial.  I’m going to have something on the same pleading with some luck but I’ll note for now that Reno and our own Gov elect Phildo Bryant are joined at the hip.  I understand Reno is a former Jackson City Councilman but what interest me the most is the cross-pollination he has going with Phildo.  Make no mistake the role Reno played in the techno fleecing of the City of New Orleans is major deal.  Here is a snippet from the Zombie:

How…for the love of Dambala…..how….the fuck…..is Ed Burns not in jail? How did Ciber completely skate out of this bullshit? They hired Reno and The Talon Group to pimp their private services but instead of paying for it…they bundled the cost of the Talon Group’s services into the City of New Orleans tab….the 56 million dollar tab. Continue reading “We have several items of interest floating about….”

Heebe’s whores: The Garland Robinette connection to the Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal revealed.

Legendary wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin has a couple of great taglines both of which are easily transferable to Slabbed.  For example Slabbed 3:16 means we just cyber whipped your ass and DTA means Don’t Trust Anyone.  When it comes to dealing with the media in greater New Orleans I’ve found that last bit of advice particularly salient, especially when it comes to the TeeVee news in NOLA and the big three media outlets, Channels 4, 6 & 8 and the web sites affiliated with them.  But alas this post isn’t about the plants, puppets and tools such as Eric Paulsen or WWL-TV “pundit”/Gambitman Clancy Dubos though the refresher helps set up this post. This post is all about radio pundit Garland Robinette, a Grover Norquist parrot that got wayyyyyy too much post Katrina media face time IMHO.  In particular Slabbed broke Robinette’s involvement in the landfill portion last December though we did not mention him by name. But eventually I did name his name in the same post that tagged Gambitman in March that is worth revisiting in part:

And this brings us to Channel 4 editorialists and Gambit man Clancy Dubos, who I think has revealed himself as a Fred Heebe waterboy when he checked in with this missive on how River Birch has a new PR firm that is somehow kicking ass. (I swear you can’t make this stuff up). The truth here is that River Birch has pretty much gotten its ass kicked in the PR arena despite throwing big money out on full-page ads, hired gun economists and the like. After reading Clancy’s story I was left with the impression Loren Scott was a PR shill instead of an economist but we already figured that out for ourselves. I can’t wait until Scott’s work product is produced by River Birch as I suspect we’ll have a copy for everyone to examine here on Slabbed once it becomes part of the court record. A deposition of Loren Scott is likely also in order and maybe we’ll all find out how much money Scott’s wife at Blue Cross made underwriting insurance for Tim Whitmer to sell River Birch.

Finally, I also now wonder who else Team River Birch was paying as consultants, especially other members of the local media whose land dealings with Team Heebe have been the subject of federal subpoena.

All I know is with all the events that are unfolding……

There’s no controlling the unrolling of your fate, my friend,
Who knows what’s written in the magic book.

I can not lie I knew something big was coming this week as I sensed a disturbance in the force.  This morning Paul Rioux over at the Times Picayune solves the mystery for us in a story that shows exactly how Heebe was pulling the strings of his media puppet Garland Robinette. It is a must read folks.  Here is a snippet as we welcome back our old Slabbed fav Dane Ciolino: Continue reading “Heebe’s whores: The Garland Robinette connection to the Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal revealed.”

While I’m on legal topics: Hark! Did I hear that legal ethicist and Slabbed fav Dane Ciolino was DQ’d as an ethics expert after a Daubert hearing…

We’ve done a few layman’s posts on the meaning of a Daubert hearing so I won’t get into the technials and the ruling, which I promise to roll out later in its own post or in comments to this one, is very bad for Team Dane. I hear rumblings that being limined into oblivion once means 10 years bad luck for an expert witness.


Its a fine day for a Slabb O’Leak Sunday special as we welcome Aaron Broussard to the Slabbination (and he’s not cryin’…..yet)

I figured a special treat was in order for today so I present our first Aaron Broussard email sampler. Nothing explosive folks but I’m certain there are plenty of good nuggets in them emails too.  🙂


Ethics and morality? Shakespeare knew not of sociopathy: A quick Slabbed update.

My desktop is cluttered with links and that does not count the ones I present today for the consideration of the Slabbed Nation.  If the spirit moves me I’ll try to string some of the saved links together around the Saints game today and put a couple of posts in the can for next week.

We must begin here in Mississippi where the judges are not mere pigs at the trough a la Judge pOrteous but instead are completely drunk with power.  Oxford lawyer Tom Freeland has been telling the story of Judge Tommy Talmadge Littlejohnson and his asinine behavior jailing a lawyer for contempt because he wouldn’t recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Those wanting additional background can read Patsy Brumfield’s original story on the topic here.

Speaking of north Mississippi, escapee Jarvis DeBerry chips in with today’s column on the latest NOPD guilty plea in the Danziger Bridge shootings.  Unfortunately for Shakespeare the term sociopath did not exist in his days but I think it is the word Jarvis is looking for.  I’ll add this is a subject we’ve been interested in since we first identified similar personality traits in some of the insurance folks we’ve run across since beginning Slabbed.

We’ve spoken a lot about legal ethics and ethicists here on Slabbed through time.  Loyola law professor Dane Ciolino, for example, is a favorite of the Slabbed Nation and we’ll be circling back to Dane but first Continue reading “Ethics and morality? Shakespeare knew not of sociopathy: A quick Slabbed update.”

Here is another Easter Egg for you Dane Ciolino fans

It could be curtains but them NOPD guys that capped those innocent poeple on Danziger Bridge after Katrina.

“The government is clearly laying the groundwork through this guilty plea and no doubt through other debriefings for a federal civil rights lawsuit that could result in perhaps even a death penalty case being brought against one or more of these officers,” said Loyola Law Professor Dane Ciolino.

Now y’all be sweet in the commentshear.
