Dirty deeds done dirt cheap: Slabbed explores the genesis of the Trout Point Development and certain land sales to Aaron Broussard and his cronies.

July 22, 2001 Sunday Nova Scotia Nirvana; Trout Point Lodge is rich in Louisiana roots, an hour from the Evangeline Trail, co-owned by New Orleanians who used to make cheese at the north shore’s Chicory Farm. But it’s decidedly Canadian, an unparalleled wilderness experience in the lap of luxury.BYLINE: By Millie Ball; Travel editor SECTION: … Continue reading “Dirty deeds done dirt cheap: Slabbed explores the genesis of the Trout Point Development and certain land sales to Aaron Broussard and his cronies.”

Let’s talk a bit more about Aaron Broussard’s “evidence of other crimes” involving the resort at Trout Point Nova Scotia and the use of SLAPP suits by his business associates in Canada.

After reading Drew Broach’s piece and the latest filing by the federal prosecutors in the bribery case involving disgraced former Parish President Aaron Broussard I came away with the distinct feeling I had seen the name of his original Louisiana based LLC set up to accept bribes from Parish contractors that went to buy real … Continue reading “Let’s talk a bit more about Aaron Broussard’s “evidence of other crimes” involving the resort at Trout Point Nova Scotia and the use of SLAPP suits by his business associates in Canada.”

Jim Brown

Thursday, August 30th, 2012 Baton Rouge, Louisiana FORTY EIGHT YEARS OF POLITICAL CONVENTIONS Some 4000 Republican delegates and party officials are converging in Tampa this week, with Democrats heading for Charlotte next week. Network television stations are allowing only three hours of national coverage for each convention. So voters apparently are just not tuning in, … Continue reading “Jim Brown”

Jim Brown

Thursday, August 16th, 2012 Baton Rouge, Louisiana JINDAL NEVER REALLY IN THE RUNNING FOR VICE PRESIDENT! A year ago he was an intriguing possible choice. Key Romney operatives were putting Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal on their “watch list.” The young Bayou State’s chief executive had conservative stalwarts like Rush Limbaugh and Bill Krystol praising his strong credentials … Continue reading “Jim Brown”

It’s a Slabbed Wednesday Drill Down: A Pacaccio by another name……

Let’s first review: A perusal of Jeff Net indicates Ms Pacaccio’s star witness is none other than disgraced former Parish Prez turned government informant Tim Coulon, who I am certain can well illuminate Ms Pacaccio’s tenure on the 10th floor of the Yenni Building. I decided not to wait for Tiny Tim to illuminate. Click the pic to get … Continue reading “It’s a Slabbed Wednesday Drill Down: A Pacaccio by another name……”

Let’s chat about the media and Aaron Broussard’s relationship with First Bank and Trust and tie a few things together. Part 1

OK folks it is time to come clean, sort of anyway.  Since late July I have been publishing documents courtesy of my fictional “gabby cousin Slabb O’Leak” that really did not come from him.  😉  Actually some of y’all may have noticed some redactions that are beyond my control but suffice it to say that I have … Continue reading “Let’s chat about the media and Aaron Broussard’s relationship with First Bank and Trust and tie a few things together. Part 1”

File this one under they were ignorant until the very end…. (revised)

First the disclaimer. Attorney Bobby Truitt represents Slabbed in its free speech fight against Aaron Broussard’s former business associates at Trout Point Lodge. Second I contacted Mr. Truitt for comment on the following documents, which my Gabby cousin Slabb O’Leak laid on me yesterday and he declined. So folks to understand the significance of these documents and my post … Continue reading “File this one under they were ignorant until the very end…. (revised)”

Citizens for Good Government issues statement on the return of the Vandenweghe hard drive.

Supporters of Good Government: You may have noticed in Saturday’s Times-Picayune that ex-Assistant Jefferson Parish Attorney Anne Marie Vandenweghe “has struck an arrangement with the parish attorney’s office to have her emails and a copy of the hard drive of her work computer returned to her,” according to her attorney, Bobby Truitt. This article may … Continue reading “Citizens for Good Government issues statement on the return of the Vandenweghe hard drive.”

The problem with the media coverage of Tourism Libelists Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret in Canada is it is built upon a foundation of straw.

Folks I warned Toronto Star reporter Richard J. Brennan this story was far more complicated and nuanced than he was lead to believe and I encouraged him to contact media outlets and the local authorities before wielding the hatchet to us.  Unfortunately he had his mind made up when he called me how he was … Continue reading “The problem with the media coverage of Tourism Libelists Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret in Canada is it is built upon a foundation of straw.”

And so it was 10 plus years ago at Trout Point Lodge….

For my part I deem those blessed to whom, by favour of the gods, it has been granted either to do what is worth writing of, or to write what is worth reading; above measure blessed those on whom both gifts have been conferred. In the latter number will be my uncle, by virtue of … Continue reading “And so it was 10 plus years ago at Trout Point Lodge….”