In this episode of Magnum JD: Magnum wins a reprieve in the Continental Casualty Suit.

Folks it is not a secret that Jeff Crouere’s girlfriend, Judge Martin Feldman does not have any fans on the Slabbed Editorial Board. That said even a broken clock is right two times a day and Feldman issued an order in the suit Continental Casualty v Magnum that I actually agree with. Even better Feldman nicely sums up the mess that is the multiple lawsuits involving Magnum and washed up actors Kevin Costner and Stephen Baldwin who are alleging Magnum defrauded them. Amazingly since we’ve picked up Magnum J.D. for broadcast on Slabbed, the Continental suit involves the second time we’ve highlighted a civil suit involving Mags and the legal concept of an insurers duty to defend. Unfortunately for Magnum first time around, Tom Porteous’ former law partner Robert Creely could not homecook the Hammer case in Magnum’s favor as ad hoc judge and was soundly reversed on appeal.

I’m not sure how this will unfold in the coming days as the suits are consolidated at the NOLA CDC but I can say we’ll have all the lowdown for you here on Slabbed.  (Calling Secret Agent 99….) I suspect if Continental pays for Magnum’s lawyers it will be after the case is over and I think when it is all said and done there is not much chance of that.

The order and reasons is below the folds.  Click the pic to get the 7 page PDF.

2 thoughts on “In this episode of Magnum JD: Magnum wins a reprieve in the Continental Casualty Suit.”

  1. Hey Slabbed!

    Any reports on the Magnum party for Nungesser last night? I heard there were very few people there. Magnum was a no-show and Nunny was late for the party.

    Nunny also in a little hot water for cancelling a couple of Baton Rouge forums. Check out my blog and other stories on Dead Pelican.

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