The SouthCoast Today picks up more coverage of the unfolding Money Laundering Scandal involving the Trout Point development.

Two Nova Scotia firms are being named in news stories about the new fraud allegations which surfaced Tuesday regarding former Jefferson Parish (Louisiana) president Aaron Broussard’s growing problems with investigations and indictments for his actions while in office. The allegation that parish contractors were paying Broussard retainers, consulting fees or finder’s fees is the first … Continue reading “The SouthCoast Today picks up more coverage of the unfolding Money Laundering Scandal involving the Trout Point development.”

Worth repeating take note: Let’s talk Paul Connick Sr. and his son Dutchie Connick

From my comment on Slabbed solves the mystery on the shores of the Tusket River in Nova Scotia as we reveal the Trout Point connection to the Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal Paying people as Paralegals that did not report to work has been a time-honored practice dating back to the Tim Coulon days as Parish Prez. … Continue reading “Worth repeating take note: Let’s talk Paul Connick Sr. and his son Dutchie Connick”

The Nova Scotia SouthCoast Today picks up the latest developments

Folks in the internet age word sure does travel fast as the SouthCoast Today is all over the latest developments in the Aaron Broussard-Trout Point development money laundering scheme. sop

Fox 8 and WWL TeeVee is reporting Karen Parker will be in court to plead guilty to Misprison of Felony.

Aaron Broussard’s ex-wife is due in court this morning folks to change her plea in the payroll fraud portion of what we call the Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal. Worth noting is Miss Parker was cut in by her then hubby Aaron Broussard on his portion of the development at Trout Point in Nova Scotia, another … Continue reading “Fox 8 and WWL TeeVee is reporting Karen Parker will be in court to plead guilty to Misprison of Felony.”

If you were sold a stake in either La Ferme D’Acadie or Cerro Coyote Slabbed wants to hear from you!

My archival post regarding the Cerro Coyote hotel in Costa Rica has generated more leads folks as more local investors in the project that had no clue Abel, Leary and Perret sold the hotel and whom received not a penny back on their investment have sent me bat signals and that does not count the inquiries from … Continue reading “If you were sold a stake in either La Ferme D’Acadie or Cerro Coyote Slabbed wants to hear from you!”

The Louisiana Ethics Administration starts off the New Year with a bang

By now folks you know the drill as the Louisiana Division of Administrative Law Docket will soon be gone with the cyber winds. On tap this week is Aaron Broussard, Jennifer Sneed Heebe and serial NOLA election candidate James Perry plus a host of other current/former public officials that are in trouble. For those of you that checked this post … Continue reading “The Louisiana Ethics Administration starts off the New Year with a bang”

Aaron Brousard does the pro se thing and makes a foole’ of himself

I’ve said a couple of times on these pages that the quality of the lawyering in the Katrina cases handled by Aaron Broussard and his legal sidekicks such as Trout Point Lodge owner Danny Abel was very suspect.  I illustrated it in Eric Paulsen’s case against State Farm where Paulsen was zeroed due to shit … Continue reading “Aaron Brousard does the pro se thing and makes a foole’ of himself”

Karen Parker gets a wet kiss from the T-P. Hump a sleazy politician and end up f*cked?

Folks I read Bob Ross’ profile of Karen Parker Broussard for today’s T-P and had a post worded in my head that was not kind to Ms Parker but I decided to go in another direction as the subject of Aaron Broussard’s love life has come up a time or two on Slabbed before.  The bottom line for Parker … Continue reading “Karen Parker gets a wet kiss from the T-P. Hump a sleazy politician and end up f*cked?”

Yesterday was a perfect world. Time to chat about this little project.

Nowdy sent me word WordPress is now allowing specific types of advertising on WordPress hosted blogs.  I am not certain how this would work if we moved to a self hosting again though I have identified a good match for  Then again we can host that with WordPress too.  The folks at Automattic, Inc have been good … Continue reading “Yesterday was a perfect world. Time to chat about this little project.”

There is a rumor going around today’s Jefferson Parish Council meeting could be nasty…

I got the good word late last week folks.  The fact I just saw John Young on Toolman in the morning indicates to me today’s meeting could very well be interesting.  The Toolman seemed awfully misinformed on the latest with River Birch but then again that disaster was brought to the public by the Toolman’s running buddy Aaron Broussard. Rich … Continue reading “There is a rumor going around today’s Jefferson Parish Council meeting could be nasty…”