BREAKING: Chris Roberts would like to say a word about the Baudier “attack ad”. Updated with a response from the Baudier Campaign!

Folks, my mind is open to the possibility that not only is Chris Roberts a complete imbecile but he also has a huge crush on some chick called Anne Marie.  Now hummm, who could that be? My own opinion is that Mr Roberts is feeling the heat as word on the street is he will … Continue reading “BREAKING: Chris Roberts would like to say a word about the Baudier “attack ad”. Updated with a response from the Baudier Campaign!”

A “White Shoe” firm with smelly brown stuff on the soul: A Phelps Dumbar Conflict of Interest Update.

Short and sweet folks: Three cases and we’ve covered them all. The suit the Parish filed against certain media outlets to clarify which grand jury documents the media would receive pursuant to media public records requests.  The decisions made with respect to the outcome of this litigation is a key precursor to Slabb O’Leaks where we … Continue reading “A “White Shoe” firm with smelly brown stuff on the soul: A Phelps Dumbar Conflict of Interest Update.”

Follow the bouncing Broussard……..

Here is a bit of background courtesy of Anne Marie Vandenweghe: I received three responses to my PRR 441-10 for all Parish Attorney Organizational Charts from 1990 to present. Mary Galley’s response ( Her title is listed SECRETARY TO PARISH ATTORNEY); Certification dated 03/04/2010 Chris Gillen’s response ( His title is listed ASSISTANT TO PARISH ATTORNEY); … Continue reading “Follow the bouncing Broussard……..”

Please excuse my rude cousin Slabb O’Leak as he passes La Gasse

Again nothing earth shattering but for those so interested here is today’s Slabb O’Leak. ~ sop From: PBorne Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 4:22 PM To: AVandenweghe Cc: TAWhitmer; BSmith; TWilkinson Subject: Public Records Request Anne Marie, I just received a public records request in the mail for a copy of all contracts between Jefferson Parish … Continue reading “Please excuse my rude cousin Slabb O’Leak as he passes La Gasse”

Garbage in, Garbage out: The trouble with keeping yer lies straight….. A River Birch contract evaluation update.

The old adage about the trouble with keeping lies straight came to mind yesterday as I read Paul Rioux’s T-P story on River Birch’s much ballyhooed contract evaluation performed by the rent an economist at Loren C. Scott and Associates.  Being a blog moderator has its advantages, especially when the ol’ memory bank is functioning on … Continue reading “Garbage in, Garbage out: The trouble with keeping yer lies straight….. A River Birch contract evaluation update.”


From: BBoudreaux [[email protected]] Sent: 11/13/2009 11:04 AM To: TCapella REMINDER: I have a RUSH contract for you to sign. Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’ down the river…… By the middle of December 2009, Anne Marie Vandenweghe, APA in charge of Public Records, and in performance of her duty, is now in possession of FOUR separate JP/River Birch contracts … Continue reading “Coincidence?”

Subpoenas Keep On Churning, River Birch Keeps On Turning. Rollin’, Rollin’, Rollin

There are no simple answers when it comes to River Birch but I’ll lend some insight as it pertains to Waste Management’s contract, in a humble attempt to give the Slabb Nation’s musings on matters of Jefferson Parish garbage some illumination as I take a stab at answering FifthCircuitJoke’s question: “I’m still trying to figure … Continue reading “Subpoenas Keep On Churning, River Birch Keeps On Turning. Rollin’, Rollin’, Rollin”

Let’s head back up Tulane, over Jefferson Davis Parkway past Genois and Telemachus back to the hive in Jefferson Parish

Anne Marie Vandenweghe is appealing Judge Ross LaDart’s curious public records decision to the court of appeals. A little birdie tells me Team AMV will go all the way to the Supremes if need be. [scribd id=42993225 key=key-772cfns5ka4ezqxx785 mode=list]

Slabbed Mississippi political news miscellany: Drunken domestic abuse edition.

We’ve covered the ongoing stories of 2 good examples of how not to behave in political hack Scott Walker of Ocean Springs and executive director Butch Brown of MDOT and there is news regarding both men here in the local press we must highlight for the Slabbed Nation. Let’s begin with Brown, who was found sleeping at … Continue reading “Slabbed Mississippi political news miscellany: Drunken domestic abuse edition.”

Failing public schools in Jefferson Parish? Let’s examine how the Gretna mentality contributes

Given the 24th Judicial Districts Courts are located in Gretna I suspect it was a simple matter of time before the phrases “Grenta Style” and “Gretna Mentality” would enter into the lexicon of the Slabbed Nation in the aftermath of the impeachment proceedings against Tom Porteous as the systemic corruption of the state and federal courts was laid bare … Continue reading “Failing public schools in Jefferson Parish? Let’s examine how the Gretna mentality contributes”