With due respect to the artist, I thought Boss Hogg’s snout needed a redder hue

For you newbies, with this post you’ll find after all these years I still have fun doing this internet thang.

Barbour portrait unveiled at Mississippi Capitol ~ Emily Wagster Pettus

This is what I was speaking. Notice the wonderful pink color when Boss Hogg was in high cotton circa 2005.

Closeup photo Boss Hogg’s snout circa late 2005 after his niece got over $28MM in no bid minority set aside contracts from the SBA

And now today:

AP Photo / Rogelio V. Solis via The Sun Herald

I miss Boss Hogg. Phil Bryant is not nearly as fun nor is he half the Gov Boss Hogg was. 😉

3 thoughts on “With due respect to the artist, I thought Boss Hogg’s snout needed a redder hue”

  1. Can you please explain to me why this State insists on making this shill some kind of hero???? He has wasted our Katrina $$ and insisted that Corexit and oil was not harmful to the Coastal inhabitants. He is just a worn-out salesman….I am insulted that this State should have to endure looking at a painting of a conman when they visit OUR Capital! what a disgrace….

  2. P. S. I think Billy Hewes and Joey Zeigler’s photo would look great right up alongside of their buddy’s photo….they could be his herd of sheeple!!!

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