They left the one legged crack whore outta the story

And it was she that called the cops saying her boyfriend was out of control (and armed) and later it was she that convinced Mike to sue.  A bit over a year ago the Seacoast Echo ran a major story about all the alleged abuse of people by the Waveland PD and included this case.  They pulled it from their website a very short time later. Everything else in today’s story is 100% dead on accurate. Regarding the head on with a freight train, Mike told me he simply had “lost his zest for life”.

You meet the most unlikely of people when you become an investigative blogger.  And while dealing there is certainly less than appealing to an otherwise mild-mannered CPA it has given me a perspective on the people who routinely slip through the cracks of our social net that few of my fellow peeps see. Here is hoping Mike can stay on his meds.

File this one under Nude and Tased.
