Goats on a rope: Jones Walker loses another media case

Here at Slabbed New Media we use winners only for the vital legal function as the Goatherders at Jones Walker’s Gulfport office lose yet again.

Judge finds DMR unable to give newspaper records in state auditor’s possession ~ Anita Lee

On deck for the Jones Walker gang, my prediction the Bay St Louis Comfort Station property owners litigation will crash and burn.  My understanding is there is a case out there on the I-110 loop that is on point to those issues.

The value in having good lawyers is they will also tell you when you don’t have a case instead of ginning fees in pursuit of lost causes.

2 thoughts on “Goats on a rope: Jones Walker loses another media case”

  1. Looks like you’ve learned a lesson that my clients “learned” over 20 years ago with the Louisiana Legislative auditor. If you want records hidden, have the auditor “audit” them and stonewall the public whhen they come in with public records requests.

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