Of course Bobby Hebert is not in trouble with Entercom Communications. I mean hell Garlandfill took $250,000 in payola and he didn’t get in any trouble.

And Garland “Garlandfill” Robinette folks is exactly the type of sold out media whore that has held metro New Orleans back for generations secretly doing the bidding of his old line wealthy friends spreading propaganda on the airwaves. Anyone else notice how many scammers like Goldline advertise on talk radio? My biggest education doing Slabbed was learning exactly how sleazy the radio business is as a whole and especially the large companies like Entercom Communications where Garlandfill works and payola is evidently the rule of the day.

For those interested in Bobby Hebert’s dust up with Les Miles after the BCS Championship game click here.


4 thoughts on “Of course Bobby Hebert is not in trouble with Entercom Communications. I mean hell Garlandfill took $250,000 in payola and he didn’t get in any trouble.”

  1. LSU carries a lot of "clout". Look what they did to Ivor Van Heerden for telling the truth after KATRINA. LSU got away with that largely unscathed. My prediction: Hebert will not survive this fracas. The "wimps" at WWL (and their bosses) will let him go before they suffer a "loss of credentials", airtime, game broadcasts, advertising or "whatever". Ashton O'Dwyer.

  2. Bobby should be reprimanded. He could have asked the question in a manner that did not constitute a verbal battery.

    I listened as the battery unfolded and my jaw dropped. WWL will never let him go, because the powers that be knew what Bobby would do if unleashed at the post-game press conference. How can WWL fire him for something it knew he would do? Non-sense.

    Bobby will be around for a long time.

  3. Bobby Hebert has appropriately fired his Cajun cannon into the face of Honest "Abe" Miles and followed that up with a second round on ESPN's Mike and MIke Show.

    Hey,Bobby keep firing those red hot, cannon balls cause we need you on prime time TV sportscast where you really belong.

    Abe' this morning is again doing the verbal mei cupa play action for himself and the coaching staff for not being prepared. Well that's just great "Abe" but how about addressing your BS lies about a two QB system for the last 4-5 games. And "Abe" how about the lie that you told when you stated that you signaled for Jefferson to ground the ball last year in the final seconds of the near fatal Tennessee game when the TV film clearly showed you did not.

    Miles' foolish inflexible run game mentality and BS two QB system played right into the hand of Saban. Saban correctly practiced for Bama' to shut down the option, pressure Jefferson to the point of him holding the ball to long and making asshole throws. all the while knowing Honest Abe would not put in Lee. And despite the fact that Lee had learned a quicker release, had not only secured passing victories but was rated among the top SEC QB's in QB ratings ( not total yardage or TD's).

    Finally, in addition to many LSU players transferring there was the T/P clip today that a recruit just showed up to begin classes but a LSU player on scholarship did not graduate in January as expected. So there was no football scholarship available for 6' 5" 255 lb. Miller who has now transferred to Auburn. What other teams wanted Miller, well try Fla,State, Notre Dame, etc..

    Hey coach,there won't be any alien spaceships landing in BR this year to scare LSU into extending your contract but there's an opening at Honest Abe's Used Car lot on old Airline Hwy. But coach one more thing, you better bring your own lawn grass clippings cause even though the lot is all ASSphalt , its just where your lying ass belongs.

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