The Hayride goes postal on John Alario. A corruption makes for strange bedfellows update. :-)

Well folks what can I say except Slabbed is  loved both by conservatives and progressives. Of late it has been the GOP that has reached out to Slabbed finding common ground with us on the subject of certain crooks such as newly minted Republican John Alario and SPEECH.  So along those lines Scott McKay at the Hayride, a hard-line republican resource that is listed in our blogroll, has done a couple of posts on why Alario is dangerous to Louisiana that are worth linking here on Slabbed:

RINO’s And Democrats Seem Intent On Making Alario Senate President

The Anti-Alario Effort Moves To Facebook

I’m not much on partisan politics folks but in Alario’s case, Scott makes the case IMHO. Both links are well worth reading. To add to the general discussion has anyone seen Alario’s protegé Steve TheRiot lately?


Nope we’re definitely not in Kansas anymore Toto. Rich Rainey at the T-P reveals full list of Heebe’s “Lobbists”.

Come on everyone sing, sing sing…….

There’s no controlling the unrolling of your fate, my friend,
Who knows what’s written in the magic book.

Gov. Bobby Jindal’s chief of staff, his coastal issues adviser and almost three dozen other people were identified as “lobbyists” whom embattled landfill owner Fred Heebe could use to promote his interests and stamp out competition, according to a copy of a list from Heebe’s private records.

The lobbyist list, which was seized in the raid, is marked as being revised in March 2007, indicating that other versions of it existed. Heebe’s attorney, Billy Gibbens, wouldn’t comment Wednesday.

Jindal’s chief of staff, Timmy Teepell, said he knew nothing about being on the list and that the FBI hadn’t contacted him. He also said he has no financial relationship with Heebe or River Birch. He did say that he considers Heebe “a friend” through his involvement in Jindal’s various political campaigns. Continue reading “Nope we’re definitely not in Kansas anymore Toto. Rich Rainey at the T-P reveals full list of Heebe’s “Lobbists”.”

The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and

Criminal Malfeasance, as defined by the Legislature and understood here in Jefferson Parish, has a dual definition:

FIRST THE LAW… apparently enacted to stay in a book and not be applied:


§134. Malfeasance in office

NOTE: §134 eff. until Aug. 15, 2011. See Acts 2010, No. 811, §1.

Malfeasance in office is committed when any public officer or public employee shall:

(1) Intentionally refuse or fail to perform any duty lawfully required of him, as such officer or employee; or

(2) Intentionally perform any such duty in an unlawful manner; or

(3) Knowingly permit any other public officer or public employee, under his authority, to intentionally refuse or fail to perform any duty lawfully required of him, or to perform any such duty in an unlawful manner.

Any duty lawfully required of a public officer or public employee when delegated by him to a public officer or public employee shall be deemed to be a lawful duty of such public officer or employee. The delegation of such lawful duty shall not relieve the public officer or employee of his lawful duty. Continue reading “The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and”

The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and

The ‘Little Man’ Uncle Carlos (as in Marcello) must be all a glee in his grave to think that the political elite of Jefferson Parish have chosen as their persona, wannabe wise guys, just like his ‘family’ of the past.

And what about this thing, this MAFIOSO thing, that attracts our Parish politicians: from Judge to Parish President, from Council member to Clerk of Court, from a Chief of Police to School Board member, from Mayor to State legislator? Jefferson Parish’s Political establishment’s shocking and disturbing characterization of themselves, both in public projection and by emulating the “Thug Mentality” associated with a mafia family does in fact identify these individuals with what the adopted analogy implies, ORGANIZED CRIME!

Simply stated another way, we have a entrenched, incestuous, arrogant, self-entitlement, retirement junkie Politico Class that do what they ‘wanna do…whatz youz going to do about it?’

Here are some examples of such abominable public exhibition: Continue reading “The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and”

Its Official! The River Birch Deal with Jefferson Parish is a bad deal for Jefferson Parish. A 1 plus 1 equals 2 update.

Folks, whether it’s insurance or a landfill deal, when you strip away the bullshit and (itinerate stench) and follow the money 1 plus 1 indeed still does equal 2.  That said, with the eyes of the Slabbed Nation upon them, the folks at Providence Engineering and Postlethwaite & Netterville have stripped away Fred Heebe, Tom Wilkinson and Tim Whitmer’s bullshit and indeed found that River Birch will cost the taxpayers of Jefferson Parish more money instead of delivering promised savings.  I suspect newly minted GOPer John Alario and his band of West Bank criminal idiots is not taking this news well.

Paul Rioux delivered the late Friday evening scoop for the Times Piacyune.

“Well, kiss my assessor” – James Gill on the retirement of Lawrence Chehardy

I missed Gill’s column in Wednesday’s Times Picayune (which isn’t all I’ve missed over the holidays) and, then, the spam filter caught the email tip sent by a reader – but no one should miss reading, Assessing a lifetime in Jeff politics:

Lawrence Chehardy’s retirement after 34 years as Jefferson Parish assessor brings to mind the Samuel Johnson crack: “That fellow seems to me to possess but one idea, and that is a wrong one.”

Chehardy’s wrong idea — that the homestead exemption should not only be retained but periodically raised — certainly resonated with the voters, however. It did not originate with him but came with the job, which he landed 34 years ago in a triumph of nepotism over democracy.

Daddy, the wildly popular long-term incumbent, drew no challengers when he came up for re-election until his 22-year-old law-student son turned up clutching his qualification papers with minutes to spare.

The mantle was passed seamlessly. Chehardy pere had appropriated the homestead exemption as his signature issue and parlayed it into a position atop the parish’s political establishment, where he and then-District Attorney John Mamoulides stuffed the courts with their protégés.

The elder Chehardy himself waltzed into a seat on the state court of appeal, while his heir took over as the exemption’s most vocal proponent, winning re-election hands down ever since.

The most bizarre aspect of the story is Continue reading ““Well, kiss my assessor” – James Gill on the retirement of Lawrence Chehardy”