Public outrage on display Part 1: Some thoughts on the Broussard sentencing.

A day has elapsed since yesterday’s sentencing hearing for Karen Parker, Tom Wilkinson and Aaron Broussard in Judge Head’s temporary courtroom on Camp Street and the accounting by the media of yesterday’s events is almost complete, “almost” being because I have not chipped in my two cents worth. First up I need to highlight Jason at American … Continue reading “Public outrage on display Part 1: Some thoughts on the Broussard sentencing.”

Slabbed examines the harassment of private citizens expressing their opinion on Jefferson Parish Corruption: Part 3

Part 2 of this series ended with the allegations contained in the Concrete Busters lawsuit that Fred Heebe, along with several co-conspirators has been waging a coordinated campaign to unmask and otherwise harass internet commenters sharing information on the political scandal in Jefferson Parish.  I’ve always pointed to the first post I did on Aaron … Continue reading “Slabbed examines the harassment of private citizens expressing their opinion on Jefferson Parish Corruption: Part 3”

Is the Louisiana 24th JDC incapable of dispensing justice in public records cases involving the politically connected?

Folks that has certainly been my experience after covering Judge Ross LaDart’s attempted home cooking of Anne Marie Vandenweghe’s public records suit back in 2010 and 2011 so along those lines it comes as no surprise that Judge Glenn Ansardi, a close friend of the disgraced former Goatherder in Chief and the Kenner political mafioso would … Continue reading “Is the Louisiana 24th JDC incapable of dispensing justice in public records cases involving the politically connected?”

At today’s Jefferson Parish Council meeting……..

I’m getting word the gang spent 90 minutes or so behind closed-doors discussing the Vandenweghe v Parish of Jefferson. For those of you catching up Anne Marie Vandenweghe was harassed and ultimately fired from her job in the Parish Attorney’s office because she was seen as cooperating too vigorously with federal prosecutors investigating Broussard era corruption. To the extent … Continue reading “At today’s Jefferson Parish Council meeting……..”

Guest post: Republicans now the official party of corruption in the South

Eric Hoffer once wrote, “Up to now, America has not been a good milieu for the rise of a mass movement. What starts out here as a mass movement ends up as a racket, a cult, or a corporation.” This comment is frequently misquoted, but the idea is always basically the same. The Republican Party … Continue reading “Guest post: Republicans now the official party of corruption in the South”

Perricone disaster overnight miscellany: The heat is on

Indeed it is folks as we start with Times Picayune Editor Gordon Russell: Got an email from Sal Perricone. He seems a little hacked off with me. Says I’m in league w/ Fred Heebe, among other things. — Gordon Russell (@GordonRussell1) November 29, 2012 At this point I’d like to say it was not a … Continue reading “Perricone disaster overnight miscellany: The heat is on”

Jim Brown’s Weekly Column: Romney – If he had only listened to his instincts

Friday, November 8th, 2012 Baton Rouge, Louisiana ROMNEY–IF ONLY HE HAD LISTENED TO HIS INSTINCTS! Mitt Romney took the stage Tuesday night to concede that he had lost his race for president. He came on stage alone, with no family in teary-eyed support. He stood with manliness and grace, and said all the right things. … Continue reading “Jim Brown’s Weekly Column: Romney – If he had only listened to his instincts”

Da Banana gets AMV’s personnel file while the gang plotted to figure out what she had given the Federal Grand Jury

What I do not understand is why TheRiot turned to the Parish’s Homeland Security people instead of Human Resources when he sent Anne Marie Vandenweghe home back in February, 2010 while claiming she was a deadhead employee that did nothing but blog on company time? She obviously was doing something because she had this hard drive with … Continue reading “Da Banana gets AMV’s personnel file while the gang plotted to figure out what she had given the Federal Grand Jury”

Meet the thugs that once ruled Jefferson Parish as Slabbed presents TheRiot and the noise makers (Updated)

Very soon I’ll be rolling out a post which will unify former Parish Prez Steve Theriot’s suit against the blogosphere to later Goatherder legal jackassery but before I can do that we must hop in the way back machine to that magical day in February, 2010 when TheRiot sent Anne Marie Vandenweghe home claiming she … Continue reading “Meet the thugs that once ruled Jefferson Parish as Slabbed presents TheRiot and the noise makers (Updated)

Slabbed explores Aaron Broussard’s role in selling overseas investments for Danny Abel, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret as we reintroduce Cerro Coyote SA to the Slabb

Yesterday I posted the text of a letter written to Aaron Broussard in June, 2007, a letter I obtained via Public Records Request to Jefferson Parish.  You see folks Aaron Broussard the Parish Prez and Aaron Broussard, Inc are indeed a distinction without a difference as he commingled his personal affairs with his official duties as Parish President.  … Continue reading “Slabbed explores Aaron Broussard’s role in selling overseas investments for Danny Abel, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret as we reintroduce Cerro Coyote SA to the Slabb”