Breaking: I have received a Slabb O’Gram from the Wino!!!!!

Folks a long time ago I worked a small part of a major criminal prosecution for the defense.  I’m not able to go into any detail about the case but suffice it to say it ended badly for several of the accused and to add insult to injury a joint/several 7 figure forfeiture order was … Continue reading “Breaking: I have received a Slabb O’Gram from the Wino!!!!!”

HUGE!!!!!! Paul Rioux completes the toxic River Birch campaign cash gumbo. Fred Heebe spreads the cash just before the JP River Birch Landfill vote

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Telemachus and ‘Gate, take a bow.  Paul Rioux has the must read story on the topic Slabbed broke earlier today. We got a hat tip in fact. 🙂 The list of River Birch’s … Continue reading “HUGE!!!!!! Paul Rioux completes the toxic River Birch campaign cash gumbo. Fred Heebe spreads the cash just before the JP River Birch Landfill vote”

My severe case of spring fever has gotten worse…

I do not know what type of pollen hit the air late last week in South Mississippi but what ever it is has my sinuses in full rebellion.  That part I can take but the meds just about make it impossible to coherently write anything substantive. That said here are a couple of links: Saturday … Continue reading “My severe case of spring fever has gotten worse…”

Heebe drops his suit against Perricone: Like we thought, the whole Mencken=Perricone deal was mostly posturing

Not that Sal Perricone wasn’t 100% right in resigning his job with the US Attorney’s office after commenting on cases he was handling because what he did was wrong from an ethical standpoint but we’ve said all along Fred Heebe had no defamation case against Perricone and the latest news that Heebe has dismissed his … Continue reading “Heebe drops his suit against Perricone: Like we thought, the whole Mencken=Perricone deal was mostly posturing”

Is Big D now cooperating with Team Letten? Time to shake the tree.

On a completely related note the recent postponement of Dominick Fazzio’s brother in law’s sentencing to October is raising speculation that Dominick Fazzio has decided to cooperate with the DOJ. Let the speculation begin. If Dominick Fazzio has indeed seen the light it puts that recent Mark Moseley column at the Lens in a whole new light … Continue reading “Is Big D now cooperating with Team Letten? Time to shake the tree.”

Lets kick off the New Year Gretna style and examine city government at its worst.

Folks I don’t live in the proverbial land of milk and honey but there are some stark differences in how Government works over here on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. One area the contrast is stark is in Code enforcement. To wit: It is my intention to cast a light on those who do their jobs … Continue reading “Lets kick off the New Year Gretna style and examine city government at its worst.”

We have several items of interest floating about….

I’m literally going to be from one end of South Mississippi to the other today so I have little to no time for blogging but here is a post for everyone so moved to comment. Here are a couple of items I know are floating about: Dominick Fazzio’s lawyer has a serious conflict of interest and … Continue reading “We have several items of interest floating about….”

Big D says he is innocent: A Heebe/River Birch sacrificial lamb update

His lawyers, especially the ones paid by River Birch, will guarantee Dominick Fazzio spends a long time behind bars for the defrauding of Garner Services in a brother-in-law deal with former Garner Exec Mark Titus. Paul Rioux has the skinny for the Times Picayune as we are again reminded why I think Ginger Berrigan will do her best … Continue reading “Big D says he is innocent: A Heebe/River Birch sacrificial lamb update”

Prisoner’s Dilemma back in the news….

Stephanie Grace and James Gill tacked the topic of the 7 year sentence given Rene Gill Pratt for her role in the Jefferson clan scheme to loot out bogus charities funded in part by state/federal earmarks.   We saw the outrage at the sentencing disparity between Betty Jefferson and Rene Gill Pratt on these pages late last week … Continue reading “Prisoner’s Dilemma back in the news….”

“Something is definitely rotten in Jefferson”: The (non)Performing Arts Center Boondoggle in the news…

Folks the topic of the ongoing boondoggle at the Jefferson Parish (non)Performing Arts Center is one that has been mentioned a time or two on these pages and even more offline but it is also a topic I have personally avoided delving into here on Slabbed because despite the fact the subject matter of a construction project … Continue reading ““Something is definitely rotten in Jefferson”: The (non)Performing Arts Center Boondoggle in the news…”