In other news, South Mississippi’s fluffer Congressman comes out of hiding

And folks he takes credit for fixing the disaster he created in Biggert Waters. The jackassery simply does not get any better IMHO:

Palazzo touts accomplishments, fight for flood insurance, against Obamacare~ Paul Hampton

Moving right along I smell “Big Dawg” and from the smell of ’em I think he has been cavorting with skunks:

Political play could block Zurich Classic from moving to new City Park golf course ~ Jeff Duncan

Nothing against Dunc as he is a decent enough sports writer but this story should have gone to someone else at NOLA. Just sayin’. Speaking of crack, seasoned journalists:

New details emerge in Jaren Lockhart’s murder and dismemberment case ~ Paul Purpura

I’m personally very leery of jailhouse confessions. Now from the bad days just got worse for Ray Ray the former Chocolatier:

Federal judge orders Ray Nagin to forfeit $501,201 ~ Gordon Russell

Finally, speaking of Gordon:

Reporters, FBI agents to face questions Wednesday at Telly Hankton hearing ~ Manuel Torres

All lined up like birds on a wire…..

Nine Louisiana officials got a total $370,000 in excess contributions since 2006 election, review shows ~ Manuel Torres

Big dawg himself leads the list. Rules are evidently for the schmucks in Louisiana. Vital background on Alario here.

Slabbed puts the cherry on top: Broussard, Senator John Alario and his stake in the River Birch Landfill

The landfill fix was in from way far back folks, and in going through the last massive PDF file I snagged last Fall on the terrible reign of corruption and filth that was the administration of former Parish President Aaron Broussard, I forgot the true extent of the historical goodies that I nabbed.

To catch everyone up back in February, 2010 I was like a kid in a candy store finding River Birch Inc. v Robin & Associates, Inc et al and this post provides vital background into how the River Birch Landfill gained the clout it carries today with the state and local political establishments.  It was not a cheap or voluntary endeavor by any means.

Senator Alario was then a democrat and the state GOP took advantage of the Robin lawsuit and ran campaign ads against him. What I found in Aaron Broussard’s Parish Prez files is thus highly enlightening.  Let’s start at the end:

Broussard Alario mailer Cap 1

This is considered official business in the Broussard administration and there was no separation between Aaron Broussard the politician, Aaron Broussard Inc and Aaron Broussard Parish Prez. Notice who signed DA Paul Connick’s check? I sure did:

Broussard Alario mailer Cap 2

Gegenheimer signs his own checks anyway. Continue reading “Slabbed puts the cherry on top: Broussard, Senator John Alario and his stake in the River Birch Landfill”

Vandenweghe v The Parish of Jefferson is headed to trial

For true it is folks.  For purposes of this post please do not assume Ms Vandenweghe’s lawyer, Bobby Truitt has spoken with Slabbed on this subject because he hasn’t. That said there is some very interesting street talk over by the Super 8 Motel on Clearview Parkway concerning the witness list in the case, which has not been made public on PACER.  I guess the most impressive name circulating in the rumor mill is Fred Heebe himself along with his lap dog Steve Theriot, who I contend was installed as interim Jefferson Parish Prez after Aaron Broussard resigned in disgrace in order to protect the financial interests in the landfill associated with Louisiana Senate President John Alario aka “Big Dawg”.  Theriot aka “Lil’ Pup” is a political protege of Alario.

In any event all I know for certain is settlement talks in the case have collapsed and the trial date is scheduled for late April, 2013.  After the depositions in this case are taken I’ll see what I can do to nab the transcripts so everyone can get  a peek inside the litigation.

Jefferson Parish Corruption Omnibus: Today Aaron Broussard put his hand on a bible and admitted he is a filthy sack of crap

Aaron Broussard’s property managers Vaughn Perret and Charles Leary of Trout Point Lodge

For true folks he did as Drew Broach reports for NOLA media group on the former Goatherder in chief’s appearance today before Judge Head. We await the factual basis.

Worth noting in Broach’s report is this tidbit that is well worth repeating now:

Besides Broussard and his attorney, Robert Jenkins, U.S. Attorney Jim Letten and Metropolitan Crime Commission President Rafael Goyeneche were also in the courtroom. Letten has credited commission with helping the investigation.

This is today. But what were the Goatherders telling a gullible Canadian public days after their SLAPP suit against me was made official by Nova Scotia Supreme Court Justice Suzanne Hood on the Trout Point Lodge Blog (now deleted)? It is an interesting compare and contrast:

On January 6, 2010, in what appears to be a classic example of gotcha journalism, an investigative reporter for New Orleans Fox 8 TV News named Val Bracy arranged to interview Broussard on camera related to the investigations. What she did not tell Broussard was that the President of the Metropolitan Crime Commission–a state-funded Crime Stopper Organization–provided Bracy with access to a complaint letter against Broussard that the Commission was sending that day to the Louisiana State Ethics Administration, which oversees the conduct of public officials.

The complaint letter raised, among other things, an allegation from anonymous, confidential sources that Broussard owned a “lodge” in Nova Scotia that he had rented to government contractors. The complaint never mentioned Trout Point Lodge. The implication was that he had committed ethical and/or criminal violations by using his Nova Scotia property in behind-the-scenes money transactions with government contractors, ie, kick-back or “pay to play” schemes. For the news media, this was sensational. Continue reading “Jefferson Parish Corruption Omnibus: Today Aaron Broussard put his hand on a bible and admitted he is a filthy sack of crap”

Remember that post on Slabbed early this week regarding Anne Marie Vandenweghe’s public records suit against Jefferson Parish?

Rich Rainey picked up the trail folks as he filed a report yesterday for the Times Picayune on AMV getting a copy of her work hard drive back in partial settlement of her public records suit against the Parish. Let’s pick up a snippet of Rich’s report:

Vandenweghe landed in hot water when interim Parish President Steve Theriot suspended her in February 2010. He allegedly accused her of blogging online during work, according to her federal lawsuit.

Slabbed was there real time back in early 2010 when it all came down. Our old friend TheRiot sent Vandenweghe home along with 2 other lawyers in a PR move and it is worth noting he refused to disclose the reason for her being placed on administrative leave. We soon learned however that TheRiot suspected her of blogging on tower and doing private legal work on Parish time but he was confusing AMV for his buddies Tom Wilkinson and Lawrence Chehardy.  When TheRiot and his henchman could not find anything incriminating on AMV’s work computer, in a stroke of “genius” he sued the blogosphere, got his ass kicked in the court of public opinion and beat a hasty retreat back under the rock from which he slithered. Occasional Op-Ed columnist Drew Broach also examined the lawsuit for the T-P, which he found funny. Here is a snippet:

His explanation is that, notwithstanding the lawsuit’s language, he’s really not out to silence the growing mob. What Theriot says he’s trying to do is to harvest good tips from the likes of watchout40, repentingamigo and prayerwarrior2 about wrongdoing inside the administration. Continue reading “Remember that post on Slabbed early this week regarding Anne Marie Vandenweghe’s public records suit against Jefferson Parish?”