BREAKING: Waste Management files suit against River Birch, Heebe and Jim Ward.

Hat tip Jr in comments for linking the AP story on Fox 8 regarding same. The RICO complaint is full of salacious details as once again Heebe’s waterboys in the local media take center stage:

In addition to bribing public officials to directly pervert the political process, the River Birch Defendants took other actions to successfully manufacture the appearance of “public opposition” to that landfill so as to prevent or delay competition from Waste Management’s Chef Menteur facility. Specifically, the River Birch Defendants made a substantial, undisclosed interest free and unrecorded “loan” of $250,000 to radio host Garland Robinette after Mr. Robinette, armed with false and misleading information in direct contravention of the LDEQ’s informed opinion, routinely railed against the purportedly harmful environmental consequences of opening and operating the Chef Menteur and Old Gentilly landfills. So effective was Mr. Robinette in corrupting the public dialogue that even the LDEQ felt it was unable to communicate its position on the benefits of the Chef Menteur and Old Gentilly landfills as safe and valuable alternatives to disposal at the River Birch landfills.

And Team Waste Management is squarely targeting Heebe’s lawyers as it appears they are witnesses to this entire affair: Continue reading “BREAKING: Waste Management files suit against River Birch, Heebe and Jim Ward.”

How about a Wednesday Slabb-a-leak…


From: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 20083:13 PM
To: Tim Coulon
Subject: Payroll 10/08

See attached

You owe

Hippo $3755.00
Dawn $3087.25

FYI-Your profit is $10,556.35 Continue reading “How about a Wednesday Slabb-a-leak…”

One acronym fits it all folks: RICO. The Legislative Auditor report on Jefferson Parish finds probable payroll fraud.

Many months and resignations later, Louisiana Legislative Auditor Daryl Purpera has issued a report on the question of payroll fraud in the Jefferson Parish Attorney’s Office and the answer is yes Virginia, Aaron Broussard, Tom Wilkinson and Tim Whitmer are likely petty criminals that used the Parish’s payroll system to enrich relative and crony alike.  The media coverage of the report has been extensive and I’m not going to reinvent the wheel in the interest of time. That said there are 3 points I want to stress:

1. A reader sent us the link to the Fox 8 report. By rights we should be highlighting their coverage since it was their reporter Val Bracy, who broke much of this news. Fox 8, which is owned by Tom Benson, in a move that rivals the stupidity in hiring Mike Ditka to coach the Saints, did not renew Val’s contract and she left the air in August.  She deserves a Peabody Award for her Jefferson Parish reporting IMHO.  None of Val’s sources on Jefferson Parish trust Lee Zurich and I’m not saying that to be ugly to Lee, who I enjoy watching. It is just a simple fact.

2. Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court John Gegenheimer has been caught in a lie and is now trying to weasel his way out of it.  We call politicians who do this ‘Lying Sacks of Shit” here on Slabbed but Gegenheimer has good company there as we’ve called the Prez the same thing. Continue reading “One acronym fits it all folks: RICO. The Legislative Auditor report on Jefferson Parish finds probable payroll fraud.”

Slabbed takes a look back at Theriot v Cyberspace and ties a few things together as we again call for his resignation.

Steve Theriot / Times Picayune Archival Photo

I recently had one of those famous Slabbed Ah-Ha moments where what seemed to be unrelated events clicked. The result is this post as we can examine the recent events that ended with Mr Theriot withdrawing his very ill advised lawsuit against the blogosphere in context. Unfortunately I’ll also explain why the Slabbed Nation should remained armed and vigilant as the thugs on the Parish Council and their waterboy Steve Theriot are busy hatching the next scheme to eliminate dissent inside Parish Government and trample the free speech rights of those who comment on Parish Government from the outside. Let’s begin with the Ah-Ha moment which came courtesy of a recent article by Rich Rainey at the Times Picayune:

The Internet has become an electrified third rail in Jefferson Parish government.

Most recently, interim Parish President Steve Theriot sued to uncover the identities behind anonymous user names on the website After enduring days of public scoffing, he dropped the lawsuit this week.

But his administration’s wrestling with the online world goes back further.

In January, when Theriot took office in the dust storm of Aaron Broussard’s resignation, chief administrative officer Jose Gonzalez — himself newly appointed after Broussard’s top executive, Tim Whitmer, resigned — said he discovered a wide swath of parish employees with Internet access were abusing it. Continue reading “Slabbed takes a look back at Theriot v Cyberspace and ties a few things together as we again call for his resignation.”

WWL reports “New JP vendors linked to Whitmer”

One last read- around the media linked on SLABBED before calling it a day turned up the WWL story New JP Vendors linked to Whitmer.

In the weeks and months since former Jefferson Parish CAO Tim Whitmer resigned, federal and state investigators have been pouring over his documents and computer files.  Whitmer left his job in January. Records revealed that his private insurance company, Lagniappe Industries and his associates were doing business with parish contractors and vendors.

Interim Parish President Steve Theriot told Eyewitness News, information just surfaced, linking another handful of companies to Whitmer through another insurance company the THT Group. THT is the partnership between Whitmer, former Jefferson Parish President Tim Coulon and the late Maurice “Hippo” Katz..

“We had about five or six of those who procured their insurance from a vendor not related to them, but unbeknownst to them their commissions were being shared to THT,” said Theriot.

Theriot says the new names came from Whitmer’s computer which was seized by investigators. “On Mr. Whitmer’s computer there was information about THT which I guess Lagniappe was doing business as THT that names of companies who had not previously been disclosed were being recorded as having commissions earned,” said Theriot.

The parish council has already terminated some contracts with companies that “knowingly” bought insurance policies from Whitmer’s companies.  Theriot says that may not be the case with the vendors that recently turned up on Whitmer’s computer.  “They’d done business with another company who in turn was giving commissions to THT,” said Theriot. “The person who bought the policy has no knowledge of it.”

Theriot would not reveal the names of the vendors or the company splitting commissions with THT.

View the video and read the rest of the story at