Today is arraignment day for Tim Whitmer

Rich Rainey has all the scoop on Tim Whitmer’s scheduled court appearance regarding the felony charge that was part of his plea deal with Team Letten. For those catching up Rainey included a short history of the insurance portion of this major political corruption scandal and the story is well worth the read.


3 thoughts on “Today is arraignment day for Tim Whitmer”

  1. Oh this is truly rich: Whitmer is pleading to 'knowing about and not reporting a felony'!
    He was the felony. He and Wilkinson and the other cretins were the orchestrators of the many felonies. I just hate it when an evil one gets a 'pass' ostensibly because they 'gave up' their accomplices. Whitmer is not the brightest bulb in the lamp but he WAS up to his ears in the planning and execution of the plots…giving him and his wife Dawn 'passes' stinks. IMHO.

  2. Giving the 'KING RAT' such a deal is a travesty of justice. This plea bargain will come back to haunt the FEDs unless his co-operation leads to significant indictments that include River Birch, the Jefferson Parish Performing Arts Center, Parish insurance vendors, the payments of Millions of Dollars to Hubbard, the fraudulent appointment of Nancy Cassange as Director of WJMC, and Coulon involvement in many of these schemes.

  3. From what I saw on the news, Whitmer's lawyer said that he earned his pass by giving up all the other players. I'm sorry I don't feel the same way. To do the right thing after all is lost makes him as guilty and responsible as the crooks he is turning in. Now he does the right thing, did we pay him and his cronies all of those years to do the wrong thing? Where in that does RIGHT come in to play? There should be no retirement benefit. An example should be made of Knowingly and Willingly.

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