Citizens for Good Government tells the Jefferson Parish Council to stop defending the indefensible. An Open Letter to the Citizens of Jefferson Parish.

Following is the text of the speech given by the Citizens for Good Government’s Margie Seemann at the August 31, 2011 Parish Council meeting: My name is Margie Seemann and I am Vice-Chairman of Citizens for Good Government. The Jefferson Parish government corruption scandals, which have been under investigation for some time, have not been … Continue reading “Citizens for Good Government tells the Jefferson Parish Council to stop defending the indefensible. An Open Letter to the Citizens of Jefferson Parish.”

Heebe’s whores: The Garland Robinette connection to the Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal revealed.

Legendary wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin has a couple of great taglines both of which are easily transferable to Slabbed.  For example Slabbed 3:16 means we just cyber whipped your ass and DTA means Don’t Trust Anyone.  When it comes to dealing with the media in greater New Orleans I’ve found that last bit of advice … Continue reading “Heebe’s whores: The Garland Robinette connection to the Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal revealed.”

The problem with lying is keeping all of them straight. A Jefferson Parish Political Corruption / Trout Point Lodge Scandal Update Part 3

There is no doubt the timing of Rich Rainey’s series of articles on Trout Point Lodge and Aaron Broussard’s connections thereto could not have come at a more inopportune time for the three owners of the lodge, Danny Abel, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret.  While Rainey focuses his articles on the curious Nova Scotia connection involving Broussard and the complaint … Continue reading “The problem with lying is keeping all of them straight. A Jefferson Parish Political Corruption / Trout Point Lodge Scandal Update Part 3”

Capella political hack Pat Tovrea needs to learn a bit of restraint. An occasional Jefferson Parish Failing Schools Update.

Why are Jefferson Parish Schools some of the worst in the state of Louisiana? See Pat Tovrea run for School Board. See JPSB member Pat Tovrea harass central office employees. See JPSB member Pat Tovrea stalk central office employees. See JPSB member Pat Tovrea bully central office employees. See Employee file for a restraining order. Maybe spending too much time … Continue reading “Capella political hack Pat Tovrea needs to learn a bit of restraint. An occasional Jefferson Parish Failing Schools Update.”

We have received confirmation…..

1. That Phelps Dumbar has indeed filed writs with the Louisiana Supreme Court on the public records suit against the Parish by Anne Marie Vandenweghe. Look for more monster legal bills folks. 2. President Obama’s latest choice for LAED judge, Susie Morgan is a very bad one. Then again most

Slabbed and Ashley mentioned in the same sentence. And as fate would have it only now that she's gone is the genius behind Nowdy's work here becoming evident.

When I checked stats and Jason’s post on American Zombie about our coverage of the goings on in Oxpatch and read the comments, I was truly humbled to see one of the commenters mentioning us deserving the Ashley Award. For those who are not schooled in the lore of the local blogging community the Ashley Award is named … Continue reading “Slabbed and Ashley mentioned in the same sentence. And as fate would have it only now that she's gone is the genius behind Nowdy's work here becoming evident.”

Your Jefferson Parish Tax Dollars at Work: Parish pays Phelps Dumbar over $97,000 to sue bloggers and prevent access to public records.

As Lawyer X can well explain, corporate and insurance clients routinely pick apart billing statements and do not pay what is billed. It’s even more deplorable if the Parish does not have someone audit these bills and seek reduction. So wrote a menber of the Slabbed legal team that saw the vender detail report detailing … Continue reading “Your Jefferson Parish Tax Dollars at Work: Parish pays Phelps Dumbar over $97,000 to sue bloggers and prevent access to public records.”

That ain't doughnut glaze on Judge Ross LaDart's Chin! Louisiana 5th Circuit Court of Appeals bitch slaps the inept judge, reverses shithouse public records opinion. A Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal update.

OK folks if you want to catch up on the myriad of ways Jefferson Parish strives to continue doing business in smoke-filled rooms with no accountability or transparency you can catch up by clicking here. The long and short of it is that former Assistant Parish Attorney Anne Marie Vandenweghe sued to make the Parish honor her … Continue reading “That ain't doughnut glaze on Judge Ross LaDart's Chin! Louisiana 5th Circuit Court of Appeals bitch slaps the inept judge, reverses shithouse public records opinion. A Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal update.”

Slabbed takes a look at the Trout Point business venture: Let's start at the end and work back.

I think by now even our most casual readers know our successor website, was knocked offline courtesy of the Times Picayune’s corporate parent Advance Publications and this started a chain of events that resulted in Slabbed temporarily being moved back to WordPress. I’d submit this was a miscalculation of gargantuan proportions for several reasons, which will … Continue reading “Slabbed takes a look at the Trout Point business venture: Let's start at the end and work back.”

In this episode of Magnum J.D.: Love is in the air as Magnanimous Magnum shares romanesque romance with the public.

Love is in the air Everywhere I look around Love is in the air Every sight and every sound And I don’t know if I’m being foolish Don’t know if I’m being wise But it’s something that I must believe in And it’s there when I look in your eyes Judy Walker gives us a … Continue reading “In this episode of Magnum J.D.: Love is in the air as Magnanimous Magnum shares romanesque romance with the public.”