Trout Point Lodge Trip Advisor: Let the traveler to Nova Scotia beware. A Charles Leary / Vaughn Perret business jackassery update.

Folks there would be reason that the reviews on the food at Trout Point Lodge that were not planted on Trip Advisor are bad but that is another post.  I simply wanted to use this post to highlight the fact that TripAdvisor seems to get it about Trout Point as they have added the following language to their Trout Point Lodge page:

Message from TripAdvisor: TripAdvisor has reasonable cause to believe that this property requires guests to agree not to post any opinions or photos of their stay on review sites such as TripAdvisor without the approval of the property. Please take this into consideration when researching your travel plans.

I also noted lots of people are finding Kirk Cheyfitz’s review on TripAdvisor “Hire a lawyer” very helpful. I know I do. Thanks Kirk!


9 thoughts on “Trout Point Lodge Trip Advisor: Let the traveler to Nova Scotia beware. A Charles Leary / Vaughn Perret business jackassery update.”

  1. Lodge Owners Vaughn Perret & Charles Leary owners of "Trout Point Lodge" in Nova Scotia have much to learn about Customer Service.

    There's no industry that DEMANDS customer service more than the hospitality industry — hotels, restaurants and related sectors.

    Defining Customer Service: The Customer’s Perception Is Our Reality
    by William F. Orilio, MHS / September 2004 .
    We’ve been told over and over, every time we come in contact with a customer,
    that we make a good impression or a bad one for the organization we represent.
    The gurus have taught us that these are called the “moments of truth”.
    That being the case, the first moment of truth takes place with a genuine and personal touch as soon as the guest walks in the front door.
    This sets the tone for the rest of the experience, and if it gets even better, the dining experience will be unforgettable.

  2. I agree Patricia, I am glad Trip Advisor posted that cautionary note. Sop, thanks for keeping the light on.

    When Kirk Cheyfitz posted his review I kept going back to see how management would reply. There is no reply. So that tells me they are not concerned about customer service.

    If you want to see a great way to reply to your customers check out the reviews for nearby Digby Pines Resort, I believe that is where Kirk ended up spending his holiday.


  4. This stuff about Gillespie and Harlow–it looks to me like they weren't so great at self-representation in that defamation case. The judge seemed pretty pissed off at their submissions (even had them sealed):
    [35] Most important, the counterclaim filed on behalf of Mr. Gillespie and the counterclaim filed on behalf of Ms. Harlow are unsustainable. I have read the documents each of which occupy eight pages of single spaced type but I do not intend to review them in further detail. In this respect I take the same position as Justice Cromwell did in Wall v. 679927 Ontario Limited 1999 CanLII 7240 (NS CA), (1999), 176 N.S.R. (2d) 96 with respect to affidavits. At page 110 he said:

    [41] Having reviewed the affidavit and the submissions of the parties, I conclude, with respect, that the Chambers judge erred in failing to make a clear ruling on the admissibility of the Carter affidavit. It was central to his conclusions and its admissibility, in its entirety, was objected to and the objection was fully argued. Moreover, significant portions of the affidavit are clearly irrelevant, scandalous or consist of innuendo and conjecture. The affidavit is so fundamentally defective that the court should not be required to take it apart in pieces to preserve some possibly admissible material. It should have been struck.

    [36] Pursuant to Rule 14.25 I find most of the counterclaim documents do not disclose a reasonable cause of action. I also find many facts to be scandalous and the documents with the material therein would certainly “delay the fair trial of the proceeding”. The document is “fundamentally defective” and I need not set out further examples of that which could be termed radical defects.

    [37] I strike the whole of the counterclaims . I direct that they be placed in a sealed envelope to be opened only by a judge of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia or a judge of the Court of Appeal of Nova Scotia. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Judicature Act I deem the sealing to be in the interest of the proper administration of justice. The sealed envelopes can remain in the court file.

    Also, the Times-Picayune wasn't the only one printing retractions. Gillespie did too:

    Sop, why didn't you keep us updated on that? I still think all of you are pretty perverse in all this. The way I read it, it ain't SLAPP if you're really defaming someone . . .


    1. Unfortunately Mr Gillespie doesn't enjoy my constitutional protections. I have a copy of that email too cher. All in due course.

      This Trout Point jackassery is the gift that keeps.on giving. Like Kirk I'm not backing down.


  5. Andrew, are you bringing up Gillespie and Harlow, Slapp and defamation in relation to Trip Advisor and Cheyfitz for some reason? Are you saying Cheyfitz is writing defamatory statements?If so, contact Trip Advisor and they will check it out, and if they find such,he will be banned from posting at that site. Hope that helps.

    1. What Andrew is saying is that between Leary and Perret there isn't but half a brain at work. He can't defend Leary's lies so he attacks Joyce and Timothy.

      No prettifying Leary and his compulsive lying.


  6. has anyone verified the backgrounds of these 2 guys? it strikes me that a person would spend the time and money to earn an ivy league Phd in modern Chinese history and the other a jd only to become a goat herder and then an innkeeper in bfe. both of these career changes at a fairly young age. i would estimate that both doctors spent more time earning the degrees than applying them professionally.

    1. I know all about them Junior. I've had people that know these guys going back a very long time talking to me for almost 2 years.

      Perret and Abel were the original couple. Abel is a good bit older and according to local lore sent Perret off to Cornell where he met Charles Leary which is how Leary ended up in Louisiana. Abel has been supporting them pretty much ever since and it was Abel's association with Aaron Broussard that connects him to the various failed business ventures. Abel also supports Shane "Whateverhislastnameisthgisweek" D'Antoni along with Shane's family.

      I think the best word that sums up Leary and Perret is "conniving". I'm told for instance that Vaughn Perret in fact hated Aaron Broussard and that when the Lodge had a vacancy, travelers booked into one of Broussard's properties usually got checked into the Lodge itself via a price match. The examples of such underhanded financial backstabbing litter the girl's past dating to their time they were goat herders in Bogalousa.

      I could go on and on but you know as long as Leary and Perret are on my string I gotta save some material for down the road. 😉


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