I’m very close to tying several things together

The Wino has been talking folks and now the previously blind now see.  It is not for the faint of heart. Let’s think business/socially and make some connections.  We need to go back to the late legendary trial lawyer Wendell Gauthier.  He is the tie that binds all of the major power players in Jefferson … Continue reading “I’m very close to tying several things together”

From the you gotta have a good reputation for it to be ruined files……..

River Birch landfill owner Fred Heebe sues former federal prosecutor Sal Perricone for defamation ~ Laura Maggi NOLA.com Seems that freaky Freddy wants to take Sal Perricone’s deposition.  Perricone lawyer John Litchfield sez nuts.  Worth noting is this is the second time Heebe has tried to back door a ham sandwich in the NOLA CDC … Continue reading “From the you gotta have a good reputation for it to be ruined files……..”

Bad News Friday: Team USA puts Mark Titus’ balls in a vice. Team Letten opposes Broussard’s request for a trial delay

The latest development in the Mark Titus saga could greatly hinder the prosecution of his brother-in-law Dominick “Big D” Fazzio, whom Titus supposedly dropped the dime on.  Per the T-P’s Gordon Russell, Titus continued breaking the law, which in turn violated his plea deal.  One wonders if Titus has simply fallen on his sword but … Continue reading “Bad News Friday: Team USA puts Mark Titus’ balls in a vice. Team Letten opposes Broussard’s request for a trial delay”

Let’s talk more about Broussard’s grand jury leak “fishing expedition”

Drew Broach wrote a story earlier this afternoon on Judge Head’s latest ruling in USA v Broussard / USA v Wilkinson that included Judge Head’s memorandum ruling detailing his reasons for turning Broussard lawyer Robert Jenkins down.  The order generated an interesting response from a reader, which I am publishing here as it ties into todays commentary on … Continue reading “Let’s talk more about Broussard’s grand jury leak “fishing expedition””

“I love a parade”: While Rome was burning down Chris Roberts was angling to ride in the Saints Superbowl Victory parade

Today’s installment of documents laid on me by my gabby cousin Slabb O’Leak deals with a parade but this was no ordinary parade folks, no sir. This was a special parade indeed so to refresh everyone’s memories we need to hit the way back machine and head back to February 2010. Our own AROD was cooling his heels … Continue reading ““I love a parade”: While Rome was burning down Chris Roberts was angling to ride in the Saints Superbowl Victory parade”

File this one under they were ignorant until the very end…. (revised)

First the disclaimer. Attorney Bobby Truitt represents Slabbed in its free speech fight against Aaron Broussard’s former business associates at Trout Point Lodge. Second I contacted Mr. Truitt for comment on the following documents, which my Gabby cousin Slabb O’Leak laid on me yesterday and he declined. So folks to understand the significance of these documents and my post … Continue reading “File this one under they were ignorant until the very end…. (revised)”

All signs indicate a Ray Ray indictment is at hand

If Maurice “Hippo” Katz had lived, he would have given Team Fed both Morial and Harry Lee. I mention this because Sir James wrote a column for yesterday’s Times Picayune about the fact former HSOA CEO Frank Fradella strongly looks as if he copped a plea and is working with Greg Meffert to insure former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin is … Continue reading “All signs indicate a Ray Ray indictment is at hand”

Jim Brown’s Weekly Column: New Orleans Criminal Justice – The Evil Empire?

Thursday, May 24th, 2012 New Orleans, Louisiana NEW ORLEANS CRIMINAL JUSTICE- THE EVIL EMPIRE? In the movie about New Orleans called Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans, Nicolas Cage plays a corrupt New Orleans cop, and tells a fellow cop to “Shoot him again.” “What for?” says his companion. Cage casually observes: “His soul … Continue reading “Jim Brown’s Weekly Column: New Orleans Criminal Justice – The Evil Empire?”

My severe case of spring fever has gotten worse…

I do not know what type of pollen hit the air late last week in South Mississippi but what ever it is has my sinuses in full rebellion.  That part I can take but the meds just about make it impossible to coherently write anything substantive. That said here are a couple of links: Saturday … Continue reading “My severe case of spring fever has gotten worse…”