While we wait for news…..

Just shy of five and half years ago, this area was forever changed due to a Hurricane named Katrina. My experience with the storm was up close and personal and the experience best described as life changing. Prior to August 29, 2005 I blogged exclusively for my own financial benefit in support of my investments on places like Yahoo! Finance.  After, I cut back the number of stock holdings I tracked and devoted time to blogging in support of this area and the people in it covering insurance related issues. Lord knows the insurance companies had an army of PR shills arrayed against us but off we went undeterred.  I was so confident in my abilities that I told Nowdy we’d have it licked in 6 months. Here we are 4 years later we’re still talking about Citizens Insurance. Then came an oil spill, the impeachment of a crooked local federal judge and the Jefferson Parish portion of the massive political corruption scandal in metro NOLA to name a few topics where we have not just provided an alternative voice but existed on the cutting edge of the entire media universe.  I am humbled so many people have placed their trust in me to tell their story.

Today when I go to NOLA I am treated like a rock star.  While I certainly appreciate the showing of gratitude I also am struck by the fact I am no different from anyone else. Yeah, I can bash pretty good but if Katrina taught us anything it was when the chips were down the people of the Gulf South always rose to the occasion.  I am reminded of that today. If memory serves today’s song has appeared  just once in the 4,423 posts and 22,300 comments prior to this one and includes one of our very early taglines that still applies today. Enjoy.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. ~ Margaret Mead

16 thoughts on “While we wait for news…..”

  1. I simply refuse to let the self interested con-artist of the ilk running Jefferson Parish into the hall of governmental graft hall of shame define my freedom of speach. I feel sorry for those who might be subject to their manipulations of some judical systems.

  2. Indeed Thomas Payne said it best—

    In summer of 1792, he answered the sedition and libel charges thus: "If, to expose the fraud and imposition of monarchy … to promote universal peace, civilization, and commerce, and to break the chains of political superstition, and raise degraded man to his proper rank; if these things be libellous … let the name of libeller be engraved on my tomb".

    History has been kind to Mr. Payne.

  3. I'd forgotten that, if I ever knew it. I love "… and raise the degraded man to his proper rank." That, (and some of the passages from the Bible about the protests of Isrealites being held in debt slavery) ought to be mentioned every time someone slams MLK or bashes the Occupy Wall Street kids.

    I've always heard that the defense against libel is truth.

    Billy Bragg has a song about "Throwing the Tories out." He was singing about Thatcher, I think, so fans of President Ray-gun might tisk-tisk, but in my books there is a considerable difference between a principled conservative and a Tory.

  4. Towards the end of the hearing, Justice Hood told Leary that she thought his pleadings in the case were some of the best legal work she had seen in her courtroom in some time. She said she will present her oral opinion on the damages award in the same courtroom at 11am on January 31.

    oH mY lORDY Gawd amighty!!!
    DA Girls gOT Dem a Ménage à Trois wit dat JUDGE….Photos at 11!

  5. Towards the end of the hearing, Justice Hood told Leary that she thought his pleadings in the case were some of the best legal work she had seen in her courtroom in some time. She said she will present her oral opinion on the damages award in the same courtroom at 11am on January 31.

    oH mY lORDY Gawd !!! DA Girls gOT Dem a Ménage à Trois wit dat JUDGE….Photos at 11!

  6. How can she say that he can't write something that has already been written & read?
    You see, there IS NO POINT.
    There is no LOGIC.
    There is no justice in a courtroom.
    The system IS the CRIME.

  7. http://www.southcoasttoday.ca/content/breaking-1-

    They seemed to stumble in their presentation about whether they were claiming $300,000 in aggravated damages for all of the plaintiffs combined or that amount for each of the plaintiffs.
    When ****prodded**** by Hood about which option they were preferring, Leary and Perret conferred for some time and replied that they preferred $300,000 for each plaintiff.

    Leary and Perret also asked for a permanant injunction, and
    when again**** prodded***** by Justice Hood, also asked for a mandatory injunction.

    POO DAT!..

    .All dat PRODDIN' on dem JENNY WOMEN musta made a PUDDIN' PRODDIN' Mess
    in dat courtroom.
    Judge HOOD wore herself a brown robe so she don't have to bring dat to the cleaner and she so humble she congratulate the girls for what she PROD dem to do.

    BOO DAT!

  8. Steve, reading your comment Bro.

    I feel sorry for those who might be subjected to their manipulations of some judical systems.

    As hard as it is to accept or understand just how to discribe the open auhority of bottom feeding murders, thieves, and kidnappers. A Governor issuing pardons to the like, all sponsered by an Attorney General who knows how to aim and shoot his own foot.And we see their running the magica clown show right before our very eyes.

    The word isn't [ some ] I would think it clear we know what were talking about. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMzIpuxCV_s

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