Boss Hogg crony Ashley Edwards named executive director of the Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission

Welp folks, hell must be freezing over as Hancock County has evidently run out of home grown political hacks and cronies to staff one of the local troughs. Hancock port board endorses governor’s staffer as new director ~ Anita Lee Hiring unqualified good ol boys to government jobs in Mississippi is nothing new as we’ve … Continue reading “Boss Hogg crony Ashley Edwards named executive director of the Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission”

Small and Mighty: Ocean Springs Beach Protest raises awareness of problems at the State Auditor’s Office

Pictures are indeed worth 1,000 words. Here is Bill Walker enjoying the company of his grandson while keeping an eye on the Beach Protest held outside the Stacey Pickering Fundraiser: Small Group of Protesters Picket Pickering in Ocean Springs ~ Warren Kulo As RFP pointed out in comments Warren was kind enough to link Slabbed’s … Continue reading “Small and Mighty: Ocean Springs Beach Protest raises awareness of problems at the State Auditor’s Office”

So the assemblage is calling for Mugshots…..

After covering a couple three of these criminal investigation thingys my best advice is patience as there is certainly lots happening in the background. For instance political favors are certainly being called etc etc as these things are undeniably intertwined with the criminal justice process. These are reasons that folks like Ray Ray the Chocolate … Continue reading “So the assemblage is calling for Mugshots…..”

We have a final IG report on the DMR Coastal Impact Program

But before we get to that I think we can now conclude that Jamie Miller released the preliminary report months after the fact in order to soften the blow in the final report, which he certainly knew was close to completion when he leaked the first report out to the Sun Herald. I have skimmed … Continue reading “We have a final IG report on the DMR Coastal Impact Program”

See why it is time for Vern and pals to go, know what I mean?

Behold the terrible price of unbridled greed! Inspector general audit questions millions in CIAP grants at DMR ~ Anita Lee and Paul Hampton Unfortunately the piece does not have the actual draft report but it is safe to say this is what happens when a gaggle of uninterested stooges, distracted by toys and freebie deep … Continue reading “See why it is time for Vern and pals to go, know what I mean?”

DMR Scandal Day 122: Sun Herald reports Tina Shumate the catalyst for DMR purchase of former DMR Executive Director’s son’s lot

Anita Lee is a champ as she and Karen Nelson tag team the next installment of as The Land Trust Turns.  In what turns out to be a weird cosmic twist of fate, I too spoke with Melanie Allen with the Land Trust in her capacity as an individual board member not speaking for the … Continue reading “DMR Scandal Day 122: Sun Herald reports Tina Shumate the catalyst for DMR purchase of former DMR Executive Director’s son’s lot”

Chaos theoria adhiberetur: Vehuntur Ursus

“Primus homo per parietem semper est cruentatus … semper” The above is a rough translation of the subject header on a congratulatory email I received on December 19, 2012 from a successful, highly respected trial lawyer. I think most everyone reading this recalls the events of that day. For the lawyer that wrote me, making US … Continue reading “Chaos theoria adhiberetur: Vehuntur Ursus”

Coast friends and family corruption roundup, sponsored by JaWa Investments LLC

This post is sponsored by JaWa Investments LLC ~ Purveyor of coastal crony capitalism since November 24, 2010 Janus takes unpaid leave as D’Iberville city manager ~ Mary Perez Folks the picture included with Perez’s story of Scott Walker and Michael Janus smiling big after taking their 6% cut off the top tells the entire tale IMHO. … Continue reading “Coast friends and family corruption roundup, sponsored by JaWa Investments LLC”

DMR Scandal Day 101: Bill Walker Speaks!

I’m going for my white shrimper boots ’cause it’s getting deep! DMR’s former chief denies wrongdoing through attorneys ~ Anita Lee What a way to introduce yourselves folks as Team Walker has lawyered up with State Farm’s Mississippi law firm Baker Donelson, one of the prototypical sleazebag large law firms we’ve profiled on the pages … Continue reading “DMR Scandal Day 101: Bill Walker Speaks!”

DMR Scandal day 99: Danny, I know I’m not that easy…..

Folks, we now have a free for all at DMR as Billy Walker and his co conspirators to the looting of the agency for their personal benefit are finally being thrown under the bus by Interim DMR Director Danny Guice and the embattled Commission on Marine Resources. I mention this because months after Tina Shumate’s double … Continue reading “DMR Scandal day 99: Danny, I know I’m not that easy…..”