I stress cyber security so much I managed to lock myself outta the rack…….


This is not a teaser since my posting plans for this morning have been derailed, but if the stars align I’ll have 3 posts today:

1. The invite to that freak Billy Nungessers’ campaign debt retirement party over at Blaine Kern’s place.

2. A shitload of docs on the BP MDL.

3. Waste Management’s RICO case.

And of course if Mayor Greg does anything dumb today I’ll have that too.


One thought on “I stress cyber security so much I managed to lock myself outta the rack…….”

  1. Take a look at my blog, you see Nungesser's invite, the letter from Nungesser asking for $$$ because he's not finished in Louisiana (somebody, please tell him he's finished) and the letter from Jindal asking for $$$ for Nungesser to help him retire his campaign debt.

    Nungesser's letter states for a mere $5000.00 you can get a pic with him and Jindal.
    I've included a cutout of Nungesser and Jindal on my blog and you can insert your own pic for free.

    Both letters were sent in the same envelope with the Mardi Gras styled invite.

    I believe this little shin-dig has something to do with a piece of property in Belle Chasse Louisiana that is is the subject of a rather heated opposition to a large development headed to Belle Chasse that includes a Super WalMart. Nungesser is doing what he can to push the development, even though the majority of residents in Upper Plaquemines are against it. The Parish has spent loads of money fighting it, and you wouldn't even believe the shenanigans involved. The real story is no one is saying is Jindal's father-in-law is a principal in the company that owns the property. The Court even sealed the documents that reflects the current owners of the property, and the options to purchase the property.

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