8 thoughts on “Aaron, you look marvelous….”

  1. Seredipitous indeed. I saw Broussard within the last two days and he appears to be on the Indictment Diet. No mention of the Lord either. Maybe he should see how Mark St. Pierre's hanging with those 17 1/2 years around his neck.

    The way I see it, Broussard is facing either a superceding indictment with additional counts and/or he is going to be the subject of at least two more seperate indictments, River Birch and Hubbard. Wait till he sees Whitmer on the witness stand at his trial(s).

  2. Look what I just found. Val Bracy at her best, again. Reference Trout Point.

    Val: Tell me about your properties in Canada. You're businesses in Canada. What do they do? What are they?
    Again, I've disclosed those on my Ethics Report. My ownership and they're rental properties.
    Val: Is it a bed and breakfast type, hotel type business?
    It's basically connected to a major lodge and I have rental properties connected to that.
    Val: And how many properties do you have?
    AB: I have a total of three that I have invested in. And when did you invest in those? Oh, gee, it's been over a period of the last 10 or so.
    Val: and you have 100% ownership in one of them and 33% ownership in another is that correct?
    AB: that's correct
    Val: Who owns the, the one that you have the 33 percent ownership in, who are the other owners? One of them is one of my law associates in the law firm and the other is an attorney. And is it an attorney that does work with the parish? No. Can you say who it is? I'd rather not because that would be unfair to him. It's a private venture.
    How did you come to acquire them? They're in Canada, not rental property in the Metro area? Well basically I had a long time friend an associate that had moved to Canada with a business basically developing gourmet food product and as a result of that they invested in some property in which they built a lodge facility. Adjacent to where they were, properties that were available for sale so as a result of that I built two properties that were rental and there was one that I own a third of.
    Have any parish contractors visited you property, stayed there? Not have stayed in my property. So have any parish contractors that you know of spent any money that you would have had any financial interest in? The properties that I own. I own 100 percent of, on two properties and the third property is the one that I mentioned to you, which is co-owned by one of my associates and another attorney.
    Do you solicit, or kind advertise your business verbally or in print, or in any other way in JP? No. It's basically done through the website.
    A lot of JP voters want you investigated extensively. Whether it be by the federal ogv't, the state ethics board. DO you think that needs to happen for transparency issues? Listen, I'm a public servant. I file my disclosures, some of which you've quoted from that we've already discussed. And so I have disclosures that I have to make regarding what I own and how I own it, so there's an ongoing opportunity to take any disclosure that I make and research it as a public official you would expect that any time you could be presented with a question or a query.
    Would you be willing to open the books, without any privileged info, perhaps a client list or other info. on your properties in Canada. In Nova Scotia? I've disclosed them… would you be willing to release anymore details? I don't think there's anything more to release. I've stated my ownership interest and I've disclosed that. I don't know what else there could be to release, other than that I own the property. And you're sure that no parish contractors have ever stayed at your properties? I don't know of any parish contractors that have stayed at my properties. Any former parish contractors? I don't have a former contractors who have stayed at those proerties.25:00
    I've disclosed those on my Ethics Report. They're rental properties.
    It's basically connected to a major lodge and I have rental properties connected to that. I have a total of three that I have invested in. And when did you invest in those? Oh, gee, it's been over a period of the last 10 or so.
    Who owns the, the one that you have the 33 percent ownership in, who are the other owners? One of them is one of my law associates in the law firm and the other is an attorney. And is it an attorney that does work with the parish? No. Can you say who it is? I'd rather not because that would be unfair to him. It's a private venture.
    How did you come to acquire them? They're in Canada, not the Metro area? Well basically I had a long time friend an associate that had moved to Canada with a business basically developing gourmet food product and as a result of that they invested in some property in which they built a lodge facility. Adjacent to where they were, properties that were available for sale so as a result of that I built two properties that were rental and there was one that I own a third of.
    Val: Is hunting offered as a sport there, at the lodge on the property?
    AB: not on the property. You can get outfitters around the area that have permits that can take you hunting, fishing, etc.
    Val: Did Rick Meyer and Eddie Price stay in either of your properties when they went hunting in Canada?
    AB: Not to my knowledge. I think I would have known that if they had, but no, not to my knowledge, nor did they mention that they were ever there. What part of Canada did they go to? That's a pretty bug country.
    Val; I just know that they went to Canada. I don't know if it was Nova Scotia but I'm curious since you happen to own a business there and since they went hunting…
    AB: I think I would have known if they would of and I know of no time that they visited NS or that property.
    Val: Have any parish contractors visited you property, stayed there? Not have stayed in my property. So have any parish contractors that you know of spent any money that you would have had any financial interest in?
    AB:The properties that I own. I own 100 percent of, on two properties and the third property is the one that I mentioned to you, which is co-owned by one of my associates and another attorney.
    Val: u own two properties at 100% and one at 33%.
    Let me just double check because I thought that I only saw two.
    Val: So the names of the properties are?
    AB:Names of the properties?
    Val: How would you have described them?
    AB: probably by lot or…. if you have the forms there they would be self explanatory.
    Val: Kempt Wilderness Lodge Service?
    AB: ok that would be one I have 33% interest in.
    Val: Public Works Investment?
    AB: 100%
    Val: Land welling lot 11 in Georges Lake?
    AB: Yes that's it.
    Val: I believe it's the website mentions sister properties of Trout Point Lodge…
    AB: Ok. That would include those.
    Val: Are there any other sister properties of TPL?
    AB: They have them listed there if they do. Those are the ones that I have ownership in, ownership interest in.

  3. Reading the excerpts of Bracy's interview with Broussard brings back to the forefront the most curious question that has yet to be answered relating to the Broussard/Trout Point smoke screen:

    Why did the Times-Picayune throw Rainey under the bus and settle with these drama queens ?

    Did Phelps,Dunbar represent the T-P in this matter ?

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