12 thoughts on “Remember when Slabbed broke to the world that Tim Whitmer was cooperating?”

  1. Good work sop!!!

    The Whitmer BOI is good news to Plaquemines Parish. Whitmer will tell everything he knows about a certain former CAO in Kenner with connections to a certain contractor who both now have connections to Plaquemines Parish that will no doubt ultimately lead to the nail in the coffin of Billy Nungesser.

    BTW, No surprise… Both Jiff Hingle's and Aaron Bennett's sentencing have been continued. Bennett to June, 2012 and Jiff to be determined.

  2. Next up at bat will be the Superseding indictment next month against Aaron Broussard plus we should see a bunch of his friends named in additional indictments right before Mardi Gras.

  3. Clancy DuBos has something up on Gambit.

    He still does not understand these indictments were never about Aaron Broussard.

    He must not know that smartass thug aka Tom Wilkinson already went to Letten thinking he would be able to dictate terms. I hear Team Letten threw his miserable sorry ass outta the building.

    Wilkinson may indeed cut a plea deal, but it will be on his knees for he has waited too long.

    One thing DuBos did get right. Tim Coulon is next.


  4. Whitmer leads to Coulon who leads to West Jeff Hosp which leads to Jim Ward and Freddie Heebe who lead to River Birch.

    Whitmer lead to St John Parish and now to St Bernard, Plaquemines and maybe a few others and of course to Sop's favorite place in the world: NOVA SCOTIA.

    Hello Clancy: this really really really never was about Aaron Broussard…he was the means to the end….

    Way to go Sop!!!!

  5. I don't understand Sop's comment. I just read Clancy's column and he states that Heebe — not Broussard — is the ultimate target, which is what Slabbed has been saying for a long time.

  6. Maybe it was my eyes playing tricks LightningK or maybe the fact that the media in NOLA has been such a integral part of the cesspool that my own cognative biases caused me to miss it but you are right and my comment was mistaken.

    He also buried his lead. 😉


  7. Don't forget it was Deano Bonano who was hired by Jefferson Parish as Waste Management contract monitor way back in 1986.He must have learned plenty from that experience.
    After Katrina, who was in charge of "woody waste" that was the origins of the River Birch contract…you guessed it… Deano Bonano. He seems to have a hand in plenty of stinky Parish deals.

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  9. I'd like to add the word is that both Broussard and WIlkinson have again approached Team Letten about a deal. They were essentially told they would have to go change their plea before the judge.


  10. And remember: "[T]he judge" in this case is the Honorable Hayden W. Head, Jr. who hails from Corpus Christi, Texas. This is the Judge who sent Sam Kent "packing" to Houston early in that SCANDAL, which is a permanent STAIN on the Federal Judiciary, Judge Head is being assisted in the Broussard/Wilkinson/Jefferson Parish SCANDALS by U.S. Magistrate Frances H. Stacy of Houston, Texas. ALL of the Eastern District of Louisiana Judges and Magistrates recused themselves, remember? Without giving any written reasons. Ashton O'Dwyer.

  11. Oh what a wonderful feeling when things start to come together just as planned. I am inspired by your attitude and patience Sop. Instead of running down the hill to slab a few of these miscreants, you walked down the hill to slabbem all. Keep up the good work, there is plenty of room for more satisfaction.

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