Garbage in, Garbage out: The trouble with keeping yer lies straight….. A River Birch contract evaluation update.

The old adage about the trouble with keeping lies straight came to mind yesterday as I read Paul Rioux’s T-P story on River Birch’s much ballyhooed contract evaluation performed by the rent an economist at Loren C. Scott and Associates.  Being a blog moderator has its advantages, especially when the ol’ memory bank is functioning on a high level and within 5 minutes I had 2 of our old posts on the yet to be released, Parish commissioned River Birch contract evaluation up and on Ready Five when life intervened and I was called to Buzzard’s Roost unexpectedly. That’s OK because our regular commenters have great memories too but before we get to that we must visit with Paul’s story and one particular excerpt which is most topical:

With a tipping fee of $20.66 per ton and an additional cost of $4.89 per ton to maintain its dump, the parish spent an estimated $6.5 million to dispose of 255,000 tons of trash in 2009, according to the study.

If the River Birch contract had been in effect, the parish would have paid a tipping fee of $19.22 per ton and no overhead costs for a total of $4.9 million, leaving a savings of $1.6 million, the study concluded.

Obviously I was not the only member of the Slabbed Nation that immediately saw the problem here as Telemachus’ comment on our last Paul Rioux River Birch post nailed it:

Council Chairman Tom Capella said he expects the council will approve the deal. Continue reading “Garbage in, Garbage out: The trouble with keeping yer lies straight….. A River Birch contract evaluation update.”