Yes Virginia, these new age Coastie politicians are rotten to the core.

If memory serves Michael Janus and our fluffer Congressman are lifelong associates: Michael Janus, a man who Congressman Steven Palazzo described as a “close friend of my family for years” was formally named Palazzo’s chief of staff on Thursday. The families that politic together thieve together as well: ‘Oversights’ disclosed in $3M BP grant ~ … Continue reading “Yes Virginia, these new age Coastie politicians are rotten to the core.”

DMR friends and family scandal day 62: Billy Walker is now not the only one with pictures on ’em (Updated)

No siree as Patricia is now on the case. @SLABBEDblog DMR's Vernon Asper continues legacy of KNOW NOTHINGS — Patricia (@zeldafaybaker) December 26, 2012 Meantime Elizabeth Rooks-Barber has written a letter to the editor of the Sun Herald taking umbrage with the fact she has been pegged as one of the little political piggy beneficiaries of … Continue reading “DMR friends and family scandal day 62: Billy Walker is now not the only one with pictures on ’em (Updated)”

DMR Scandal day 59: Like I said Billy Walker has pictures on ’em

OK folks excuse me while I take a few victory laps for my prediction about Walker having pictures on everyone. Well, I took the lap but I’m not the champ, actually we have co-champs in Michael Newsom, Karen Nelson and Anita Lee at the Sun Herald because today they dare to ask the question, “Exactly … Continue reading “DMR Scandal day 59: Like I said Billy Walker has pictures on ’em”

Tater Nuts problems just keep getting worser and worser. A periodic report on Ocean Springs Alderman James Hagan and his mounting legal problems.

Well folks, in the past month Hagan has been arrested for getting fresh with a 15 year old girl and having child porn on his city owned notebook computer that he previously had claimed was lost.  Today the Sun Herald’s Margaret Baker checks in with a civil suit filed against Hagan by the Ameristar Casino Hotel. … Continue reading “Tater Nuts problems just keep getting worser and worser. A periodic report on Ocean Springs Alderman James Hagan and his mounting legal problems.”

NAMBLA opens a chapter in Ocean Springs: Tater Nut’s legal troubles getting worse.

Well folks we have Southhaven Mayor Greg Davis breaking into the Slabbed news cycle of late, so why not Ocean Springs Alderman James Hagan too?  Seems poor James, fresh off his arrest for getting fresh with a 15-year-old girl, has been arrested again for having child porn on his city issued notebook computer that he supposedly had … Continue reading “NAMBLA opens a chapter in Ocean Springs: Tater Nut’s legal troubles getting worse.”

Out of control partying trumps the cause, like there ever was one: A Steven Palazzo jackassery update.

If I had a nickel for everyone that has told me they made a mistake voting to throw out Gene Taylor out of congress last year, someone else would be moderating Slabbed and I’d be retired. From the wild Palazzo party files via Roll Call: Palazzo had invited friends and family to Annapolis, Md., for a … Continue reading “Out of control partying trumps the cause, like there ever was one: A Steven Palazzo jackassery update.”

Rotten to the core: A few stories I am following today.

Folks each of these news stories deserve their own post and in time most will be featured but for now here are some links that interested me this morning. Please feel free to add your own in comments that fit the theme: ~ sop Police say they have a confession in the murder of a Dominican priest … Continue reading “Rotten to the core: A few stories I am following today.”

From the mailbag: Angela from Kansas City requested an interview. A stupid is as stupid does update.

Well, it got so that every piss-ant prairie punk who thought he could shoot a gun would ride into town to try out the Waco Kid. I must have killed more men than Cecil B. DeMille. It got pretty gritty. I started to hear the word “draw” in my sleep. Then one day, I was just … Continue reading “From the mailbag: Angela from Kansas City requested an interview. A stupid is as stupid does update.”

Slabbed Mississippi political news miscellany: Drunken domestic abuse edition.

We’ve covered the ongoing stories of 2 good examples of how not to behave in political hack Scott Walker of Ocean Springs and executive director Butch Brown of MDOT and there is news regarding both men here in the local press we must highlight for the Slabbed Nation. Let’s begin with Brown, who was found sleeping at … Continue reading “Slabbed Mississippi political news miscellany: Drunken domestic abuse edition.”