Its the Slabbed question of the day……????

Why would Shane D’Antoni aka Shane Gates drive crawfish all the way from Louisiana to Nova Scotia on occasion?  I have a friend in DC (Louisiana expat) that works a very large non-profit crawfish boil every year up there.  They fly their fresh Louisiana crawfish to DC. Yeah air freight sucks but they get them fast, fresh and alive, which is very important as every crawfish enthusiast knows.

I am certain Car 54 is chasing every lead they get that way as Stephanie Grace intimates in her column today on the topic of Aaron Broussard, Nova Scotia and the Trout Point Development.


6 thoughts on “Its the Slabbed question of the day……????”

  1. Feds signaling there's more to come: Stephanie Grace
    Published: Thursday, January 19, 2012, 7:19 AM
    By Stephanie Grace, The Times-Picayune

    And I quote the exerpts for context:

    “ … They now know that Parker … is telling the feds everything she knows about Broussard's relationships with all those parish businesspeople … It also amounts to a veiled invitation, a strong suggestion that those unnamed contractors and vendors who supported the Broussards' lifestyle should come on in and chat…”

    If I were Letten I wouldn’t be holding my breath about these Jefferson Parish campaign contribution contractors and consultants asking for a deal … these are the same unethical sleezeballs whose contracts have always been approved 7-0, with or without Aaron Broussard’s nod, although the record reflects the Council of Clowns and the Parish Pissant acted in accord the majority of the time.

    All one has to do is review the finance reports of mini-me Roberts and Elton LargeASSE to identify the list of usual suspects who play the ‘quid pro quo’ game with the Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso. These embedded corrupt businessmen … Walter Barowka, B.K. Sneed, Bruce Burglass and their ilk … they, like their co-conspirators in contract fraud and payoffs, Roberts, LargeASSE and their former Council colleagues, Capella, Lee and Congemi, have been protected far too long by ‘the Don’ DA Paul Connick, Jr. to believe that they will ever suffer consequences like what Broussard and Wilkinson are facing… so why co-operate ? Pauli’s still DA and he’s done nothing to stop them to date …

    Think Rick Myers, Eddie Price’s benefactor … Price is in jail and Rick continues to contribute Tens of Thousands to play … hell LargeASSE’s bagman Barry ‘shakedown’ Bordelon is still visiting his ‘buddies’ Calderera and Gendusa over at the money pit we know as the Jefferson Parish Performing Arts Center … Broussard ? Fuck him, business as usual …

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