Not to be outdone by the new royal baby, the royal babies……..

On the Jefferson Parish Council arrived by helicopter for a weekend of debauchery in Grand Isle before shamelessly using the tragic murder of Ahlitta North to bash Parish Prez John Young and the code enforcement department.  I guess Chris Roberts and company liked it better back in the olden days when the person in charge of code was carrying on a torrid extramarital affair with a certain Parish Attorney.

Newbie Adriane Quinlan has all the jackassery and more for NOLA Media Group.

Next up is the brawl in Kenna as Walt Bennetti has throw down the gauntlet and challenged Greg Buisson to a cyber fight.  I have Walt on speed dial and I have Greg on speed dial but mainly I’m gonna enjoy watching the donnybrook because after all, its Kenna Bra.  😉

In other news, yes I have been keeping up with the latest wetlands lawsuit filed by the East Bank Levee Board. Bobby Jindal remains a self serving narcissist and shoeshine boy to the oil industry.

Finally I’d like to say it is pretty much an open secret that the FBI has resumed poking around the Yenni Building and the betting money is on JPAC.

5 thoughts on “Not to be outdone by the new royal baby, the royal babies……..”

  1. The SLABBED Nation should recognize that, although the Council masquerades as “Local Government”, THEY and indeed the ENTIRE Parish Government, including the Department of Inspections and Code Enforcement (SPIT!), ARE in fact “The State of Louisiana”. I have been intrigued since last weekend over the “Family ties” in the Ahlitta North molestation and stabbing, but yesterday, while asking some questions, I learned a few things. I have been searching in vain for the Certificate of Marriage between the Mother (who was 14 when she gave birth to Ahlitta) and the biological Father (how old was the Mother when the biological Father began having intercourse with the Mother?), and for the Certificate of Marriage between the Mother and her “current live-in”, the so-called “Step-Father”, who also happens to be the Uncle of the KILLER. I would like to know how old the Mother was when the Step-Father began having intercourse with the Mother. Anyway. when I expressed the personal opinion that this Family looked to me to be AMORAL, I was told: “Well, they can’t get their ‘WIC’ and their ‘ETB’ card if the’re married. For the uninitiated, “WIC” stands for “Women, Infants and Children”, which is a form of “food welfare” benefit. The term “ETB” can mean “Food Stamps” (which aren’t dispensed anymore, because the stamps “embarrassed” the recipients who were observed using them in grocery store lines), the “Louisiana Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program” a/k/a “SNAP”, “ETB” a/k/a “Electronic Benefit Transfer Card” a/k/a “Louisiana Purchase Card”. And the Council (at least two Members of which who are relaxing on Grand Isle on the taxpayers’ dime) are focused on “blighted housing”, which the Department of Inspections and Code Enforcement should already be dealing with, if they were doing their job, without any “nudge” from John Young or anyone else (but of course that Department and its personnel have been SO-O-O-O busy approving illegal structures on my Family’s Mississippi River batture property that they haven’t had time for anything else (SPIT!) Ashton O’Dwyer.

  2. Jackassery is correct, Doug. Instead of giving a story naming names after doing a little investigation and hard questioning, all we get is a PR piece which would pass under the old criminal code as a crime against nature.

  3. Odd how political weasels alway give a bad rap to the “cleanup crew” but never a bad word for the scumballs who make the blight and commit the crimes.
    Clowns like chrissy the sissy, nool the fool, and paid to get laid billy in plaquemines always seem to have problems with Code Enforcement, Corps of Engineers,etc. but never Do anything themselves; except bitch, grandstand, and point fingers. Never are the repeat offender slumlords berated aqnd verally abused as are those who are working to solve the problems the politicians ignore until the “photo-op”. And, believe me, those self-righteous weasels do not see that poor child Ahlitta North as anything more than a photo-op. Sick self-centered clowns!
    And , with all due respect to Ashton, I posit that it is not an “Evil Code Enforcement” that has victimized him; but rather the corrupt political racketeers who have stolen from him by intimidating otherwise fair and hardworking civil servants to do their bidding: rewarding their friends and punishing their enemies.

    1. “Clowns like chrissy the sissy, nool the fool, and paid to get laid billy in plaquemines always seem to have problems with Code Enforcement, Corps of Engineers,etc. but never Do anything themselves; except bitch, grandstand, and point fingers. – ”

      Actually, Kidd, they do more. They create a problem in the first place & then extort money from the populace to fund a friends & family outing to “solve” the problem. Ad infinitum.

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