Jefferson Parish District Attorney Paul Connick, Jr.: A mantle of malfeasance Part II. A guest post by Whitmergate

Aside from the obvious and expected role of a District Attorney, to enforce the criminal laws of his Parish and State, that office is also charged in many instances with the obligation to seek and recover monetary restitution from any individual and/or any legal entity that has, in violation of parish or State law, profited … Continue reading “Jefferson Parish District Attorney Paul Connick, Jr.: A mantle of malfeasance Part II. A guest post by Whitmergate”

Putting in the fix for River Birch and the landfill's diverse ownership: Theriot's long awaited contract evaluation scheme now staffed.

I had to laugh when I read Rich Rainey’s latest installment in as the landfill turns as he chronicles the completion of the scheme Theriot and his band of idiots on the Parish Council have hatched to put the fix in for River Birch via a controlled evaluation of a flawed contracting process.  Before we get to the latest on Theriot’s dog … Continue reading “Putting in the fix for River Birch and the landfill's diverse ownership: Theriot's long awaited contract evaluation scheme now staffed.”

Commissioner of Public Safety goes mute!

While the Lt. Governor speaks with a silver boot in his mouth, Mississippi’s Commissioner of Public Safety has gone mute – or, as the Sun Herald speculated in yesterday’s editorial “Where, oh, where is Stephen Simpson, Commissioner Simpson’s “gone missing”. Has anyone seen Stephen Simpson lately? He’s commissioner of public safety for the state of … Continue reading “Commissioner of Public Safety goes mute!”

Slabbed takes a look back at Theriot v Cyberspace and ties a few things together as we again call for his resignation.

I recently had one of those famous Slabbed Ah-Ha moments where what seemed to be unrelated events clicked. The result is this post as we can examine the recent events that ended with Mr Theriot withdrawing his very ill advised lawsuit against the blogosphere in context. Unfortunately I’ll also explain why the Slabbed Nation should remained armed and vigilant as the thugs on … Continue reading “Slabbed takes a look back at Theriot v Cyberspace and ties a few things together as we again call for his resignation.”

Steve TheRiot issues a press release. It's getting deep folks.

Folks it is not that Theriot is dumb or a fool. Rather he thinks the general public are idiots. Here is the hot off the press release: Regarding the lawsuit recently filed by the Parish of Jefferson and Steve J. Theriot against John Does 1 through 100 and the subpoena issued to New Orleans, Net, LLC; … Continue reading “Steve TheRiot issues a press release. It's getting deep folks.”

BREAKING: Steve Theriot and Jefferson Parish sue bloggers. Subpoenas information on Times Picayune commenters. Slabbed mentioned in suit not subpoeaned.

Folks Jefferson Parish President Steve Theriot has made the mother of all miscalculations since assuming the reins as interim Parish President in his sanctioned “Strategic lawsuit against public participation” (SLAPP) filed Friday against John Does 1-100 complete with subpoena for commenter information from the Times Picayune. Slabbed, of course plays a special role in this, one I will explore … Continue reading “BREAKING: Steve Theriot and Jefferson Parish sue bloggers. Subpoenas information on Times Picayune commenters. Slabbed mentioned in suit not subpoeaned.”

Stop using my tax dollars to protect violators of Parish Law

AN OPEN LETTER TO THE PARISH OF JEFFERSON from Anne Marie Vandenweghe, Citizen It is interesting to note that the law firm of Phelps Dunbar is appearing on behalf of the Parish of Jefferson and ALL NAMED RESPONDENTS in the Whistle blower lawsuit I filed recently. Since when does the Parish defend PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS? And if the … Continue reading “Stop using my tax dollars to protect violators of Parish Law”

Slabbed joins the Louisiana public records battle and welcomes career politician and stooge Danny Martiny to the Do Slabb Inn. (The “Warren” executive suite, extra nice)

I have an inbox have full of emails and we’ve had more than a few comments here on the recent attempt of the political class in Jefferson Parish to substantially weaken the Louisiana Public Records law. This is typical behavior for the cockroaches in government over at the Yenni Building and State Senator Martiny has plenty … Continue reading “Slabbed joins the Louisiana public records battle and welcomes career politician and stooge Danny Martiny to the Do Slabb Inn. (The “Warren” executive suite, extra nice)”

Heated meeting of Jefferson Parish Personnel Board with Parish Attorney has “Aha Moment”

Well, it’s about time someone in Parish government had an “Aha Moment”.  Fortunately, Val Bracy of Fox8 was there to capture the moment and the heated debate: The Jefferson Parish Personnel Board is widening its investigation into potentially unethical activity by employees. The board revealed at Wednesday’s meeting that some parish attorney’s are now under … Continue reading “Heated meeting of Jefferson Parish Personnel Board with Parish Attorney has “Aha Moment””

Jefferson Parish News Miscellany: Item 84 on display as we enter the Jefferson Parish Council Twilight Zone

Paul Rioux waded into yesterday’s Parish Council meeting and agenda item #84 full-bore for today’s Times Picayune. We’ve covered the issues and concerns  held by Parish residents plus some yesterday on Slabbed. The Times Picayune stuck with the narrow issues in their reporting choosing to leave out the citizen questions about Paul Connick’s law firm providing the parish with  professional services. … Continue reading “Jefferson Parish News Miscellany: Item 84 on display as we enter the Jefferson Parish Council Twilight Zone”