I feel the need to examine the topic of mortgage fraud and other quick programming notes.

I’ll be making sure the Daily Bail makes it into our financial links when I get a chance to add to our links. Mr CLS has been linking it for quite some time on the Allstate board and it is indeed very good. For our newer readers I’ll add covering financial topics is not unusual for … Continue reading “I feel the need to examine the topic of mortgage fraud and other quick programming notes.”

Joe Cao takes the offensive. Dambala’s explosive allegations make the cross over in a big way.

Dambala aka Jason at the American Zombie has done some exhaustive work into the relationship with current LA 2nd Congressional district hopeful Cedric Richmond and a non-profit, NOCA, that Damabala says was looted by Richmond and friends Bill Jefferson style. We’ve highlighted that work and wondered for several weeks why Jason’s reporting never made the cross … Continue reading “Joe Cao takes the offensive. Dambala’s explosive allegations make the cross over in a big way.”

Yes, I can verify Barack Obama just made me puke…..

“Cedric Richmond will make an outstanding representative for this district, and I am proud to support him in this election because he shares our values and supports our agenda,” Obama said in a written statement. Obama was bright enough to run away from Bagneris but not so bright as to run away from a Bill Jefferson … Continue reading “Yes, I can verify Barack Obama just made me puke…..”

To amplify some of Dambala’s recent posts. Follow the money folks.

Hat tip Editilla. Dambala over at American Zombie has been doing some great investigative work lately involving LA State Rep Cedric Richmond.  He wrote this: For the past four months, I’ve been researching a tip I received on current 2nd District Congressional candidate, State Rep. Cedric Richmond. I was told that Rep. Richmond took a … Continue reading “To amplify some of Dambala’s recent posts. Follow the money folks.”

DMR Scandal Day 151: Of brother in laws, toy helicopters and no accountability

It sure is folks as I have enough data points to call BS, assign blame and point a finger or two but first. DMR required no formal bids for $5.8 million in reef work ~ Anita Lee and Paul Hampton I love seeing the term “conprofit” in reader commentary as it is a living testament to … Continue reading “DMR Scandal Day 151: Of brother in laws, toy helicopters and no accountability”

Mayor Half Moon causes a ruckus endorsing Cynthia Willard Lewis over Stacy Head for NOLA Councilperson at large

I’ll be honest folks and disclose I’ve known about Mayor Mitch favoring Cynthia Willard Lewis for the council at large seat for about 2 weeks now and I expressed what I heard yesterday in comments after the angry recriminations hit these pages with the public announcement of the news.  I mention all this because  Willard-Lewis is one of … Continue reading “Mayor Half Moon causes a ruckus endorsing Cynthia Willard Lewis over Stacy Head for NOLA Councilperson at large”

Since we’ve become pOrteous central, how about a Tommy update.

Our readers may recall the comment here on Slabbed which disclosed Tommy Porteous was let go by Baldwin Haspel just before Dad’s impeachment trial.  We are pleased to report the Porteous has landed at Brown Sims as some sort of suped up associate along side Federal Judge Lance Africk’s suped up Brown Sims associate/wifey. Like they say … Continue reading “Since we’ve become pOrteous central, how about a Tommy update.”

I think by now most everyone knows that Tom pOrteous sons have been subpoenaed…..

Timmy, Tommy and Michael all look to be going up the hill.  Tommy was evidently let go by Baldwin Haspel per Sock’s recent comment. Tom pOreteous will be going down hard folks.  His refusal to resign exposes others like former Jefferson Parish DA John Mamoulides.  I’ve enjoyed seeing the lightbulbs go off with some of the … Continue reading “I think by now most everyone knows that Tom pOrteous sons have been subpoenaed…..”