It was about this time a year ago……..

That the US Attorney commenting scandal was in full bloom and the rumor mill was in overdrive and this little project was featured in several of the rumors. Heck I may have even started one or two of ’em for kicks.  That said one I did not originate and my all time favorite rumor was … Continue reading “It was about this time a year ago……..”

Echos from the old days on finance: The Depth Charge

And it carries pretty much the standard definition in the world of financial message board communications as it does in the Navy. Wanna know a bit more about your fellow “anonymous” message boarders. Get a fix via sonar and then: After the explosion information always bubbles up and that was certainly the case with the … Continue reading “Echos from the old days on finance: The Depth Charge”

United States District Judge Susie Morgan’s law clerk charged with attempted rape and solicitation of sex from a child

The arrest of Thomas J. Jackson IV aka T. Haller Jackson IV on charges of attempted rape and computer-aided solicitation of a minor (an 11 year old boy) has electrified the legal community in New Orleans due to inherent implications of having a predatory pedophile pass Federal background checks and the like. I’ve received a … Continue reading “United States District Judge Susie Morgan’s law clerk charged with attempted rape and solicitation of sex from a child”

Holiday Season Special: Easy as Exhibits A, B & C

The following has very profound implications: Exhibit A ~ The official word on a few of former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard’s many other criminal acts: Broussard’s receipt of a major ownership interest in a company holding Canadian resort property for little or no capital contribution, which was instead supplied by various Parish vendors Beginning in … Continue reading “Holiday Season Special: Easy as Exhibits A, B & C”

Slabbed takes the “Ignatius challenge” and writes one wayyyyy to the inside.

Comment from V, an US citizen whose privacy was invaded by Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret of Trout Point Lodge in their SLAPP suit against Fox 8.  This comment certainly earned the ire of Team Goatherder and it is apparent from V’s tone he was well aware of the threats that were being passed about regarding … Continue reading “Slabbed takes the “Ignatius challenge” and writes one wayyyyy to the inside.”

Friday Open letter day: A satisfied client endorses Bobby Truitt

I’m a satisfied client as well hence the banner hanging on the right sidebar. The following is from Anne Marie Vandenweghe which I publish for no promotional consideration: I would point out to any detractors that Bobby Truitt was the only one to man-up in my defense. And I am eternally grateful. No one ( … Continue reading “Friday Open letter day: A satisfied client endorses Bobby Truitt”

Debbie does Newhouse: A Correction

A few days back I left a comment which implicated Jefferson Parish Councilman Chris Roberts as the source of the press leak regarding the amount of the Parish’s settlement with Anne Marie Vandenweghe, the terms of which I understand were confidential. My assertion regarding Roberts being the source of the leak was incorrect. In any … Continue reading “Debbie does Newhouse: A Correction”

I understand the Vandenweghe settlement has been signed, sealed and delivered

And history will note the saga of the workplace retaliation taken against whistleblower Anne Marie Vandenweghe is Slabbed’s second real time account of such events lest we forget Cori and Kerri Rigsby.  I know it certainly would not appear this way to Team Vandenweghe, but against State Farm the thugs in Jefferson Parish Government are … Continue reading “I understand the Vandenweghe settlement has been signed, sealed and delivered”

The more things change…….

There were some that claimed Slabbed was too hard on Sean Alfortish before he went to the pokey, including Alfortish himself at his sentencing. I sayeth not: Legislative auditor revisits horsemen’s group, finds more flagrant spending ~ John Simerman “Two former leaders and four other employees of the organization that represents Louisiana Horsemen went nuts … Continue reading “The more things change…….”

Danny Abel collects court sanctions like Vito Corleone collected pocket politicians: Slabbed Investigates continued very bad times for the “Legal Department” at the Super 8 Motel on Clearview Part 3

Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more: it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. Turns out folks William Shakespeare was a true prophet calling the crash and burn of the Legal Department at the Super … Continue reading “Danny Abel collects court sanctions like Vito Corleone collected pocket politicians: Slabbed Investigates continued very bad times for the “Legal Department” at the Super 8 Motel on Clearview Part 3″