Cedric Richmond now sez he was detached from reality when he voted to raise your flood insurance premiums through the roof

Welp folks, here comes ol’ C-Note trying to explain away his vote to raise your flood insurance rates through the roof. You newbies need to know it was Jason at American Zombie’s coverage of Richmond’s associations with certain 501(c)3’s that gave rise to the term “conprofit” locally. Richmond, with the help of the local MSM, … Continue reading “Cedric Richmond now sez he was detached from reality when he voted to raise your flood insurance premiums through the roof”

Not another black eye! A Cedric Richmond charity looting update.

OK folks here is a multiple choice quiz on Cedric Richmond’s latest black eye, which he got: A. In another bar fight. B. From a woman defending herself from his unwanted advances. C. Playing basketball. D. All of the above. E. None of the above. I’m thinking Richmond really needs Charlie Rangel mentoring him, not Jim Clyburn. … Continue reading “Not another black eye! A Cedric Richmond charity looting update.”

Byron Lee is still up to his old con profit tricks: A congressman elect Cedric Richmond/Byron Lee charity looting update.

Folks never mind that Jefferson Parish Councilman Byron Lee has already been caught with his hand in the taxpayer cookie jar as he steered funds from the River Birch landfill settlement to his conprofits where the money was dutifully were looted out as he wants to do it again in an act that defines the term brazen. This is from … Continue reading “Byron Lee is still up to his old con profit tricks: A congressman elect Cedric Richmond/Byron Lee charity looting update.”

Silly wabbit, looting charities is just for kicks: A Cedric Richmond/Byron Lee charity looting update.

Well folks, we might as well declare open season on this one for Byron Lee has his own charity looting gig in Jefferson Parish dating back to around the same time the Dollar Bill Jefferson Crime Family was looting earmarks from charities in Orleans Parish.  We included ol’ Ced in the post title because everytime he … Continue reading “Silly wabbit, looting charities is just for kicks: A Cedric Richmond/Byron Lee charity looting update.”

Slabbed is gettin’ ziggy with the Zombie: A Cedric Richmond Charity Looting Update.

 Well, you know folks, my people have been getting with his people and some people don’t like that per the comments.  😉 I am proud to say that we’ve taken part in making the anal sphincters of two undeserving would be politicians twitch mightily lately and that does not count the Jefferson Parish Council nor Jimbo the Clown … Continue reading “Slabbed is gettin’ ziggy with the Zombie: A Cedric Richmond Charity Looting Update.”

The Zombie calls Cedric Richmond out to play. A Cedric Richmond Charity Looting Update.

Did Tina take the fall for Cedric? This is the abiding question in my mind based on what we now know. Dambala over at American Zombie has rolled out another great post as he took Mr. CLS’s tip and put alot of meat on dem bones.  As several insurers read us I’ll add if there was a … Continue reading “The Zombie calls Cedric Richmond out to play. A Cedric Richmond Charity Looting Update.”

Tanzie Tanzie who do I turn to????? A Cedric Richmond Charity looting update. (Updated)

Are the national Dems running away from ol’ Ced like heck, having seen the error of their ways or are they that confident they have forced a crooked Bill Jefferson political hack on the good folks in NOLA for their voice in DC?  With all the bullshitting that goes on in politics we may never know … Continue reading “Tanzie Tanzie who do I turn to????? A Cedric Richmond Charity looting update. (Updated)”

Allow me to more properly introduce the Slabbed Nation to President Obama and Mayor Mitchmo’s guy Cedric Richmond, a true sack of shit in the finest tradition of Dollar Bill Jefferson.

But hey don’t take my word for it. Here is what the Louisiana ODC had to say about ol’ Ced: The board found that respondent knowingly violated duties owed to the public and the legal system. Respondent made a false statement in an affidavit when he signed the 2005 Notice of Candidacy form stating that he … Continue reading “Allow me to more properly introduce the Slabbed Nation to President Obama and Mayor Mitchmo’s guy Cedric Richmond, a true sack of shit in the finest tradition of Dollar Bill Jefferson.”

Ol’ girl Steph just can’t help herself and pumps a crooked pol by attacking the messenger: A Cedric Richmond charity looting update

Folks if you want to know one of the major reasons the greater New Orleans area has remained a cesspool of corruption for literally generations one need look no farther than to the certain New Orleans media outlets, most notably the Times Picayune. Here is a snippet from Stephanie Grace’s column which ran today: Yet when … Continue reading “Ol’ girl Steph just can’t help herself and pumps a crooked pol by attacking the messenger: A Cedric Richmond charity looting update”

The Times Picayune unzips and pisses all over the Zombie. A Cedric Richmond charity looting update.

So here we have it folks, a certified card carrying member of the old Dollar Bill Jefferson political machine who looks to have looted out at least 2 charities Jefferson style and the Times Picayune in one corner and Dambala and other bloggers in the other. Is it me or did the paper manufacture “facts” to … Continue reading “The Times Picayune unzips and pisses all over the Zombie. A Cedric Richmond charity looting update.”