For those that didn’t know: We’ve got us a Mayor’s race in Kenna! (Brah)

In one corner is incumbent Mayor Mike Yenni. Having the occasion to speak with Mayor Mike on a couple of different occasions he is definitely Type A.

In the other corner is blogger Walt Bennetti.  This is Walt’s second try at public office in Kenner if memory serves.

A few links are now in order:

Kenner mayor candidates talk trash in | The Times-Picayune debate ~ Ben Myers

Kenner political forum set for candidates for mayor, two City Council seats ~  Drew Broach

The Mayor’s race has all the makings of a classic Louisiana style bare knuckle brawl and I’ve got a ringside seat.  Fresh off a run for juvenile court judge Connie Montgomery is speaking out on the Mayor’s race and she is not mincing words:*

My name is Connie Montgomery, I am a general practice and family law attorney in Kenner, LA.

First of all I want to be clear that this is not really about me, or lifting up any of the other candidates who are running for Mayor, but I am sure that Mr. Walt Bennetti will not be the answer. As a former judicial candidate, I have learned a lot about the election process and what I’ve learned is alarming. Based on my legal practice, I feel as though I can spot a person who is not dealing with the public in an honest and direct manner. I’ve reviewed much of Mr. Bennetti’s history and have become more and more concerned with what I’ve found through this process. Through the course of the posts that follow, I’ll detail the information I’ve discovered.

Point of disclosure: Slabbed has offered both Mayoral candidates right sidebar advertising space.

Those wanting additional background on Joe Stagni and the “local wiener” series should click here and here.

* Ms. Montgomery is currently providing legal services to myself and Slabbed New Media.