Slabbed takes the Roger Goodell bounty challenge as we begin our own bounty program: Is Goodell in the Canal Street Madam’s black book?

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, BEETLEJUICE! Ooops wrong incantation. Sorry folks but I swear this actually worked once before. Let me try again.

Billy Nungesser's name surfaces in the Canal Street Madam's black book.

We were leaked Nungesser’s name over the weekend after we reignited the conversation about the contents of the infamous Canal Street Madam black book.  I am very happy to see Miss Maier speak out publicly on this. Jay Vice at WWL 870 has the story. (H/T Whitmergate): Jeanette Maier, the so-called “canal street madam,” says … Continue reading “Billy Nungesser's name surfaces in the Canal Street Madam's black book.”

Slabbed goes under the covers and plunges into USA v Maier: Judge Lemelle declares open season on the Canal Street Madam's "black book". Is the speculation about Diaper David Vitter being a bad shot premature?

Initially I thought this post would be of the wham, bam, thank you ma’am variety where I could upload a few PACER docs and call it a day.  Instead, reading one court filing lead to another and then the googling commenced in earnest and this despite the fact I followed the Canal Street Madam case real time including … Continue reading “Slabbed goes under the covers and plunges into USA v Maier: Judge Lemelle declares open season on the Canal Street Madam's "black book". Is the speculation about Diaper David Vitter being a bad shot premature?”

Perricone disaster overnight miscellany: The heat is on

Indeed it is folks as we start with Times Picayune Editor Gordon Russell: Got an email from Sal Perricone. He seems a little hacked off with me. Says I’m in league w/ Fred Heebe, among other things. — Gordon Russell (@GordonRussell1) November 29, 2012 At this point I’d like to say it was not a … Continue reading “Perricone disaster overnight miscellany: The heat is on”

When it comes to a certain subject neither of us are usually at a loss for words…….

And that subject would be Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser aka Nunny aka Anderson Cooper’s “Bubba”.  While it is too early from an official standpoint to start taking victory laps as Slabbed, among a few other media outlets has consistently called this disgusting person out, especially since the oil spill and bermdoggle.  Lifers will recall it was none other … Continue reading “When it comes to a certain subject neither of us are usually at a loss for words…….”

So Bobby Jindal is holding this fundraiser for Billy Nungesser on Tuesday…..

And folks I hear there is gonna be lots of fun and games over at Blaine Kern’s place  but before we get to that let’s visit with our good friends over at Plaquemines Citizen, who has the invite and letters from Piyush and Nunny on the soiree as we highlight the following comment Plaquemines left here on Slabbed: I … Continue reading “So Bobby Jindal is holding this fundraiser for Billy Nungesser on Tuesday…..”

Gidget’s guys: Goober nails the Vitty endorsement of Nunny

Everyone is still scratching their heads over Diaper David Vitter’s endorsement of Billy Nungesser aka Bubba aka Nunny for the La Lite Gov against an incumbent from his own party. Nungesser is the subject of a federal investigation into how the Parish spent Katrina recovery funding, is the idiot that helped Bobby Jindal shake down BP for those useless sand berms and … Continue reading “Gidget’s guys: Goober nails the Vitty endorsement of Nunny”

BREAKING: Nothing to see here. Slabbed calls bull on Judge Lemelle and his last order in USA v Maier.

I just got word folks, the Canal Street Madam’s black book remains sealed despite what Judge Lemelle wrote in that order we profiled Saturday: IT IS ORDERED that the Motion to Intervene (Rec. Doc. No. 320) is DENIED as baseless and frivolous. Release of the records at issue to Defendants in the above-captioned matter has … Continue reading “BREAKING: Nothing to see here. Slabbed calls bull on Judge Lemelle and his last order in USA v Maier.”

The Engelhardt pummeling in the media continues: Who wudda thunk….

That Slabbed would be the one to go easy on him? I mean heck, back during the thick of the insurance war playing out in the Federal courts a few years back we levied a criticism or two at the man including when Slabbed went under the covers with Gidget but not here on the Danziger case. … Continue reading “The Engelhardt pummeling in the media continues: Who wudda thunk….”

Comment bump: It always seems to circle back to Gidget

Oyster aka Mark Moseley stopped in yesterday on Nowdy’s old Booker Diggins post and left a dynamite comment that is well worth repeating as it amplifies why her black book is a holy grail of sorts in local investigative journalism circles.  On the media side Mark’s work on the topic is second to none so … Continue reading “Comment bump: It always seems to circle back to Gidget”